Hello Everyone,
Today I attended the weekly training session for Genesis Lifestyle System. Janet did a great job as she always does.
Today’s subject was “What do I do now that my traffic is coming in?”
The biggest thing I took away from this training is the importance of following up with your leads. I have to admit, this is not my strong suit. Regardless of that, I listened to what Janet had to say and actually did some followup. We will see how that plays out.
Janet also issued us a challenge, which I know we can all do and which will help all of our businesses.
Contact at least 2 of your “Facebook Friends” everyday for the next week and just start a conversation. DO NOT try to sell them on what you have to offer but rather ask them what they are doing. Start a dialog! Who knows where that may lead. I am sure most of us have a large list of “Facebook Friends” who we have never spoken to or have not talked to for a very long time.
She also suggested that, before you contact them, look over their timeline and see what they are posting about to determine if this is some one you would be interested in getting to know better.
Remember the old saying, “People buy from those they know, like and trust.” Let’s get to know them!
I want to say thank you to Janet for taking the time to do these very valuable tranings every Wednesday. I always learn a lot when I am able to attend.
To Our Mutual Success,
Steven Ackerman
P.S. This is my day 4 entry for the Click Track Profit 30 day content challenge. #ctpcontent
Steven, I love the way Janet gives us simple homework. She makes learning fun and easy.
Thank you for this great post keep up the good work.
Thank you for this great post, Steven – I love watching our members grow and learn. I appreciate you so very much!
Nice post and yes I agree Janet is a great mentor and trainer.
2021 Looking up