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Learn the secrets behind the success of the “Queen of List Building” and so much more!

Calgary-June 20, 2014 – Janet Legere has honed her skills as a premier internet marketer for over 15 years. In a powerful, tell-all interview, Janet shares her wealth of knowledge and strategic communication skills that yield results. She teaches a step by step checklist including all aspects of building a list and capitalizing on all the internet has to offer. This interview is a game ...

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Your Mindset Plays a Huge Part in Your Success

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Mindset — “We all have the ability to change our mind-set – to change our core inner beliefs upon which we base our view of ourselves and of the world. ” …

Your Mindset Plays a Huge Part in Your Success

Change Your Thinking, Change Your World

When we were born onto this plant, we only had one belief — that we were put on this earth to experience joy. You can ...

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What is the Key for Business Growth — Consistency

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Consistency — “When you compare the best companies to their competitors you’ll find that they have one big thing in common — consistency is a major point of emphasis.” …

What is the Key for Business Growth — Consistency

Take Action Every Day

consistency is key
I have heard it been said that you have to be consistently good, not occasionally great. How true is that statement. Being consistent with your marketing will ...

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5 Awesome Blogging Formats That Boosts Your Content Marketing

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Content Marketing — “Videos are quite easy to share.” …

5 Awesome Blogging Formats That Boosts Your Content Marketing

Know Your Audience

content is king
Stop and ask yourself, how does my audience like to receive their information? What I mean is do your audience like reading articles vs watching videos. We are in the age where the younger generation are always on the go. Listening to pod casts is a good option ...

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Mindset — Do You Want to Know the Secret to Success?

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Mindset — “More than any habit or talent, this particular way of thinking about the world will help you achieve your dreams.” …

Do You Want to Know the Secret to Success?

It’s All In The Mindset

When I first started working online, I thought, “just show me the fundamentals and I can do the rest”. Boy was I mistaken. Even though I learned a lot of the different techniques and strategies ...

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