
Mindset — Do You Want to Know the Secret to Success?

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Mindset — “More than any habit or talent, this particular way of thinking about the world will help you achieve your dreams.” …

Do You Want to Know the Secret to Success?

It’s All In The Mindset

When I first started working online, I thought, “just show me the fundamentals and I can do the rest”. Boy was I mistaken. Even though I learned a lot of the different techniques and strategies of internet marketing, there was something still missing; I still was not successful.

I decided to set out and find the secret to success. Now, I know the secret and I’m even going to share it with you. It’s All In The Mindset. It’s that simple. If you think you can’t, then you can’t; however, if you think you can, than you can. It may be simple to say it’s your mindset, nonetheless, it’s going to take some practice to change to a successful mindset.

I read this great article by Jessica Stillman from In it you’ll find a great source of information about why your mindset will affect your success and tips on how you can change your mindset to achieve success.

The Mindset All Successful People Have in Common —

In a lengthy and fascinating article, PolicyMic recently delved into her findings in depth, but the basic takeaway is short and sweet: “It’s all about your mindset. Successful people tend to focus on growth, solving problems, and self-improvement, while unsuccessful people think of their abilities as fixed assets and avoid challenges.”

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Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

Researchers have found there are two types of people in the world. Those who believe that they have to settle for whatever is dealt to them (A fixed mindset). Then there are those who believe that they control their own destiny by being able to grow and adapt to any situation (A growth mindset). The beauty of it all is that with practice, anyone can have a growth mindset. What mindset do you have?

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