In a span of about 14 Days, these 17 Mailers produced 39 Leads (Subscribers) and 10 New Members into my GLN Business.
Time Spent = about 10 to 20 minutes a day, some mailers are every 3 days, some are daily.
Viral Mailers can be very lucrative, however, it takes time to build up a list of good solid mailers as it’s always best to be an upgraded member.
I recommend signing up for one new mailer a day rather than all of them at once and I highly recommend that you create a new Gmail address just for your new mailers. It will make using mailers so much simpler and less overwhelming.
The stats below show the results over a 2 week period, not all of the mailers that I use are on this list, this is just the mailers than converted during this run of marketing.
Some weeks, it can be a totally different looking list. Every week is a new adventure with Viral Mailers and I can assure you, they work very well.
Enjoy some of my favourites below, they are listed in order of conversions:
Thank you for sharing you list of viral mailers. I belong to a number of them. It gives me hope, that my efforts and not in vain. I will have to have a better watch on which ones are working for me.
Love Your leadership.
Thank you, Michael. Viral Mailers have been instrumental in growing my business since the year 2000. I know you will love them too!