What is Your Focus?

Aloha Everyone!

I don’t know if you are like me or not but I have joined a lot of different programs and I struggled because I was putting my attention on so many different things. I was spreading myself then. Until I learned this tip to be successful by Rob Gehring. He said to narrow down my focus onto what I consider to be my primary focus and then to put everything else on the backend.

What does this mean? This means that I need to focus on just for example two things into a primary funnel and then but everything else will be secondary. I promote my secondary programs by using broadcasts and messages in my autoreponder.

I always had this misconception that when I joined a new advertising resource or program, that I needed to promote it using safelists or Traffic Exchanges. I learned that I needed to stop doing this. I needed to promote first to my list. My list is considered to be gold and valuable and that I should treat it as such.

Thank you to Cristofer Jeschke from Unsplash for this great picture.

When you feel so overwhelmed, just follow this great advice.
Remember why you started!

I also have been learning that I need to write my experiences that I have been having using my advertising resources that I use and the online businesses that I am promoting.

Thank you Rob Gehring, for this teaching. This is one of the valuable resources that you will get when you a member of Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer and take the top upgrade. He also has a COOP that I am a member of here are my results from this amazing COOP:

May 25: 1 Leads
May 26: 1 Leads
May 27: 8 Leads
May 28.: 4 Leads
May 30: 1 Leads
May 31: 9 Leads
June 3: 1 Leads
June 4: 2 Leads
June 5: 2 Leads
June 8:. 2 Leads
June 10: 27 Leads
June 18: 10 Leads
June 19: 2 Leads
June 21: 3 Leads
June 22: 6 Leads

What is so great about leads? It is like what the successful marketers say which is: The money is in the pocket of your list. Having a list is great only if you follow up with them and more especially if you help them. I also have been learning that if you help your people, or anyone you asks you. people will remember that. The money will follow. The most important thing that I have learned is stop focusing on making the money. It will surely follow if I help enough people.

I hope that this helps and that you have learned something from my post.

If you would like to start seeing great results for your business, I highly recommend TrafficLeads2IncomeVM to get started.

To your great success!

Your success mentor

Welcome to my Contact List Builder Marketing Blog

Welcome, my name is Karalee Johnson. This blog has been provided by the Contact List Builder and CLB Learning. Established in 2009, by Janet Legere, author of Get Stuck on Happy, trainer, motivator and mentor. She alone has sold millions of dollars of products and services online.

Janet’s straight forward approach to contacts and sales is what separates her from all the rest.

This system is so powerful and will deliver results time and time again.   No there is no trick, or magic formula. There is no hype. You either “WORK” the process, or, not.

Those who do work will maybe see results they once thought as unattainable. Nothing in life is guaranteed and your results will be based on the amount of effort you put in.  

Do Yourself a favor and check out CLB today. Get Started With CLB