Here is a Method That is Helping Marketers to Connect Using Traffic Exchanges

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traffic exchange

Traffic exchanges can be used for more than just surfing for credits.  It is also a great way to connect with real people.  There are tons of traffic exchanges that are using a social platform.

So what is a social platform?  It is a platform like Facebook and LinkedIn where you can go and check out profiles and find something in common.  Many TEs are now utilizing this ...

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Social Marketing Steps Into the Ring with Email Marketing

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“We know that communicating with your customers isn’t as easy as it looks and picking the right platform is even harder …

Social Marketing Steps Into the Ring with Email Marketing


email vs social
In this corner, since before the dawn of time, dominating how people communicated with clients and prospects — SSSSIIIIIRRRRR EEEEEE MMMAAAIILL.

And in this corner, even before Facebook, was already impacting how people connected on the internet ...

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Why You Need To Build Your List

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list buldingWhat is a “List”?

A list is your life line for your business online. You need people who are interested in your business.

You need leads and prospects who are looking for what you have to offer. You need a list of subscribers who opted in to receive your information about your business, product or service.

Why do I need a “List”?

Regardless of what your business, product or service is, you need people ...

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At Last, The Secret To Email Marketing Is Revealed

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Email Marketing — “Here are 3 simple ways to nurture your leads – and increase sales.” …

At Last, The Secret To Email Marketing Is Revealed

Build Relationships Through Emails

soda shop
How many of you have thought, “well I don’t open emails I get from lists I join, why would anyone read mine?” Well, I’m here to tell you I had that some thought. If it wasn’t for that stupid ...

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Email Marketing — Understanding the Difference Between Double Opt In vs Single Opt In

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Email Marketing –“Few issues in web marketing generate such intense debate as the classic “Should you use double opt-in or single opt-in when acquiring new email subscribers?”” …

Email Marketing — Understanding the Difference Between Double Opt In vs Single Opt In

Which One is Best For Your Email Marketing?

opt in
So here is the million dollar question — Should I use a double or single opt in form for my email ...

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