Tips to Grow Your Business Online

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure takes us into the land of Growing ( your online business). This takes TIME, EFFORT, AND MONEY. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking instant success without these three. Mention of

Make it Easier for Users to Contact You. If you want your website to bring you more customers, then you need to add an easy way for visitors to contact you. The easiest way to do that is by using a contact form on your website.

Start Building an Email List from Day 1

Lead generation

The most cost-effective way to do this is by BUILDING YOUR EMAIL LIST. Email marketing is the most reliable way to communicate with your website visitors.

Leverage Social Media to Drive Traffic

Leverage social media to grow your business

Social media platforms have highly engaged audiences. Facebook alone has 1.47 Billion daily active users, that’s around 18% of all people in the world. Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms also have highly engaged users.

Be an Active Participant in Online Communities

Online communities and forums

Online communities include forums and question-answer websites. These are the places people go to post their questions, socialize, find content, and explore. Top communities on the internet include Reddit, Stack Exchange, Quora, TripAdvisor, and more.

There are more avenues to follow, such as Start an Affiliate Partner Program, Utilize Pay-Per-Click Advertising.


Internet marketing helps your business in several ways, like by providing:

  1. Measurable ways to track the performance of different strategies and channels
  2. Actionable data for improving the performance of strategies, like an ad campaign
  3. Cost-effective avenues for earning leads and sales
  4. Low cost of entry for launching a strategy or channel
  5. Insightful user data to improve targeting and promotional effort
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Building A Future Is Fun, Hard Working and Exciting

CLB CTP massivesuccess


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. I am learning what it means to be a giving person. This is a BIBLE passage from 1 Tim 6:18-Be Rich In Good Deeds, And (Be ) Generous And Willing To Share.

When I look at my Journey so far, There are numerous people who have poured out their generous spirit to me. Don and Janet Legere, Rob Gehring, Jon Olson and Blain Jones just to name a few. I get good feedback from people like Michael Camire, Elizabeta Ramsak, Gail Quantock, Kevin M,Lisa Gentile, helping me to grow outside of my comfort zone. Encouraging me to do the daily tasks that make a business grow.

I want to give recognition to Jeff Haden

People Are Hard-Wired To Be Kind And Generous, Says Study ...

They give: generously, selflessly, and without expectation of return. They give because their happiness–and their success–comes from someone else’s happiness and someone else’s success.

These people give The gift of praise. They know that a few words of recognition–especially when that recognition is publicly given–could just be the nudge that inspires an average performer to become a great performer.

They give the gift of requesting help. When you ask for help several things happen. You implicitly show you respect the person giving the advice. You show you respect that person’s experience, skill, and insight. And you show you trust that other person, since by asking for help you’ve made yourself vulnerable.

They give the gift of privacy. Remarkably giving people not only respect another person’s privacy, but they also help them guard their privacy–because they know it’s not necessary to know in order to care.

Only by giving are you able to receive more than you ...
How will you become a person of GIVING? We all need to work together, building a dynasty for GENERATIONS to come.
Give Every Day Out Of The Joy Of Your Heart



Curation Calculation

Hello Everyone This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker:

Content Curation–Calculation. What is it all about? There are many people who put great content out there in cyberspace.

CURATE: to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation, as music or website content:

Data curation

Work performed to ensure meaningful and enduring access to data

I’d like to mention the following: Janet Legere-Contact List Builders

ROB GEHRING: Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer

Picking Your Topic : Online Marketing: Advertising Online
Personal Development.

Finding Content to Curate: CLB member blogs, Google, Emails, Click Tract Profit.

Remember to Share Your Post: This is very important. getting the word out about your business through blogging brings the world to you.

Email your Lists
Share in the CLB Groups (Facebook/Telegram)

There are a few goals you should always keep in mind. What’s your main purpose for sharing? What value do you bring? How can you improve what people see?

Building People Up


Most people don’t realize how hard keeping a positive attitude is. We must train ourselves to stay positive, while putting up the walls to block negativity.

Michael’s favorite saying:” You have 2 choices when you wake up in the morning. Be Happy Or Sad. There are enough sad people in the world without me being one of them.

I have to admit, I spend a great deal of time by myself. So interacting with people for short periods of time is easy. Being up beat,funny and encouraging.

When I get home is another story. I must try really hard to be upbeat, happy and encouraging with my family. I love them, care for their well being and want what’s best for them. They know all my faults as well. Pressing those buttons. Yep– you guessed it–negativity creeps in.

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.”

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.”

Be the person who people choose to hang out with. My wife said, ” I want to be the home family comes to, not avoid.”

Loving People click here

“Be positive. Be true. Be kind.”