Rob’s COOP Share

Hello a month ago I started again with Rob’s coop share through his mailer called TrafficLeads2Income and let me say that this is not the first time, but the first time I have great results.

With coop, I advertised Janet’s program called Contact List Builder.

Why this program?

1.Because Janet does a great webinar every week
2.Because she is always ready to help
3.Because she doesn’t just look at herself and actually does what she says
4.Because it is a downline builder with only important programs that give results
5.Because it allows us to start our own blog and pass on our knowledge to anyone who is eager to succeed and motivated enough for their better tomorrow

Let me say that this is now my third or fourth attempt and it has finally paid off.

So my stats are
57 Leads
14 Refs inside Contact List Builder

Here is my Lead Capture Page done with The Conversion Pros