TE Command Post Overview

Hello Fellow TE Users,

I love TE Command Post! This program just is amazing!

Paul Kinder and Tim Rash have designed and built
a site that fills a HUGE gap in the traffic exchange
market. It’s something that surfers have needed
for years without ever really knowing it.

TE Command Post has really transformed my Traffic Exchange advertising.
And it can do the same for you too.

TE Command Post allows you to command your credits and control your time with push button simplicity.

Here is what you will receive when you claim your instant free acount.

  • Up to the minute account information for every listed traffic exchange almost instantly.
  • How many credits/banners/texts you have waiting to be assigned
  • How many credits/banners/texts you have already assigned
  • Which url’s are running low on credits
  • High converting Affiliate Tools designed to build your downlines fast and bring you passive recurring affiliate commissions for many traffic-related sites
  • TWO downline builders to get you passive referrals.
  • A HUGE list of extra features for upgraded members.

Take Command Today!

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 100)

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.
Your comments, support and upvotes are very much appreciated!

You can also read and comment at the Hive Block Chain!
I will upvote your comments and you can earn some Crypto. when was the last time you got paid to make a comment on Facebook or Twitter?

Volume 100!

Wow it is hard to believe that I have now published 100 weekly newsletters for Tornado Traffic. In honor of that here is a special Promo Code: news100. Surf 100 pages and receive 100 credits, 100 text ad impressions and 100 banner impressions.

The 30 Day Content Challenge Continues!

Click Track Profit has launced “The 30 Day Content Challenge” to help everyone who participates expand there brand, reputation and presence on the internet.

The main purpose is to challenge you to create new content every day for 30 days.

You can get all the information you need and register by reading This Post. You could win $1,000 in Hive and Hive-Engine Tokens

The number 1 rule is you must add this tag in your posts so they can be found. #ctpcontent Be sure it is added to the tags section at the bottom of your post.

Here is a review of what I have published so far.

Week 1

  1. challenge intro 8/15
  2. weekly newsletter 8/16
  3. Banners and text ads 8/17
  4. GLN Training review 8/18
  5. gmail filter video 8/19
  6. Fuel Conference 8/20
  7. Free Advertising for You 8/21

week 2

  1. About me 8/22
  2. weekly newsletter 8/23
  3. intellibanners 8/24
  4. video preview 8/25
  5. viral mail profits 8/26
  6. diabetes 8/27
  7. 13 deadly tragedies 8/28

week 3

  1. plus 1 succcess 8/29
  2. weekly newsletter 8/30

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.


TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 8/30
Clickroads TE and Traffic Pirate Hits

Tuesday 8/31
4-way with 4 Promos TE, Silver Mountain Traffic, Traffic Jenie

Wednesday 9/1
Stellar Hits and Viral Hits 4 U

Thursday 9/2
Hummingbird Hits and a 3-way with Jaguar Hits/ Supernatural Hits

Friday 9/3
Spy Bubble Power, Dolphin Clicks and The Hit Hound

Saturday 9/4
A Team Traffic and Squirly Traffic

Sunday 9/5
Red Stag Hits and Stealth Hits

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits,
banner and text ad impressions, weekly83095. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages
at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

An Overview of Viral Mail Profits

Hello Everyone,

In the above video I give you an overview of some of the best aspects of
Viral Mail Profits and how to best use this amazing program.

If you use Safelists and Viral Mailers this is a very valuable tool. It will streamline your mailing efforts and make it much easier and faster.

I hope you enjoy the video.

I am looking forward to seeing your comments and feedback

To Our Mutual Success
Steven Ackerman

A Glimpse Into the Near Future

Hello everyone,

Over the next few days I have plans to record a few how-to videos for some online programs that I use on a regular basis.

One of them is a program called Viral Mail Profits. This program puts all of your mailers, titles and ad copy on one place. This makes it very easy and convenient to send out your ads to many safelists and viral mailers it much less time than what it usually takes to send to multiple mailers.

Another program that I want to create a video for is called TE Command Post. This program keeps track of all of your traffic exchanges. That includes your credits, banners, text ads and even your commissions.

Both of these programs also act as downline builders for other programs you belong to. What that means is if you recruit others to either of these programs, they may join you in the other programs that are included in the downline builder.

I was going to do at least one of these videos today, but since I had to work my offline job today I didn’t have time.

Plus, the management company for my apartment building was doing some major remodeling in my bathroom. My wife and I are getting a brand new shower installed! So it was very noisy in my apartment, Not very condusive to producing videos.

Be looking for these videos in the next few days. I will be looking forward to your feedback.

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

So, What’s Next?

Hello Everyone,

Today I attended the weekly training session for Genesis Lifestyle System. Janet did a great job as she always does.

Today’s subject was “What do I do now that my traffic is coming in?”

The biggest thing I took away from this training is the importance of following up with your leads. I have to admit, this is not my strong suit. Regardless of that, I listened to what Janet had to say and actually did some followup. We will see how that plays out.

Janet also issued us a challenge, which I know we can all do and which will help all of our businesses.

Contact at least 2 of your “Facebook Friends” everyday for the next week and just start a conversation. DO NOT try to sell them on what you have to offer but rather ask them what they are doing. Start a dialog! Who knows where that may lead. I am sure most of us have a large list of “Facebook Friends” who we have never spoken to or have not talked to for a very long time.

She also suggested that, before you contact them, look over their timeline and see what they are posting about to determine if this is some one you would be interested in getting to know better.

Remember the old saying, “People buy from those they know, like and trust.” Let’s get to know them!

I want to say thank you to Janet for taking the time to do these very valuable tranings every Wednesday. I always learn a lot when I am able to attend.

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

P.S. This is my day 4 entry for the Click Track Profit 30 day content challenge. #ctpcontent

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume96)

Tornado Traffic Weekly news

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.
Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!

Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

Birthday Promo Code Extended!

I made a mistake with the special Birthday Promo Code! Happy Birthday. So I have extended it for one more day. Surf 211 pages and receive 1000 credits, 1000 banner impressions and 1000 text ad impressions!

I appologize to those who tried to claim this promo code and were unable to take advantage of it.

The Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest has Ended

The Summer Referral contest came to an end on July 31st. I want to thank everyone the participated.

Congratulations to the winners. If your username is in the chart below, your prize has been added to your account.

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.


TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 8/2
Kiwi Hits Plus, TE Surf League and Traffic Invaders

Tuesday 8/3
Bunny Hits, Cougar Traffic and Hits Voodoo

Wednesday 8/4
Stellar Hits and Viral Hits 4 U

Thursday 8/5
Hummingbird Hits and a 3-way with Jaguar Hits/Supernatural Hits

Friday 8/6
Spy Bubble Power, Dolphin Clicks and The Hit Hound

Saturday 8/7
A Team Traffic and Squirly Traffic

Sunday 8/8
My Own Downline and Smart Marketing Group

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits, banner and text ad impressions, weekly8288. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 87)

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.

Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!
Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest!

We will continue running the Summer Referral Contest until 7/31/21,
which is our 4th Birthday!

There will be a total of 10 prizes awarded with the top prize of
5000 credits, 5000 banner impressions, 5000 text ad impressions and $25 USD.

If you would like a personalized copy of the Contest Page,
with your referral link and picture, send me a support ticket at
Tornado Traffic and I will make a page for you.

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 5/31
4-way with 4 Promos TE, Silver Mountain Traffic and Traffic Jenie

Tuesday 6/1
Bunny Hits, Cougar Traffic and Hits Voodoo

Wednesday 6/2
Stellar Hits and Viral Hits 4 U

Thursday 6/3
Hummingbird Hits and a 3-way with Jaguar Hits/ Supernatural Hits

Friday 6/4
Spy Bubble Power, Dolphin Clicks and The Hit Hound

Saturday 6/5
A Team Traffic and Squirly Traffic

Sunday 6/6
Red Stag Hits and Stealth Hits

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits, banner and text ad impressions, weekly53166. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Plus 1 Success

Here is a free gift. No opt in required!

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest!

We will be running a Summer Referral Contest from now until 7/31/21,
which is our 4th Birthday!

There will be a total of 10 prizes awarded with the top prize of
5000 credits, 5000 banner impressions, 5000 text ad impressions and $25 USD.

If you would like a personalized copy of the Contest Page,
with your referral link and picture, send me a support ticket at
Tornado Traffic and I will make a page for you.