CLB Announces Club Shop Rewards

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Club Shop Rewards Joins The CLB Downline Builder

We are excited to announce the addition of Club Shop Rewards to our Contact List Builder Downline Builder.

Club Shop Rewards is a program that pays you to shop. The Company is associated with Big Name Stores who offer Cash rebates and/or points through the Club Shop Rewards program.

How does Club Shop Rewards work?

It’s fairly simple.  You login to your Club Shop Rewards back office and ...

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Colors? How to Communicate to Get What You Want.

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What personality type are you? Experts have agreed that there are four basic personality types that have been assigned the colors Yellow, Red, Blue and Green.

What’s your Personalities Color? Yellow, red, blue or green?

Many organizations use a simple personality test in order to determine a candidates suitability for employment. Each personality is classed as yellow, red, green or blue. The yellow personality type is generally regarded as the life of the party. Red is dominating, Blue is meticulous and green needs ...

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Social Media Sharing: Infographic

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Hey everyone. Here is a handy info graphic that all social media and internet marketers should keep pinned to their desktops. Like the majority of all marketers, you are looking for more social shares, likes and readers for your blog.

Social Sharing with Exacting Accuracy

social sharing on twitterYes sharing on social networks play a huge role in your success. However, if your sharing practices are below standard, your ...

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Mobile Marketing and the Need for Responsive Designs

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Mobile Marketing – “The mobile first web design philosophy has been bandied around now for some years. When we first started to hear about it probably back in about 2009 or so, possibly a bit earlier I think its fair to say that many people were at first sceptical about the approach. One such person was of course Luke Wroblewski, author of Mobile First, and who in fact claims to have been the one who first coined the term.”

Responsive Web ...

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Making Money Doing What You Love. 5 Steps

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“Phrases like starving artist and golden handcuffs portray the harmful message that getting paid for doing work you love is not the norm, nor is it a realistic goal. What these hackneyed phrases do is thwart ambition and dreams. Here are 5 steps to start making money doing what you love:”

Curated from MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice | 5 Steps: Make Money Doing What You Love

Most ...

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