A Little Bit About Me

My Family from the left: Shawn, my wife Suzanne, Me, Megan and Pam

Hello Everyone,

I am taking part in the Click Track Profit 30 Day Content challenge and today I was drawing a total blank as to what to write so I decided to do an update about me and my life.

My name is Steven Ackerman and I am married to my wife Suzanne for a month shy of 32 years. We live in a small town, Buffalo Minnesota, about 40 miles west of Minneapolis. Suzanne and I have three adult children. Our son Shawn who is 31. He just got married this summer to his wonderful wife Andi.

We also have 2 daughters. Megan is 30 and is married to Mike for 3 years. Pam is 28 and is married to Cody for a month shy of 3 years. My 2 daughters almost sent us to the poor house. They both got married the 3 years ago about 2 months apart.

Pam and Cody are the parents of our first grand child, Charlie who is 14 months. He is a real cutie. I just wish I could see him more. Suzanne and I live in Minnesota and Charlie lives in Texas.

Our 14 month old Grandson Charlie!

I am mostly retired at the age of 65. I will be 66 in October. In addition to my online efforts I work a couple days a week at my local Walmart. It helps pay for my online efforts. I am hoping to replace that income with online income in the near future. Suzanne also works part time as a Personal Care Attendant.

As far as my online business is concerned. I am the owner of Tornado Traffic, a traffic exchange that just celebrated it’s 4th anniversary. My main affiliate effort is with a very exciting new program Genesis Lifestyle Network.

So that is a very brief overview of Me, my family and my online business. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a litter better.

To Our Mutual Success
Steven Ackerman

I Have Some Spiritual FUEL to Share with You!

Picture of the Fuel T-shirt presented by Free Grace United

Hello Everyone,

I attended the annual men’s FUEL conference at my church last night, Free Grace United. In Elk River, Minnesota. I am not sure how many men were there but I know it was well over 200. And a good time was had by all.

We started at 6pm with some fun stuff like throwing axes at a wooden target, checking out a restored GMC Pickup Truck, a couple other manly games and incredible fellowship with other Men of God. This was followed up with a great dinner consisting of a pulled pork sandwich with all the fixings.

You can check out a bunch of pictures and comments at our Facebook Page. Here is just one.

Picture from Free Grace United Facebook Page

The actual conference began at 7pm with some awesome worship music followed by 4 very inspirational speakers.

  1. Pastor Erik Dykstra – Senior Pastor for Free Grace United
  2. Bob Dettmer – Minnesota State Representative!
  3. Anthony Bass – Church planter and former Minnesota Viking
  4. Pastor Anthony Milas – Senior Pastor at Granite State Baptist Church – Concord, NH

During the conference there was also a drawing for several prizes including 2 freezers filled to the brim with meat. This was followed afterwards by a bonfire, cigar lounge and more fellowship.

The main theme of the conference was taken from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

“Be watchful. Stand firm in the faith. Act like men. Be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

This is a very tough thing to do in today’s society, where standing up and being a man, especially a Man of God, in not considered politically correct. I think it is critical that all Men of God, including myself, begin to do this.

I think Pastor Anthony Milas summed it up best in his talk as to how we can do this.

  1. Love the Lord
  2. Love your wife
  3. Love your family

In that order!

If we as Men of God will stand up and do these three simple things we can change the world. Be bold in your faith and don’t bow to the pressures of this world. Share your faith with others. There are a lot of very broken people out there who need our help and the help of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

Writing this blog post is bold step for me personally. I am a Christian Man, but it is difficult for me to share that with others. The Lord has been very good to me and blessed me in many ways.

Thank you for reading my heartfelt blog post. God bless you and everyone you know. Men of Faith, let’s get out there and start sharing the love of Jesus with those people close to our hearth but far from our God!

We Can change this world and it’s current anti-Christian climate if we are bold and love people. The key to everything is LOVE! It will not be easy but it will be rewarding! I am sure of that!

In God’s Love,
Steven Ackerman
Proud Man of God

So, What’s Next?

Hello Everyone,

Today I attended the weekly training session for Genesis Lifestyle System. Janet did a great job as she always does.

Today’s subject was “What do I do now that my traffic is coming in?”

The biggest thing I took away from this training is the importance of following up with your leads. I have to admit, this is not my strong suit. Regardless of that, I listened to what Janet had to say and actually did some followup. We will see how that plays out.

Janet also issued us a challenge, which I know we can all do and which will help all of our businesses.

Contact at least 2 of your “Facebook Friends” everyday for the next week and just start a conversation. DO NOT try to sell them on what you have to offer but rather ask them what they are doing. Start a dialog! Who knows where that may lead. I am sure most of us have a large list of “Facebook Friends” who we have never spoken to or have not talked to for a very long time.

She also suggested that, before you contact them, look over their timeline and see what they are posting about to determine if this is some one you would be interested in getting to know better.

Remember the old saying, “People buy from those they know, like and trust.” Let’s get to know them!

I want to say thank you to Janet for taking the time to do these very valuable tranings every Wednesday. I always learn a lot when I am able to attend.

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

P.S. This is my day 4 entry for the Click Track Profit 30 day content challenge. #ctpcontent

Why I use Text Ads and Banners on Advertising Sites!

Hello Fellow Marketers,

Most people who use traffic exchange, safelists and other advertising sites, including myself, use them to show your site to others as you visit their sites. But there is an aspect of these sites that is far under used.

Banners and Text Ads!

You may ask, “Why should I add these banners and text ads. There is such a low number of clicks.”

There are a couple of very good reasons.

The First Reason is that since there is no incentive for people to click on your banner or text ads they are very targeted visitors. They are interested in what you have to offer! 

Most of the people surfing the traffic exchanges are just collecting credits in order to show you their site or offer. They are not paying much attention to what is on their screen as they surf.

The second reason is subconscious. Even though they may not actually pay attention to the banners and texts in front of them their subconscious mind sees it!

Later when they see you ads elsewhere they may think “This looks familiar, I have seen this person before.” The importance of this that people buy from those they know, like, and trust! The more advertising you put out there the better the chance they will join your site or buy your product.

I know this from my own personal experience. Many time when I have taken a look at a site I think to myself, “I think I am already a member there.” So I click the login link and if I discover that I am not a member I join! Somehow, somewhere that site was imprinted on my subconscious.

In order to increase the number of banners and text ads circulating at my site, Tornado Traffic, I will offer you an incentive.

If you read this and either login or join and add banners and text ads I will reward you for your efforts. For every text ad or banner you add and add impressions, I will add 500 impressions. If you have a paid upgrade I will double that to 1000 impressions. 

Just add your text ads and banners and send in a support ticket with the subject, “I added”, along with the links you added, and I will add your impressions

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman
Owner/Administrator of Tornado Traffic

P.S. Join the 30 day content challenge. #ctpcontent

A Brand New Challenge by CTP

Image created by Blain Jones

Hello Everyone,

Click Track Profit has launced another great challenge To help everyone who participates expand there brand, reputation and presence on the internet.

It is called “The 30 Day Content Challenge” it’s main purpose is to challenge you to create new content every day for the next 30 days.

You can get all the information you need and register by reading This Post. You could win $1,000 in Hive and Hive-Engine Tokens

I am looking forward to taking part in this challenge. It will be difficult to complete but worth the effort.

The number 1 rule is you must use this tag in your posts so they can be found. #ctpcontent

Good luck to all those who take on this challenge. I look forward to reading your new content.

To Our Mutual Success
Steven Ackerman

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 90)

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.
Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!

Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

The Scavenger Hunt comes to Tornado Traffic

Welcome to an epic adventure at Click Track Profit
and Tornado Traffic this Thursday and Friday!

Here is what CTP says about it.

“The Scavenger Hunt puts two of the most important groups of people together
in our program and allows them to build relationships with each other….

The promo partners who sponsor the Scavenger Hunt & The CTP Members

Here’s how it works….

We’re on a mission! A mission to find Luke The Listbuilder.

You see Luke is travelling around the world of Listopia,
and making stops at all the different countries. In these countries,
he is hiding at different stops within them.

These stops, are our Promo Partners websites and offers.

Not to worry though, Luke give clues on what you must do to unlock his location
and once you find him…You have completed that first step in the hunt.

To complete a Hunt everyday, you must find Luke at least 5 times!

Pretty simple right?

The more Scavenger Hunts you complete, the closer you get to completing your
Scavenger Hunt Mastery & are entered to win our weekly drawings….

Cool right? Let’s start travelling around Listopia to find Luke!”

Weekly Reports Have Been Added

Every week this email report will give you a detailed personalized look at your
Tornado Traffic account, to ensure you’re getting the most out of everything we have to offer.
To recieve this report make sure your email address for Tornado Traffic is active and up-to-date.
You will also receive a free gift for reading the report!

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest Continues!

We will continue running the Summer Referral Contest until 7/31/21,
which is our 4th Birthday!

There will be a total of 10 prizes awarded with the top prize of
5000 credits, 5000 banner impressions, 5000 text ad impressions and $25 USD.

Just a reminder if you are an upgraded member you are eligable to receive random referrals.

If you would like a personalized copy of the Contest Page,
with your referral link and picture, send me a support ticket at
Tornado Traffic and I will create a page for you.

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 6/21
Deep Adbyss Traffic and Hit 4 Click

Tuesday 6/22
Traffic Jenie and You2Surf

Wednesday 6/23
Aurora Traffic and Zaney Clicks

Thursday 6/24
Dracula Hits, Nuclear Hits and Surf With the Titans

Friday 6/25
Spy Bubble Power, Traffic Corps and Traffic Dodgems

Saturday 6/26
500 Best Hits, Free Ad Swap and a 3-way with Northern Traffic/Trucking Traffic

Sunday 6/27
E Traffic Freedom and Traffic Pharaoh

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits,
banner and text ad impressions, weekly621627. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages
at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 89)

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.
Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!

Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

Weekly Reports Have Been Added

Every week this email report will give you a detailed personalized look at your
Tornado Traffic account, to ensure you’re getting the most out of everything we have to offer.
To receive this report make sure your email address for Tornado Traffic is active and up-to-date.
You will also receive a free gift for reading the report!

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest Continues!

We will continue running the Summer Referral Contest until 7/31/21,
which is our 4th Birthday!

There will be a total of 10 prizes awarded with the top prize of
5000 credits, 5000 banner impressions, 5000 text ad impressions and $25 USD.

Just a reminder if you are an upgraded member you are eligable to receive random referrals.

If you would like a personalized copy of the Contest Page,
with your referral link and picture, send me a support ticket at
Tornado Traffic and I will create a page for you.

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 6/14
Eagle Hitz and Penquin Surfing

Tuesday 6/15
Bounty Surf and Silver Mountain Traffic

Wednesday 6/16
Carrier Hits, Click Your Face Off and Pistol Packing Mama

Thursday 6/17
4 Promos TE, Great White Hits and View Ads Quickly

Friday 6/18
Spy Bubble Power, Traffic at the Races and Traffic Flying

Saturday 6/19
Boot Scootin Traffic and Paranormal Hits

Sunday 6/20
Soft Fruit Traffic and Taxi Cab Hits

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits,
banner and text ad impressions, weekly614620. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages
at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 88)

Tornado Traffic Weekly news

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.

Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!
Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

Tornado Traffic Summer Referral Contest Continues!

We will continue running the Summer Referral Contest until 7/31/21,
which is our 4th Birthday!

There will be a total of 10 prizes awarded with the top prize of
5000 credits, 5000 banner impressions, 5000 text ad impressions and $25 USD.

We are off to a bit of a slow start, but here is a screenshot of the current leader board.

Just a reminder if you are an upgraded member you are eligible to receive random referrals.

If you would like a personalized copy of the Contest Page,
with your referral link and picture, send me a support ticket at
Tornado Traffic and I will create a page for you.

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 6/7
Kiwi Hits Plus, TE Surf League and Traffic Invaders

Tuesday 6/8
Quality Hits 4 U and Safe Search Traffic

Wednesday 6/9
Magical Journey TE and Traffic N Cash 24/7

Thursday 6/10
Lady Bug Clicks and Zubee Downlines

Friday 6/11
Spy Bubble Power and Thunder Alley TE

Saturday 6/12
The Traffic Finder and Western Surf

Sunday 6/13
My Own Downline and Smart Marketing Group

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits, banner and text ad impressions, weekly67613. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Plus 1 Success Here is a free gift. No opt in required!

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 85)

Tornado Traffic Weekly news

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.

Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!
Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

TE Command Post!

Take Command of Your Credits!

Are you a member of TE Command Post? This is a great program for taking
control of you traffic exchanges. It is a downline builder. It keeps
track of your credits, banners, text ads and even your commissions at
each te for which you have entered your information.

If you are already a member could you please login and add your
affiliate ID to Tornado Traffic? This will help the ranking of
Tornado Traffic which is currently 82nd on page 3.

Please help us get back to page 1.

If your not a member you can join by clicking the banner below.

Track and Rotate!

Trackers and Rotators have been added to Tornado Traffic!

Are you tracking your advertising results?
Now you can track your results for FREE at Tornado Traffic!

Just login or join Tornado Traffic, Click on the Ads button at the top, then click on Rotators.

Happy Tracking!

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 5/17
Deep Adbyss Traffic and Hit 4 Click

Tuesday 5/18
Bounty Surf and Silver Mountain Traffic

Wednesday 5/19
Carrier Hits, Click Your Face Off and Pistol Packing Mama

Thursday 5/20
4 Promos TE, Great White Hits and View Ads Quickly

Friday 5/21
Spy Bubble Power, Traffic at the Races and Traffic Flying

Saturday 5/22
500 Best Hits, Free Ad Swap and a 3-way with Northern Traffic/Trucking Traffic

Sunday 5/23
E Traffic Freedom and Traffic Pharaoh

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits,
banner and text ad impressions, weekly517523. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages
at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Plus 1 Success Here is a free gift. No opt in required!

Tornado Traffic Weekly News (Volume 84)

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter.

Your comments, support and upvotes at Hive are very much appreciated!
Any comments that you add will be upvoted at the Hive Block Chain!

Changes and Improvements Coming!

I am always looking to improve my communication and this newsletter.

Can you help me out?

I have some ideas about what information to add here but I would love
your feedback.

  1. What would you like to know about Tornado Traffic?
  2. Are there any features you would like me to add?
  3. Are ther games you like that you would like added?
  4. Any other ideas you may have.

Your feedback is very important to me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Track and Rotate!

Trackers and Rotators have been added to Tornado Traffic!

Are you tracking your advertising results?
Now you can track your results for FREE at Tornado Traffic!

Just login or join Tornado Traffic, Click on the Ads button at the top, then click on Rotators.

Happy Tracking!

Communicate With Us

I would like to invite you to join my Telegram Group or Facebook Page.
Feel free to stop by and make a comment or ask a question.

TE Owners and Administrators

If you are a TE Owner or Administrator and would like to have your TE featured
at Tornado Traffic let me know. 2021 is here and I am always looking
for new promo partners.

Click Here for my contact information.

Daily Promo Partners for This Week

Monday 5/10
Eagle Hitz and Penquin Surfing

Tuesday 5/11
Quality Hits 4 U and Safe Search Traffic

Wednesday 5/12
Magical Journey TE and Traffic N Cash 24/7

Thursday 5/13
Lady Bug Clicks and Zubee Downlines

Friday 5/14
Spy Bubble Power and Thunder Alley TE

Saturday 5/15
Boot Scootin Traffic and Paranormal Hits

Sunday 5/16
Soft Fruit Traffic and Taxi Cab Hits

Weekly Promo Code

Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. Here is a promo code for 250 credits, banner and text ad impressions, weekly510516. Enter the code and surf just 97 pages at Tornado Traffic to receive your Bonuses

To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman

Plus 1 Success Here is a free gift. No opt in required!