Well for those in the USA, the election has been at the forefront of all the media. I think the whole world has heard, seen, or had thoughts about this year’s election results here in the USA. How that will play out is as mysterious as this year has been.
So let’s change the subject to your election results and something you have more control over today and every day going forward. What have you elected to do with life, business, social interactions, and your joyful aspirations?
Have you elected to make a plan of action for any of the above?
Do you have a plan in play already, and if so do you have an elected daily plan of actions to move you forward in all your endeavors.
There are some key words showing up here:
Elected means Chosen: You have unlimited choices about all aspects of your life, but you need to list your choices and prioritize them. Then make a plan.
Plan is an intention or decision about what one is going to do or a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. Once you have a plan you then need to take action to carry it out.
Action is the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. Daily actions can move you toward your goals, rewards, accomplishments, and joy.

So far this week:
I elected to learn how and then redirect my existing lists of subscribers to a new option: https://successmyway.cyou/GLN5
I elected to make new capture and bridge pages. Then set up ads to split test between two different pages.
I elected to attend a couple of training sessions to learn and open my mind to new ideas.
I elected to write this blog.