Why Online Marketing???

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure, What makes a person choose online marketing?

When I began this morning, The people I chose to do business met all the criteria of this post. Don and Janet Legere: CLB-Contact List Builders.

Rob Gehring: TrafficLeads2IncomeViralMailer and MassiveMarketingSuccesss

Jon Olson and Blain Jones: Click Track Profit

Mention on Pictures: https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrCwDNeefZePTwAzA0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?p=free+Pictures+of+internet+workers&fr=yhs-iba-1&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-1&guccounter=1

Mention: http://sculptmovement.com/7-benefits-network-marketing/

COST OF ENTRY–You can get started in network marketing for $300.00 or less which typically includes the cost or your product, product samples, and training materials. What other business can you get started with very little money and a huge income upside?

LEVERAGE–You can leverage yourself with having thousands of people all over the world in your organization that pays you a commission every-time they consume or use the service provided by the network company you are with.
I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.” John D. Rockefeller.

FLEXIBILITY–You have the flexibility of working wherever you want with people all over the world. 

PERSONAL GROWTH–Growing a team and your income in network marketing is all about personal growth. The more you grow as a person the bigger your income becomes. Most all network marketing companies are huge proponents of personal growth and building people up and helping them become better people.

PASSIVE OR RESIDUAL INCOME–Network marking allows you the ability to do something well once and get paid over-and-over again for your efforts providing an income stream that is passive. Know the difference between linear income VS residual income. There is nothing better than making money while you sleep!


The tax benefits of network marketing are huge! It is hard to put a positive spin on taxes but with network marketing you can. If people just understood the tax benefits of network marketing and how they could lower there income taxes more people would consider joining the profession.


The income potential and upside to networking marketing is huge! There are not many professions where one does not need a college or even a seconardy school education to make a 6 figure income. Will the income happen over night? No! But if you set realistic expectations and go to work you can build a large monthly income! You can make a full-time income with part-time effort!

Be The Leader YOU Were Created To Be


Mention: https://blog.np.church/the-parable-of-the-pencil/

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. I had to write about this story. We all need motivation, love, and inspiration.


Remember the No. 2 pencil? A skinny, yellow tool that determined your future?

As students, we were always given a No. 2 pencil to answer questionnaires in class.

Why a No. 2 Pencil?

The number represents the hardness of the metal. The lower the number, the softer the metal. Early machines that scanned and scored tests couldn’t detect marks made by hard pencil metal. Marks from by No. 3 and 4 pencils resulted in erroneous results.

pencils No 2

No. 1 pencils were too soft and smudged on the tests.

So, No. 2 pencils were the Goldilocks answer – just right.

5 Lessons of the Pencil Maker

There is a parable about a Pencil Maker which encourages you to know that you are a special person, with unique God-given talents and abilities.

Just before the Pencil Maker put the pencils in their box he told them five things:

1. Everything you do will always leave a mark.

2. You can always correct the mistakes you make.

3. What is important is what’s inside of you.

4. In life you will undergo painful sharpenings, which will only make you better and useful.

5. To be the best pencil you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you.

You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand and allow others to access you for the many gifts you possess.

Get Your Lead Out


Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish.

Never allow yourself to stay discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed.

Like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are, is what’s inside of you.

Now, get your lead out!

Believe An Watch Amazing Things Happen


Updated and Ready

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure begins with Sharing the UPDATED CLB Learning. Don and Janet Legere have made it even easier to navigate CONTACT LIST BUILDERS.

Step 1 – The CLB Capture Page

To begin your online marketing journey with CLB Learning, you will be setting up your CLB Sales Funnel with The Conversion Pros. Please ensure that you join The Conversion Pros with your CLB sponsor.

Share Codes

This is the meat and matter of your CLB funded system and how you begin to build your list. Follow these simple steps to set up your CLB Capture page. The share codes are in the instructions. (didn’t want to put here as part of the system).

Webinar Replays

Before you begin configuring your Lead Capture System watch and review these three short videos that will explain the CLB Funnel and walk you, step by step, to setting everything up the proper way. There are 3 videos that explain: The CLB Funnel, The Auto-Responder Campaign, The Capture & Landing Page. Here is the link to the 3 steps quick guide. Enjoy the process, it’s fun, easy and YOU will have a feeling of accomplishment when done.

Hold on to your gear shift– Mention: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search

The CLB Learning Mastery Program is in the works at Click Track Profit and we are very excited to launch this special program for our CLB Learning family.

Through Click Track Profit, you will be able to unlock your Mastery Badge for CLB Learning.

You will earn your CLB Learning Mastery Badge by signing up, setting up, your profile, joining our Telegram and FB Groups, Upgrading, setting up and building!

If not a member click here , you will find it in the downline builder at CLB Learning.
Life, Love, and Forgive ALL

CLB CTP massivesuccess