Mindset, what is your mindset, your mindset is so important for success, and are you working on your mindset. Have you heard any of those phrases or talked to anyone about mindset. First let’s see what mindset is: Defined as the established set of attitudes held by someone.
So we all have a mindset and our attitudes are usually established and defined by how we perceive our world. Our environment, life experiences, and our social connections all can factor into how our mindset forms or changes. Can we change our mindset and influence and change the world around us by doing so.

I feel the answer to that is definitely yes and it is never too early or late in life to make changes that will benefit you and everyone around you. Have you heard of:
An Attitude of Gratitude, The Golden Rule, Pay it Forward, Give more then you get, and Be Positive, Take Negative out of your Vocab.
Words have power and you can boost your attitude by the ones you use. More than one mentor has told me before to stop saying Try and say I will. My parents would say can’t and but never did anything. I have most of my life lived by quit is not an option, quitters never win, and never give up. I have seen many
times that I really had to just take pause thinking this is the bad brick wall, then knowing others depended on me, but not only that, most importantly I had a purpose and I had a greater vision of myself. Sometimes going thru, over, around or knocking down that brick wall meant a mindset reboot. Putting the
plus and minuses of the moment into perspective can open your thought to see the bigger picture. Some of those negatives can be turned into learning moments, where the experience actually aids you in overcoming roadblocks down the way. I am stronger for every struggle, so conflict used as a growing, learning experience and shared with others has an exponential effect in your sphere of influence.

As you change and grow you may influence others, but you may also see yourself moving to a new sphere of influence more in line with your new mindset. If you are growing more positive, sometimes you move away from the negative aspects or people in your life. It’s ok it is a normal progression in your journey.
When you are ready to learn the teacher/mentor appears: If you are looking to learn or improve your online business skills, or start your new journey in working for yourself. May I invite you to look at CLB Learning and the other great tools and programs linked to our downline builder? One of our newest programs is the Genesis Lifestyle Network another learning and multi-stream income source. If you are already in business you can promote your biz using our platforms as well. Now that is Win/Win.
GREAT post, Darla! I love the description of a Growth mindset versus a Fixed mindset … growth is always our goal!
Thanks Janet, you have helped me so much on my journey and we have so much more to experience.
I love it’s not too late to change your mindset. At 61, my has changed for the positive since coming onboard with CLB Learning. Great post. I look forward to others. Walk in peace.
Thanks Michael, never stop learning.