
130 Time Management Tips

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“Each day contains twenty-four hours, but how we spend those hours is what separates people who enjoy lives of happiness, fulfillment and success from those who experience lives filled with frustration, disappointment, and often failure.”

Do you have the desire to become more productive and successful?

That is really all you need. Desire. The great motivational leaders of our time have spoken of the power of desire. Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937. In it Hill concludes that an individual with desire, faith and persistence can reach great heights by eliminating negative energy and thoughts and focusing on the greater goals at hand.

As a matter of fact the first chapter, or step, in Think and Grow Rich is titled, “Desire.”

Time Management Manifestation

Without desire, nothing can manifest. Plain and simple. Assuming you have that burning desire.Success still depends on how you manage time. Time management improves productivity. You are more efficient at getting things done, and as a consequence your earnings will improve.

The following time management tips found on Little Things Matter are surprisingly easy to implement. Personally, I have slowly been integrating these simple tips in my everyday routine, and they are already paying off. Tip number one blew me away. I am even trying number 99. Enjoy the article.

130 Time Management Tips

Little Things Matter

One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Each day contains twenty-four hours, but how we spend those hours is what separates people who enjoy lives of happiness, fulfillment and success from those who experience lives filled with frustration, disappointment, and often failure.

When Olympic athletes train, no detail of their performance is overlooked—from computerized motion studies to the fabric of their clothing and the customization of each shoe. Mastering time management is much the same. In order to work smarter but not harder, you must examine—and be willing to make changes to—everything you do to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and performance.”

Remember that the first step in becoming an effective time manager is to have the desire to be more productive and smarter with how you use your time. It must be something that is important to you or you won’t do what is required to develop solid time-management skills.

Understanding, practicing, and maximizing how your time is spent is a journey. Proficiency won’t happen overnight but, as is the case with all of the Little Things, repeated effort will be rewarded. By becoming more effective and efficient, you’ll take control of your workload rather than your workload taking control of you.

Read the full story here


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