Attending Live Webinars

Over the years, it’s been my experience that attending live training webinars can be very beneficial. Of course, one can attend too many webinars and become a webinar junky. You wan to avoid this action at all cost.

What is a “webinar junky”?

A “webinar junky” is someone who attends every live webinar available and watches every replay available … and then, does nothing!

Don’t become a “webinar junky”. Instead, follow these simple steps.

Attend webinars of interest where you are going to learn something that will either help advance your business or help in your personal development.

After attending the webinar, if a skill was taught that you need, use that skill! Did you learn how to setup a funnel? Go setup your funnel! Did you learn how to send a broadcast email? Well, go login to your auto-responder and send one!

Then, open your blog and blog about it. Talk about what you learned and how you applied it and even what you results were.

Webinars are very valuable and definitely here to stay. Here, I recommend two webinars to attend weekly.

The CLB Learning Training Webinar on Thursdays at NOON Eastern

Learn more about the CLB Learning Training Webinar here

Rob Gehring’s Massive Success Webinar on Wednesdays at 8:00 PM Eastern

Learn more about the Massive Success Webinar here

How To Make Money Online

I am approached regularly by people who want to make money online and asking how. There are so many programs and so many ways to make money that it can be somewhat overwhelming.

There is a simple secret to making all this work, regardless of what program you are promoting or what business you are building.

If you follow these very simple steps, you too CAN be making money, sooner than you think.

#1 Build Your List -You need a good funnel that starts with a captivating capture page that captures your visitors Name, Email and Phone number and then redirects them to a “landing” page where they can be educated about your business or program, product or service. At CLB Learning, we use and recommend The Conversion Pros. An all inclusive funnel system that is incredibly simple to use.

#2 Get Traffic – It is vital that you direct consistent traffic to your capture page and continue to generate fresh leads. We recommend two sources of traffic, Udimi Solo Ads and the TrafficLeads2IncomeVM Traffic Coop. At CLB Learning, we offer training on how to use these two services.

#3 Follow Up – Follow up needs to be a consistent activity. As you build your list of prospects, you will followup and recommend the tools and resources you are using to build your own list as well, you will recommend the products you may be using with your Primary Business. At CLB Learning, we offer simple steps to help you master the art of follow up.

Whether you are using the Funnel created at CLB Learning or a funnel created using other programs, the steps are the same. Setup your funnel, advertise your funnel and follow up.

If you follow these steps consistently and master the art of following up about your products and services, I promise you that you will start earning money online faster than you think.

Take a look at CLB Learning, it’s free to become a member and follow our simple 3 Step System.

Work From Home Solutions

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In light of the current situation with the COVID-19 Virus, many people are finding themselves working from home and that poses some limitations.

For those building a home business and relying on networking events, being encouraged to practice social distancing creates challenges.

There are many technologies out there to facilitate your social meetings and allow you to “meet online”. With today’s Webinar technology, one can meet with a large or small group.

Business CAN go on ‘as usual’ with a few minor adjustments.

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With the My Own Meeting technology, you can feel confident that your business will present the image you want – Personal and Professional.

This affordable solution is for anyone looking to work from home and would like to attend meetings with colleagues, co-workers and friends!

Widen and tap into world markets all in real time!

Share your desktop, push Powerpoint and Live stream video to your attendees. A fantastic solution for you as a leader in your industry to leverage your team and train the simple aspects of duplication.

Show case products and sell directly through your web conference platform. Bring the world closer to you and capitalize on your brand.

I personally use this technology for my training webinars and presentations. We have been using it since 2003! Today, it’s better than ever and so simple to use.

Take a test drive below or contact me directly for a personal demo.

Fresh Leads Daily

Imagine the possibilities for your business if you had access to fresh leads every day.

And imagine the possibilities if that list of leads grew every day and you were able to email them every single day.

Fresh leads, your leads, not shared leads.

Can you imagine the possibilities?

And imagine if the Company was following up with those leads on your behalf.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well it is true.

There is a new resource out there called Lead Flow 247 and leads really do flow into your system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no effort from you!

You can email your growing list every single day and they provide you with a series of 30 emails that you can use that are ready made to promote the Lead Flow 247 system.

I’ve been testing and using this system for a month now and I am impressed with the leads and the support!

I highly recommend Lead Flow 247 as an added source for leads for your business.