
How To Build A Capture Page

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Building a Custom Capture Page

At this training Webinar, Janet Legere showed our visitors how to setup the Prospect Geyser Custom Capture page to build a list and promote Contact List Builder. It’s actually a 3 in 1 deal as the page also promotes Prospect Geyser for you.

It’s important to have your settings at Prospect Geyser direct to your Contact List Builder site. You will want to setup your Ad and Keywords to reflect CLB.

Login to Prospect Geyser here:

You will find Prospect Geyser in the CLB Learning  downline builder section.

When you login, you are taken directly to the Settings page where you setup your profile, ad, keywords and username IDS for our Add On Tools programs.

Example of a CLB Headline and Keywords

Company Name: [YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME] Recommends Contact List Builder
Headline: Finally, a Solution to Being Overwhelmed
Headline 2: Finally, a Solution to Being Overwhelmed
Headline 3: You Can Make Money Online – Join Today

Keyword Phrase 1: make+money+from+home
Keyword Phrase 2: make+money+online
Keyword Phrase 3: Online+training+and+support

Here is an example of the page I created on the live call

Enjoy the replay of the live training call where I walked members through the complete setup. You can pause the video and setup your custom capture page!

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