
Making Money Doing What You Love. 5 Steps

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“Phrases like starving artist and golden handcuffs portray the harmful message that getting paid for doing work you love is not the norm, nor is it a realistic goal. What these hackneyed phrases do is thwart ambition and dreams. Here are 5 steps to start making money doing what you love:”

Curated from MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice | 5 Steps: Make Money Doing What You Love

Most of us are too embroiled in our day to day existence that we really newer give much thought to what it is we would rather be doing. And when we do we fluff it off as a pipe dream and return to the drudgery of work.

The Seat of Success

Doing what you love!

My suggestion to everyone out there is to stop living life doing what you do not like to do. You will not find success there. Where you will find success and joyful satisfaction is following what you love. Only then will you begin to live life with excited anticipation rather than dread as you face another day.

The work you need to do is figure out what that thing is. What brings you your highest excitement and your greatest joy? What’s keeping you from it? In this article by,  she outlines the 5 Steps you should take if you want to make money doing what you love.

MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice | 5 Steps: Make Money Doing What You Love


You cant figure out how to get paid doing something you love without having a clear vision. What does your ultimate career look like? Make it aspirational, but realistic. Once you know what your ultimate goal is then you can better navigate if what you’re currently doing is a good stepping-stone to that vision.

What is keeping you from having a job you love and getting paid for it? Do you lack confidence? Do you feel that you dont deserve to achieve your dreams? Do you lack the support from others that would help you step outside of your comfort zone? Write down and review these fears. Are they valid? Working through these barriers is an essential part of being able to achieve your dreams.

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Your Action Plan To Loving Life

If you really want success in your life to have to start with what you love. I recommend everyone sit back this weekend and craft a new life plan based on the things you love doing. Not doing the things you don’t want to do, just because you think you have to. So follow Laura’s 5 Steps and you will find yourself well on the way.

As always thank you for sharing this article with you friends and business partners.

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  1. Janet Legere  April 3, 2015

    Great article on doing what you love doing … are YOU doing what you love doing? I am happy to say I get to do what I love doing EVERY Day!


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