CLB Training Videos Added and More

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CLB Update

This week’s update includes the following.

  • Weekly Training Videos Added to Members Area
  • Training Videos Added to Blog
  • Youtube Channel added to Blog
  • Register for Wednesday Hangout
  • Invite your guest to our Monday Presentation

Weekly Training Videos Added to Members Area

We are excited about our new Training series. Our first video is now added to the members area in the Downline Builder section. In this video, I talk about your Primary Business and the CLB Downline Builder.

To access the video in your members area, click ...

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New Training Hangout

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Contact List Builder Training Hangout

Beginning on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, we will be holding our CLB Member Training in a Google Hangout.

New Training Series

Our new series of training calls will be on the following topics based on our Downline Builder:

  • Your Auto-Responder – How to use the shared code with GVO and how to setup the campaign manually
  • Your Lead Capture Page – How to use the shared code in Adkreator to create your personally branded capture page
  • Your Tracker – How to setup ...
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The Top 6 Advantages of having a Home-Based Business

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Home-based businesses have proven to be one of the best business start-ups. With a good goal-setting attitude and strong discipline, one can easily enjoy the benefits that home-based business brings.”

Home-based businesses have proven to be one of the best business start-ups. With a good goal-setting attitude and strong discipline, one can easily enjoy the benefits that home-based business brings.

Home-Based Business Awesomeness

Running a home based business can give you much more than simple financial gain. Much more. Janet ...

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CLB Live Training & Presentations Return

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The Return of Live Training at Contact List Builder

Starting November 2, 2015, Contact List Builder will offer a Presentation Webinar on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern and then a Members Only training on Tuesdays at Noon Eastern.

We do it this way so that our guests have the time to join Contact List Builder and attend a training right away the next day.

I’d love to get your feedback on the times, please use the comment section. Let us know if another ...

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Facebook’s Lead Ads: A Real Small Business Booster

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“Whether businesses want to encourage people to sign up for their newsletter, an offer, an event or more information about their product, lead ads simplify the mobile signup process, helping businesses hear from people interested in their business.”

Facebook’s Lead Ads: A Real Small Business Booster

One of the things a small business owner must do, is keep an eye on the trends happening in the social media technology space. Facebook for example, is looking to grab a big slice of the ...

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