NEW: Mystery Giveaway for All Guests Attending CLB Presentation Call

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mystery giveaway

As we strive to make Contact List Builder THE place to be, Janet and the support team are always searching for ways to help our new and existing members.

Today, we are happy to announce the addition of a Mystery Giveaway for All Guests Attending a CLB Presentation Call on Monday nights at 8PM EST.

Mystery Giveaway

Every guest attending the CLB Presentation call will receive a Mystery Giveaway! Each week, ...

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Email Marketing Lists — They Do Work If Done Right

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Email Marketing Lists — “There are three main pieces, including website content, social media content and giveaways” …

Email Marketing Lists — They Do Work If Done Right

Email Marketing Content is Key

email marketing
In one edition of the Huffington Post, it was explained that emails can still be viable for companies’ marketing initiatives. However, you want to make sure the content in the emails will cause your readers to be ...

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Leadership — 5 Ways to Fake It ‘Til You Make It in Business

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Leadership — “As a leader, you need to be confident, strong, and a force of nature.” …

Leadership — 5 Ways to Fake It ‘Til You Make It in Business

Leaders are Meant to Lead

fake it til you make it
Are you a people person? Do people seem to naturally be drawn to you? Wonderful, then consider yourself a natural leader.

Unfortunely, not everyone looking to start a business are ...

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Social Media — Is Networking on Social Media Really Working?

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Social Media — “If it was up to me: “networking” would be renamed to “relationship building”. At least this would remind people why they are there in the first place.” …

Social Media — Is Networking on Social Media Really Working?

Building a Relationship Does

social media
Facebook and other social media sites are intended to be used to socialize, a place to get to know one another. Nowadays, marketers are ...

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Managing Your Time — Steps to Take In Order to Reclaim Your Time

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Managing Your Time — “You can’t manage your time if you don’t know what your priorities are.” …

Managing Your Time — Steps to Take In Order to Reclaim Your Time

Working Long Hours Don’t Mean You Are Getting More Done

In today’s 24/7 World, it may seem like there is never enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. Instead of wishing for more hours in the day, ...

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