5 Step Blueprint Success

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Finding Your 5 Step Blueprint Success



5 Step Blueprint-Stepping Stone Foundation

If you get knocked down … get back up … do not give up … do not look back … look forward … CLB (ContactListBuilder) is the stepping stone

Here is the 5 Step Blueprint :

Step 1…Goals and Mindset in 5 Step Blueprint

* Goals vs Dreams – Dreams are what are in your head; they do not become a reality until they are written down.
* Your thinking must be ...

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And The Contest Begins!

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Well what do we have here?  Spyder Legere made a video? Imagine that!  Even Janet’s cat is getting excited about The Contact List Builder and how it helps you brand yourself and guide you to SUCCESS!

He’s talking about the February, 2013 Contest at The Contact List Builder.

START NOW!  Whoever sponsors the most referrals from today through February 28th 2013 wins $100! second place is $50 and third place is $25!

My bets on Spyder winning this, ...

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“To Call or Not to Call”

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“Should I call my prospects?” The answer is YES and hers’s why:

  1. Followup and communication with your prospects is important if not the most important part of your internet marketing business.
  2. People love talking to real people.
  3. You are able to immediately answer questions they may have.
  4. Prospects learn you are serious about your business and about helping them get started.
  5. You can learn more about each prospect and possibly find a common interest and even make ...
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Dana Laine Joins CLB Training Team

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Contact List Builder Welcomes Dana Laine

We are so excited to welcome CLB Founding Member, Dana Laine to the training faculty at CLB.

Dana will be doing training on some different and unique marketing strategies such as techniques to use Craig’s list and strategies to read safelist emails quicker. Dana will be doing “Basics” training covering tips and strategies to help you use all these tools and systems.

Meet Dana Laine

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How To Build A Capture Page

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Building a Custom Capture Page

At this training Webinar, Janet Legere showed our visitors how to setup the Prospect Geyser Custom Capture page to build a list and promote Contact List Builder. It’s actually a 3 in 1 deal as the page also promotes Prospect Geyser for you.

It’s important to have your settings at Prospect Geyser direct to your Contact List Builder site. You will want to setup your ...

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