Hello Fellow Marketers
I want to share with you some tips and tricks that I use to market effectively with safelists and viral mailers.
A lot of people think that safelist advertising is a waste of time, but I think it is because they don’t know how to use them effectively. I use safelists all the time and get good results with them.
The most important thing to remember is what kind of safelist to use. The best safelists are credit based lists. With this type of list you click on a link in the email to collect points so you can send out your email to the safelist. If the safelist allows you to use html code, use it. You only have seconds to catch their attention.
Make your email subject line stand out from the crowd. Add symbols before and after your title.
###Incredibly Enticing Title!!###,
***Incredibly Enticing Title!!***
This brings me to my next point. Offer them what they are looking for MORE FREE ADVERTISING. Don’t waste your time trying to sell them a product.
I would also keep your ad copy extremely brief. Remember the main reason the reader opens your email is to get the points so they can send you an email. Just dangle a carrot in front of their nose and lead them to your website.
If the person reading your email has their interest peaked they are more likely to look at what you have to offer. DO NOT OFFER TO MUCH INFORMATION. Keep them wondering “Hmmm, what is this?”.
Another extremely important thing to remember is the link that you use in your safelist email. Link to a splash page or a squeeze page. DO NOT send them to your full website!! They probably won’t read it. They are only collecting points. If the splash or squeeze page is of interest to them they may move to your website. The best advise I can give you is to move the prospect from the safelist to your own personal list.
Safelist marketing will work if you remember what it is all about. Think about your own behavior when you are clicking for credits.
I would also like to say a few words about the email server you use for your safelist mails. DO NOT USE YOUR PRIMARY EMAIL ACCOUNT!!! Your inbox will be inundated with emails from the list.
I use Gmail, which is also what most of the safelists recommend as well. I have 2 gmail accounts set up specifically for safelists. One for the list emails and another one for the admin emails.
I like Gmail because I can set up filters and folders for each safelist I belong too.
I hope this article was helpful in furthering your safelist advertising.
To Our Mutual Success
Steven Ackerman
Interesting post with lots of valuable advice and conclusions, some of which I l had not anticipated.
I will return and read this again. Thank you for sharing.
Great advice about Safelists and Viral mailers. They have always been the backbone of my business and continue to be so today. Thanks for this great post
This was very valuable to me knowing I can set up filters and folders.
Keep up the great work, Steven.