Plan of Action — Your Road Map to Success

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Plan of Action — “Having start-up success or failure is all about knowing both the why and how of your actions towards starting and maintaining a business.” …

Plan of Action — Your Road Map to Success

One Turn at a Time

You are about to embark on a road trip — a road trip to success. Just like any other road trips, you need a plan of action detailing exactly how ...

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Using Safelists as a Source for Free Advertising

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Safelists – “Safelists are a closed community email list of like minded people who are trying to advertise their offers to other members in the community.” …

Using Safelists as a Source for Free Advertising

Are They Really Free?

I have read a lot of different blog posts and articles on safelist to learn that safelists do work, if you know how to properly use them. Just like any marketing tool out ...

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Interviewing Techniques to Rev Up Your Blog

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Interviewing — “A good interview can provide the basis for a compelling business blog. A business blog is an integral part of most content marketing strategies and can reap rewards for brands” …

Interviewing Techniques to Rev Up Your Blog

Be Natural, Not Stiff

Interviewing known people in your niche is a great way to draw attention to your blog. However, you must have the skills to conduct an interview ...

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Take Action — Steps to Achieve Success

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Take Action — “Only one in ten people who want to start their own businesses ever develop enough courage to begin and enough persistence to continue.” …

Take Action — Steps to Achieve Success

It Starts with a Dream


I recently had a conversation with my mentor about taking action and setting goals. I was told not to be so realistic, take the time to pretend. It all starts with a dream of ...

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Email Marketing — Are Your Emails Reaching Your Audience

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Email Marketing — “Yet the fact remains that everyone is inundated with too many emails, making a marketer’s job that much harder to cut through the clutter.” …

Email Marketing — Are Your Emails Reaching Your Audience?

11 Steps to Optimize Your Opening Rate

Email marketing is still a very inexpense and easy way to communicate and nurture your relationship with your audience. The problem is that your readers are ...

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