Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker saying ” Action Starts Now”.
Are you sitting at your computer and just staring. Are you thinking what is my next step now the computer is on?
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/hard-work/
What type of business are you looking for and what is your gift-What you are best at? Are you a good writer, able to lead people, good at communicating, great at finishing tasks given to you, great at selling?
Do you like making videos, creating content for others to read?

Are you able to take action and get things done? Whether you’re in a leadership role at work or you’re just trying to get through your daily to-do list, having strong action-oriented skills can make a big difference.
Being proactive means taking the initiative to start something without being asked. Do you do the dishes, vaccum, dust, cook without being asked? Help other with jobs that need to get done?

It’s the same in business. It’s your life and mine. We MUST take charge and make things happen if we want something better to happen. Taking initiative is important because it shows that you are motivated and interested in getting things done.

Being decisive is an important skill because it allows you to make decisions quickly and efficiently. When you are decisive, you are able to focus on the most important tasks and get them done. What are your money making goals for the day? Are you making the phone calls, making the welcome videos, advertsing, writing the book you have dreamed about writing for years?
Main Thought: We are in a people business, not a product business. Building close friendships with others is the name of the game. Your best friend is probably within reach—your phone. I know that might sound funny to many, your phone is a mini computer. Learning to use it will increase your productivity.

This next one is VITAL: Managing time is an important skill for anyone who wants to be successful in their career. Time management skills can help you get more done in less time, which can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
Action planning is the process of turning your strategy and goals into action. Taking your ideas and planning how to make them reality.
In other words, action planning is working out what exactly you need to do to get where you want to be. Whether those are personal goals or organisational goals doesn’t matter, as the skills required are the same.
We have all the tools you need to improve your skills. Click Here.
Step 1:
Identify the broad actions needed to achieve each of your intermediate milestones.
Step 2:
Break each broad action down into smaller tasks. Doing this will keep you on track. Daily habits become life time money.
This was fun for me and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Take what you see here and apply it to your everyday life. You only have one life, so build it on your terms and not what someone else says to do.

Let’s Enjoy Life Together.