Do you use Viral Mailers? They have been around for a very long time, about 20 years now and I’ve been using them since the started.
In the beginning, Mailers were created to avoid spam. Mailers became a safe place to send your email ads to a list of interested prospects.
When Viral Mailers first arrived on the scene they were referred to as Safelists because they were a safe place to advertise.
Today, Viral Mailers are so much more! Viral Mailers have become communities of like minded individuals.
Aside from the ability to send your ad to registered members, you can also place banner ads and text ads in the system of most mailers. Your banner and text ad will rotate and be shown to all the active members of the mailer.
Below, are the three mailers that we personally own and manage. These mailers give consistent results with every mailing.
Prospect Geyser Coop
Genie Mailer
Stay at Home Mailer
Other Recommended Mailers
Referral Frenzy is a one stop program where you can join the best of the best in Viral Mailers and send your ad to ALL mailers with one click. You will find all 3 of our mailers inside Referral Frenzy. We highly recommend RF!

Steps to setup and use Viral Mailers
- Create a Gmail account specifically for your mailers (ie where name is your name)
- Login and update your profile
- Setup banner & text ads
- Send your email ad
- Schedule your next mailing (some mailers are daily, some are every 2 or 3 days and some are weekly)
- Share your affiliate link to sponsor other members to the mailer.
CAUTION: When starting out with Viral Mailers, it’s best to start small and add new mailers are you are comfortable using them. One can become overwhelmed with emails.