Taking Action is The Only Remedy for a Slump in Your Business

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Taking Action — “Are you willing to take the action necessary in order to get the results you deserve?” …

Taking Action is The Only Remedy for a Slump in Your Business

Be Willing to Take Action

Gerry Schroeder
In order to have success in life and business, you must take action. Going to webinar after webinar and not taking action to implement the strategies is only hurting your business.

When you decide to ...

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Premium Member Training Call — Commitment and Accountability

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accountabilityThis is the type of training you will receive as a premium member of Contact List Builder.  On today’s training call, we talked about commitment and accountability.

When we get into business for ourselves, we tend to allow everyday stuff to get in the way. The phone will ring, so you stop to chat.  You get a notification from social media site and you go to check it out.

In order to ...

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Are You Up For The Challenge?

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will you take the challengeOn today Contact List Builder Members training call, Janet put out a challenge for all CLB members.  Question is, are you up for the challenge?

Are you wanting to grow your business?  Then you need to get BOLD.  I am not talking about being rude or obnoxious.

Im talking about being direct and ask your prospects — “Who wants to work with me?”

So here’s the challenge.

  1. Go to all ...
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What to Say When They Ask, “What do you do?”

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what do you doThere is one question I hear a lot from new network marketers — what do I say when people ask “What do you do?”  Being new to network marketing, it is understandable to think it would be difficult to answer such a question.

When you are asked “What do you do?”, you want to be able to answer that question within 7 seconds. Be sure to answer ...

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What Everybody Ought to Know About Being a Leader

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Network Marketing — “Every person wants to become a leader in their industry, someone of real importance.” …

What Everybody Ought to Know About Being a Leader

Mirroring a Leader

In my many years of network marketing, I have found that there are so many people thinking it is easy to just get online, post a few ads and be considered a leader. Actually, I was guilty of that myself.

Unfortunately, a lot ...

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