13 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Open Rates, Click-Throughs, and Shares

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“Email marketing is one of the most affordable and effective ways to consistently engage customers and prospects. For every dollar spent on email marketing, brands generate nearly $41 in sales.”

Dollar for dollar… Email Marketing Generates the Greatest Profits

I wonder if that is what they mean when they say, “the money is in the list!” Email marketing delivered $41 dollars for every dollar spent. This makes email marketing an essential technology for home business. What better return could one ask for? ...

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130 Time Management Tips

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“Each day contains twenty-four hours, but how we spend those hours is what separates people who enjoy lives of happiness, fulfillment and success from those who experience lives filled with frustration, disappointment, and often failure.”

Do you have the desire to become more productive and successful?

That is really all you need. Desire. The great motivational leaders of our time have spoken of the power of desire. Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937. In it Hill concludes that an ...

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CLB January Update

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CLB Update For January 31, 2016

  • Webinar Replays
  • Next Hangout
  • New Capture Page Template
  • New Downloads for Upgraded Members
  • January Sponsoring
  • February Contest

Webinar Replays

Replays of our weekly hangouts can be found in the CLB members area under the Ready Set Go Marketing System as well as on our Contact List Builder Blog

Click Here For Webinar Replays

Next Hangout

Our next hangout is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at NOON Eastern and our topic is Club Shop Rewards which is found in the CLB Downline Builder. Discover ...

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Facebook Marketing for 2016

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The Evolution of Facebook Marketing

Facebook can be an extremely powerful prospecting platform

From a marketing point of view, Facebook can be an extremely powerful prospecting platform. Unfortunately the majority of marketers have it all wrong. This weeks Facebook Marketing Wrap up we have selected the following articles to give you a more solid footing when developing your Facebook Marketing Strategy.

The first article we will take at look at the background statistics on Facebook marketing. This will give you an idea of ...

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Holiday Email Marketing Tips

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“Adobe predicts this year’s online holiday sales will reach a record $83 billion, an 11-percent year-over-year increase compared to last year. With so much up for grabs between now and the end of the year, Internet marketers should already be setting their email marketing campaigns into action.”

Get Your Email Marketing Campaigns Active Now

There is one thing that I know for sure and that is we are heading to that part of the year where the greatest potential for profit exists. ...

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