Welcome Lucky One to Internet marketing, Online marketing, Network marketing, Affiliate marketing. These tags are pretty much the same depending on which arena you find your self involved with.

The internet is a Vast Frontier. There are millions of marketers on the internet marketing this and that and “Hoping to Make a Fortune”.

That statement in itself is the problem ” Hope to Make a Fortune In A Short Amount of Time”. Unfortunately the new people who want to make money online are sitting ducks for the marketers who know what’s going on and want to make a fortune in a short time and unfortunately the new person get’s sucked into the vortex.

Don’t get me wrong here. There are some beautiful people out there in the Vast Frontier that want you to succeed. The question is how long does it take to find those leaders.

That’s a good question?

The following is my Case Study and finding the mentors that I follow now.

It all started back in 2014. I thought it would be cool to have an online business. Easy money right! I already owned a small business in the offline world that was doing well and is still paying the bills to this day, but I also knew that I did not want to do that business for the rest of my life, but I struggled in the online world.

Why is that do you think? I knew how hard it was to build my offline business but I was lured to the instant riches with little or no work. That sounded good to me. No work, retire and move on and live the dream. Well! That’s what everyone was saying but that is not actually how it works.

I take part of the blame because I knew better. But I believed the hype anyway. That was the easy way out. I came to find out there is no easy way. It makes no difference whether you are building online or offline it still takes hard work.

So let’s go back to the original question. How long does it take to find those leaders that care enough about you and want you to succeed. Well, I found some of mine in my original quest.

Leaders like Janet Legere (Original Mentor) of Contact List Builder, Don Legere Her husband who is the (Blogging Master). Rob Gehrig of Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer is truly a (Traffic Master) and Jared Meyers who built the most amazing program that I can hook my wagon to. Genesis Lifestyle Network. But you know what, I left all of those leaders because I was lured away by instant riches. If you are lured away by instant riches.

Do Not do that!

No matter what you do, no matter what business you want to build it takes work, please do not be deceived.

Does your regular JOB take work? Of, course it does. There is no easy fix here. You must do the work. No exceptions.

This is my best advice to you. You need to align yourself with the right people that you trust and stop chasing programs. If you don’t do the work it matters not what program you are in it will not work. If you trust your mentors, they will not lead you astray.

How long have you struggled trying to make any money online? Be honest! Are you sowing your wild oats? If you are come back and Align yourself with marketers that care about you and want you to succeed.

If you don’t have any mentors to help you along the way. Join our team and we will help you.

That’s my story what’s yours?

Blog Platform Training

We had an amazing training today at Contact List Builder about their blogging platform.

Did you know that Contact List Builder was started way back in 2003 by Janet Legere as a re-brandable e book. At this time the concept of the re-brandable e book was way ahead of it’s time and worked extremely well.

Today CLB learning is a growing community of likeminded people working together and helping each other to develop and grow a business online.

If you have tried to start and grow a business online and your success is not where you thought it would be maybe having a community of people who
want you to succeed and will help you along the way is Priceless.

The primary purpose of the community is of course to build your list.

Any way the training today was very cool. Janet introduced the new plug in WP Quads.

I have never heard of it before, but it allows you to put advertisements on your blog posts. I am new to blogging but I thought it was very cool.

If you would like to see the replay you can watch the video below. Hope you enjoy! If you need a community of caring and sharing people to help you along the way, won’t you come and join us.

Please enjoy this training and if you are not with us join us.