In the world around us, we all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Michael The Traveling Trucker is really a mess. No one needs to see your mess so, Each day I work hard to improve the quality of life for myself and those around me.

I read my Bible, 31 day of peace by Scott Reece, 31 days of Victory by Scott Reece. What are you putting into your mind daily ? Trash or Life?

Let’s look at where YOU need to START: Hebrew word: RAB. It means, abounding, more numerous than, abundant, more than enough, strong, exceeding.

Take time to get that into your spirit, soul, and body. When you believe it, speak it, walk in it, sing it, shout it, YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO CHANGE.


Smart goal setting concept. SMART (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, timely) goal setting concept written on blackboard stock image

I understand people are looking for financial freedom. With that in mind, what hurts, habits and hang ups do I need to help address to get you where you want to be?

What are your goals? What is your investment amount? What is your monthly budget? How much time do you have to put into YOUR business? Are you coachable, teachable? Are you a thinker or an action taker?

Do you immediately go and do the work or let it go for a while? All of these questions are important. This is the lifeblood of business-YOU. It is YOU that has to put in the time, effort, and finance. All I can do is lead you in the right direction.

Please Remember-I DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. That’s why our team of leaders are here to instruct you in the right way to build lasting financial freedom. The SYSTEM in place is set up to give you the maximum return on your investment.

SMART goal setting - napkin concept. Tips and questions on SMART goal setting - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee stock images

WHAT DO YOU WANT? If not sure, look at my resource page at the top of this post for some helpful tips.

You are here, so what is keeping you from YOUR dream?

Handwriting text writing Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years question. Concept meaning Career goal Setting the target.  royalty free stock images

Let’s start small- what do you say?

30 day challenge-How much increase of money do you want to see on a monthly basis at the end of 30 days? What will it take for you to reach this goal?

Woman looking forward in binoculars. Lady holding laptop and folder. Goal setting and new horizons concept, copy space.  royalty free stock images

Do you need to release weight from your body? How much weight do you see yourself releasing at the end of 30 days? How many books will you read? How many motivational videos will you watch? How many times a day will you give YOURSELF positive reinforcement?

I want to help you, reader. Are you ready? Contact me back now and let’s start today. Contact me ,NOW


What Does Your Village Look Like?

Park you vehicle behind my rig, The one that Say’s Michael The Traveling Trucker. We will walk into the village together and see what we see.


Village, Lake, Mountain, Reflection

Think about this” It takes a whole village to raise a child”. That’s the way it used to be. We see this slipping away more and more.

Food for thought- There is the village idiot, village gossip, village drunk, and the village prostitute. Are these the type of influences we really want when it comes to raising our children?

There are the village shop keepers-butcher, baker and candle stick maker. Village elders, village mayor and hopefully the village spiritual leader, who is a man of Jehovah God.

When we look closely at these people, we can learn a lot when we ask questions.

If you want to run a business, whom do you ask? If you want to know more about God, whom do you ask?

If you want to run the daily activities of a village, whom do you ask?

Panorama, Village, Landscape

NOW FOR THE FUN PART.” It’s Your Village, How Do You See It? What leaders do you converse with? Who are your advisors and mentors? How do you handle the negative side of things going on in your village? ( idiot, gossip, prostitute, drunk).

I am building my village on firm foundational principles. Listening to leaders who have already built their villages. Don’t try to change things, just because they sound good. Mentors teach you because they know you have what it takes to run your village properly and successfully.

Show up daily. Put in the work. Show your villagers, they can trust you. Work with those that want to build up your village. You must put finance into your village.

Castle, Lake, Sailboat, Roofing

Advertise your village. Show the world, why your village is worth their time and effort to join you.

What offers are you sharing with your villagers? What value do you bring to your villagers? People really love being a part of a thriving village. There is safety, financial gains, laughing, loving, sharing life.

Do you need help building your village? Being a trucker, I can load my truck with the materials you need, to build a strong, vibrant, and prosperous village.


Together, hand in hand, we will build a village that the world will stand in awe of. View my resource page for a glimpse of building materials.