Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is WORDS. We all use them. If you think about it, we think in pictures from what is being spoken to us. If I say orange, cut in half and wonderful citrus smell. What did you just see?
Mention: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/search/thinking/
![Mind, Brain, Mindset, Perception](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/24/18/50/mind-544404__340.png)
When we read, we think in pictures. When someone tells us a story of their vacation, we see pictures. In business, we think in pictures.
The words we use are important to get people the right picture. While it is important that we respect everyone we meet in our lives, it is equally important that we perform such deeds that can help us earn respect. Respect is the greatest asset that a person earns through his behavior and activities done for the office, home, or for the community. Our pictures must show respect, value, and well being. We want people to have a good picture of our business. When we use words like-tools, coop, lead capture page, landing page, autoresponder, we want people to have the right picture so they can use them correctly.
Mention: https://www.indiacelebrating.com/speech/speech-on-respect/
Using negative words still gives us pictures. These picture never give us the result we want or need. You’ll never make it, your no good, your a loser, nobody likes you…….. The list goes on for ever.
It is important that parents teach their kids to respect their elders, grandparents, teachers, their fellow friends and everyone living in their surroundings. Only then we will be able to build a positive society. Nowadays, people lose temper on small issues and indulge into altercations which turn out to be violent sometimes. If children are taught to forgive negligible matters and learn to respect the people around, they would grow up to be happier children.
I think you are awesome and you have the talent to build your business. I see you have goals on a white board. I see you put up a video. I see there are 10 steps in taking your business from a to z. I love the pictures of words and how they affect my life. My wife- husband-children-grandkids-grandparents- Do you see you just thought in a picture.
Tony Robbins-picture, Robert Kiyosaki-picture, Babe Ruth-picture, juicy steak on the grill-picture. When I say contact List Builder, some see Don and Janet Legere. TL2Ivm, some see Rob Gehring. CTP– some see Jon Olson and Blain Jones.
Think about what say when you want someone to think a certain picture. A picture is worth a thousand words.