
Email Marketing Lists — They Do Work If Done Right

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Email Marketing Lists — “There are three main pieces, including website content, social media content and giveaways” …

Email Marketing Lists — They Do Work If Done Right

Email Marketing Content is Key

email marketing
In one edition of the Huffington Post, it was explained that emails can still be viable for companies’ marketing initiatives. However, you want to make sure the content in the emails will cause your readers to be engaged.

Using these three main pieces: website content, social media content and givaways, your readers will continue to be engaged, which is key. The longer you keep your reader’s attention, a better change you can turn them into customers.

Rachel Wheeler from wrote a very interesting article on how email marketing is still an efficient way to do your marketing. In it you’ll find a great source of information on how to do email marketing the right way.

Email marketing lists can make all the difference – when done right —

Email has been around for a couple of decades now, so it might not have the panache of a newer channel, but it still works in a lot of ways. Sending messages online is cheap, easy and can really grab people’s attention if it’s used to promote good, interesting content.

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Get the Right Emails

Not all email addresses are created equal. Purchasing lists is not a good way to build your email marketing list. You do not have the recipient’s permission to send them any communications and this could lead to spamming issues. By generating organic leads, your list will be producing a lot more sales when the person you are emailing is already interested in what you have to offer.

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  1. Mary Owens  May 3, 2014

    Great post!


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