Hello Fellow Surfers,
Alert: New Promo Partner
As you may already know, each day we have promo partners at Tornado Traffic.
Just surf the required amount of pages at each traffic exchange and then you can collect your bonus on the “Surfer Rewards” page in your back office of each exchange. You can also collect your “Daily Active Surfer Rewards” on that same page!
Today we have a brand new promo partner, Viking Hits!
Please support our brand new Promo Partner and collect your free bonuses.
Extra Bonus
Here is an Extra Bonus to welcome our new partner, a special Promo Code: Welcome Viking Hits
Just enter the promo code, surf the 125 pages required for the promo with Viking Hits and receive an extra 100 credits, 100 banner and 100 text ad impressions.
To Our Mutual Success
Steven Ackerman