Using Email Marketing to Create a Sales Funnel

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Email Marketing — “A sales funnel is a marketing system.” …

Using Email Marketing to Create A Sales Funnel

Content Will Keep ‘Em Coming Back

A sales funnel is simply a way to guide your readers towards your ultimate goal, a sale! Email marketing is a great way to build relationships with your subscribers by providing good quality content.

You can start off with offering a free report or training. Now your prospect ...

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5 Key Points to Building Relationships Like a Pro

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Email Marketing — “Money can’t buy one of the most important things you need to promote your business: relationships.” …

5 Key Points to Building Relationships Like a Pro

Engage with Prospects

email marketing
In order to have any success online, you will need to start building relationships. The days of push-button marketing are dead and gone.

Once you get a customer to like, know and trust you, they will then turn into repeat ...

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August Announcements — We are Undergoing Renovations!

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under renovationHow time flies! It is already three weeks into August. Kids are heading back to school; parents are looking for ways to make extra money online to payoff all those back to school expenses.

We here at Contact List Builder thought a little renovation would be a great way to assist in that endeavor. Here are a few of the renovations taking place….

Changes to CLB Downline Builder

Skype Seek and Send

Skype ...

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You Too Can Build a Subscribers List in No Time with Blogging

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List Building — “Just because you have a mailing list doesn’t mean that people will automatically subscribe. ” …

You Too Can Build a Subscribers List in No Time with Blogging

Tip #1: Have a Plan of Action

Blogging is a great way to build your list. However, you need to have a plan of action. What will you blog about? What audience are you targeting?

Myself, I use ...

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How to Fast-Track Your List Building with Videos

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List Building — “Video allows you to interact with your prospects better than anything else ” …

How to Fast-Track Your List Building with Videos

Be Yourself

Network marketing has always been a people business. The quickest way to get people to know, like, and trust you is for you to be yourself.

Videos are a great way to allow people to put a face and voice to your marketing. You will ...

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