Spring Cleaning — Sprucing Up Your Business for Spring

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Spring Cleaning–“Customer information can quickly go bad as people move, change email providers, and otherwise change their habits.” …

Time to Clean Out Any Cobwebs

It is that time of year — Spring Cleaning! Time to spruce things up and start anew. Same goes for your business. It is time to do some house cleaning of your business.

When was the last time you check your links on your ...

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Skype Group Discussion Results in Great Testimonials

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One of the advantages to upgrading to a premium member in Contact List Builder is being part of our Upgraded Members Skype Group.  This is where we share ideas, discuss strategies and support each other.

You never know what will come out of one of these Skype group meetings.  Here are a few inspiring testimonials that resulted from one of our most recent discussions.

When I started 6 years ago to find how to make money online, it was my goal to ...

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Tip for Success — Are You a Flake at Getting Things Done?

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Tip for Success — “What we lack is focus.” …

Tip for Success — Are You a Flake at Getting Things Done?

Most of Us Are

I am the first to admit that focus has always been an issue that I needed to improve. Once I changed my mindset and made the decision to become more focused, I began to see things change for the better. My business began to take ...

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Multiple Streams of Income — Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

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Multiple Streams of Income — ““We need to have multiple streams of income.”” …

Multiple Streams of Income — Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

One Tip: Work as a Freelancer

multiple streams of income
In today’s world, it is getting harder and harder to live off of just one source of income. Every day you see more people holding down two or even three jobs.

Instead of working for someone else, ...

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List Building — A Guide to Growing Your Marketing List

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List Building — ““Opting in” is how people add themselves to your email list.” …

List Building — A Guide to Growing Your Marketing List

One tip: Offer a Giveaway

To make money online, you need to find people who are hungry for your product and/or service. List Building is simply gathering names and email addresses of those people, creating the perfect audience.

People love to get things for free; therefore, ...

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