I have some questions for those reading this today. Do you believe you are worthy? Whether yes or no why? Is it based on what others have told you or what you told yourself? If you said no do you think your worthiness can be changed? Are there always second chances? Do you have a choice?
Please really answer those questions and think about them, this could be an awakening moment for each new day of your life. I think it is questions we can ask ourselves anytime we are struggling to make a way to move forward.

I felt I had to write this as it came to me how it truly fits this weekend of Easter and how I feel about it and all those questions. As for me I have often let others rule how I felt about my worthiness both in positivity and definitely negatively..
Yet when I truly looked inside myself and found that my worth was already proven before I was born. I pray you to know those truths now as well and if not maybe this will lead you there. The only thing I have to do is choose to accept it and live a life that exemplifies it. Second chances are always possible someone else paid the price for the opportunity. So every day I pray that I am the best me I can be for myself and the one I owe it all. God made me and Jesus saved me!!! That is why I know I am worthy.
Soul searching is a good activity.

What an awesome post. I am somebody because who I am in Christ.
I am worthy! Thank you for this, Darla!