PMA Positive Mental Attitude

Today, we are going to venture into the Power of a Positive Mental Attitude. First, let’s talk about the difference between inspiration and motivation.

What is the difference between Inspiration and Motivation?

Inspiration:  The infusion or arousal in the mind of some idea, feeling or impulse, especially one that leads to creative action. Inspiration come from the “inside”

Motivation:  The act of providing an incentive; the process that arouses, sustains and regulates human and animal behaviour. Motivation comes from the “outside”

What is a Positive Mental Attitude

Positive mental attitude (PMA) is the philosophy that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement. It employs a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances. It opposes negativity, defeatism and hopelessness.

How do you create a Positive Attitude?

Devlyn Steele:  “Your Attitude Is Your Decision So Decide To Make It A Good One.”

Regardless of the situation, you can decide to find the good, you can decide to be nice, you can decide to smile, you can have a better attitude.

Be HONEST with yourself

Do you feel good? Physically and Mentally?
Are you happy? Are you smiling all the time?
Are you where you want to be in your life?
How do you FEEL – Really FEEL!
Are you living the life you dream of?

Focus Your Mind on Positive Thoughts

Create a dream board with pictures of items that make you feel good, items you want to buy, places you want to go, people you want in your life. Look at it often!

Surround yourself with things that make you feel good. Look at them whenever you need a boost!

Keep a gratitude journal and begin and end each day listing the things you are grateful for. Trust me, we all have many things to be grateful for, starting with the fact you are here reading this post.

Start a book of Positive Aspects about the people or situations that cause you negative feelings.  This becomes something to reference when things aren’t going quite right

READ – STUDY – GROW – Fill your mind with Positive Messages!

Positive Attitude Thoughts
Photo Credit Encouraging Quotes

Creating a Positive Attitude

Exercise:  Go around every room in your house and find something that makes you smile.  If there is nothing in that room, put something there! Include halls and Closets!  If you don’t have things that make you smile, put up a sticky with the words BE HAPPY!

Change Your Words Change the World

Your words have power! Focus on the words you say and think.

Are they good words?
Are you complaining or smiling?

Do you use any of the following five words?


These 5 little words can destroy any good thoughts.

Practice using good words.

Get Stuck on Happy

In April of 2019, I published my first book called, Get Stuck on Happy, 30 Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Live a Happier Life.

I highly recommend this book. It’s a simple ready with activities that are very easy to do and work very quickly!

Click Here to grab a personally autographed copy of Get Stuck on Happy

Remember that you are powerful and choose to embrace life. Realize that you get to control your reactions and responses and know that no one is better qualified thank you.

Believe that you are more than enough, love yourself, stay cool and above all else, journey well

Webinar Replay

Enjoy the replay from our live Webinar – Click Play Below

Do Viral Mailers Work

Viral Mailers have been around since about 2000 and came about due to the increasing amount of spam and the fact that service providers were shutting down accounts for that spam.

I’ve been using Viral Mailers since they came out in 2000, back then, they were referred to as Safelists and they were not credit based or anything like that. They were simply a place where you could send your email ad to a list of members who agreed to receive your email ad.

There were no incentives for opening emails and clicking links, however, even without incentives, emails were once again being read.

To this day, Viral Mailers are a definite tool in my toolbox. In fact, back in late 2009, I purchased my first Viral mailer and today, I run and operate 4 different and active mailers.

Prospect Geyser Coop
Genie Mailer
Stay at Home Mailer
Go Pro Mailer

I recently ran an ad for a program funnel and I sent it only to my top Viral Mailers. You can see in the graphic below that results speak for themselves!

The numbers above represent my ad running for a week (I sent my ad out every other day). Conversions means subscribers and of those subscribers, 10 became members of the program and 1 upgraded and I earned a $600 commission

If you are wondering if Viral Mailers work, wonder no more. They work and they work very well!

You can learn about our own Viral Mailers and get connected to the Top Mailers Here

Happy Canada Day

I am a proud Canadian and today is Canada’s Birthday.

I was fortunate to be born and raised here in Canada and I feel very blessed to have experienced a great part of this Country. I grew up in Ontario, moved to Alberta, North West Territories, B.C., and finally settled in Calgary.

I love our Country and everything we stand for. I love our diversity and love the people of Canada. I love our sense of humour and how we welcome everyone with open arms.

I love how we love each other.

Canada is a great country and while times may be challenging, it’s Canadians that make Canada great, not politics and governments.

Canada is my home, I love being a Canadian and sharing our Canadian love around the world.

Happy Canada Day to all Canadians … be proud!

Enjoy the LONG weekend my fellow Canadians! Happy Canada Day on ...
Photo courtesy of

Viral Mailers Get Results

Do you use Viral Mailers? They have been around for a very long time, about 20 years now and I’ve been using them since the started.

In the beginning, Mailers were created to avoid spam. Mailers became a safe place to send your email ads to a list of interested prospects.

When Viral Mailers first arrived on the scene they were referred to as Safelists because they were a safe place to advertise.

Today, Viral Mailers are so much more! Viral Mailers have become communities of like minded individuals.

Aside from the ability to send your ad to registered members, you can also place banner ads and text ads in the system of most mailers. Your banner and text ad will rotate and be shown to all the active members of the mailer.

Below, are the three mailers that we personally own and manage. These mailers give consistent results with every mailing.

Prospect Geyser Coop

Genie Mailer

Stay at Home Mailer

Other Recommended Mailers

Referral Frenzy is a one stop program where you can join the best of the best in Viral Mailers and send your ad to ALL mailers with one click. You will find all 3 of our mailers inside Referral Frenzy. We highly recommend RF!

Steps to setup and use Viral Mailers

  • Create a Gmail account specifically for your mailers (ie where name is your name)
  • Login and update your profile
  • Setup banner & text ads
  • Send your email ad
  • Schedule your next mailing (some mailers are daily, some are every 2 or 3 days and some are weekly)
  • Share your affiliate link to sponsor other members to the mailer.

CAUTION: When starting out with Viral Mailers, it’s best to start small and add new mailers are you are comfortable using them. One can become overwhelmed with emails.