When you go on a trip do you actually sit down with a map and plan the trip, write down where you wanna go, the routes you will take, how long it might take to get to your destination OR do you just get in your car and take off hoping you get to where you want to go when you get there.
Setting your goals in your business is one of the most important habits you can cultivate for building your business big. Write down where you want to go with your business, how you’re going to get there and what it is going to take.
So what are we talking about here. Here is your map so to speak.
Long term Goals – This is the big Kahuna, what you are ultimately after. This is what you work so hard for everyday. Regardless of what people tell you, you won’t make six figures in 30 days, you won’t build your list in 30 days. Be patient do the work.
Mid term Goals – This is your report card. How are you doing are you staying on track? Set quarterly challenges, write them down and work hard to achieve them.
Short term Goals – This is where the rubber meets the road. It’s your day to day activities that you do to keep you motivated and moving forward. The two key words here are Daily and Do Them.
The internet is a big place and many people vying for your attention and promising you the moon. Remember you can’t get to six figures in 30 days, you can’t build your list in 30 days.
It is critically important that you develop your D.A.P. ( daily action plan). Network with as many people as you can but be friendly and not pushy they get that all day long. Add Value to them and be at peace.
Just remember this.
” Do the things Everyone CAN do, but most choose not to!”
Jon G Olson.
If you’re confused and don’t know what is up or down I have a free report for you that shows you 3 easy steps to get off of the ground and running toward your goals.
You can get the free report here
Wishing you great success,
Dusty Staggs
806-438-1200 (USA)
Thank you Dusty. Goal setting is vital in any endeavor you decide to undertake ,great post
Goals make everything happen! I love how you broke it down to Long term, Mid Term and Short Term goals. Great post!