WOW, another CLB member, Michael Lipsey a great blog writer, included
the phrase Suck it up Buttercup in his last post, and it flooded my mind.
You see those words were something my husband and I bantered back to
one another to give ourselves a reality check from time to time. It would
give us a reflection moment and sometimes just a laugh or smile. I still
do hear him say it in my mind now and then as I use to say when we were
both thinking the same thing, I say “Get Out of my Head”, which I never
really want as it only let’s me know we are still on the same page.

Now what does that have to do with marketing and business? What
does “it is not about” you play in to it?
Ok here goes what it has to do with mindset and the broader picture. As marketers, we are many things to many people. We are providers of goods and or services, we are of course salespersons like it or not, and if we are so inclined
we can be mentors, coaches, teachers, counselors, teammates and friends to a
variety of people we come in contact with in our daily business life. The rewards of such things are numerous and not all monetary. You see business is a way to
make money, but the end results are vast and sometimes the journey itself is the biggest reward. The money is nice too, but it the fruit of planting the seeds
and enjoying the whole growth experience, smelling the blooming of the flowers and the rain on the vines of your efforts.
People you connect with, serve, and help grow that is what it is about. When
you see that bigger picture, you discovered gold my friend. People are the
Gold, the heart and soul of your biz. You can have the greatest product in
the world, but if you can’t connect with who needs it. You do the math.
I will say not everyone will let you in their head or want what you have to offer, and don’t get discouraged by that and remember it is not about you then either. They are just on a different journey and keep looking and planting those seeds. Every new contact is a new opportunity to make some memories, relationships, and some financial gains along the way.
Let’s Talk Soon
Darla, first off thank you for the warm compliment. Second we plant seeds everyday with every contact. Scatter enough seeds and you will see a bountiful harvest. Keep up the great writing.
I love this post, a good reminder for all of us! Thanks Darla!