ANNOUNCEMENT: CLB Downline Builder Additions

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Contact List Builder is the place to be!  Our membership is growing in leaps and bounds and with you in mind, we added even more value to CLB with two new programs!

Announcing two (2) programs CW Net Blogs, which is a unique professional blogging platform and The Legends Network, which offers access to Interviews with the legends in the Industry, including our own Janet Legere!

First: cwNetblogs


This awesome blogging platform can be used by ...

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Email Marketing — Pros and Cons of HTML Emails

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Email Marketing — “One of the main advantages of HTML email is the ability to include clickable hyperlinks…

Email Marketing — Pros and Cons of HTML Emails

Emails Are Vial Part of Business

can emails be responsive
To HTML or Not to HTML — that is the question. Well not everyone is comfortable with HTML. Some may feel it is a little tricky understanding and using coding. However, for those so ...

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5 Tips to Keep from Being Annoying in Your Follow Ups

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Follow Up — “The fear is understandable. No one wants to be annoying or bothersome to a professional contact” …

5 Tips to Keep from Being Annoying in Your Follow Ups

1 Tip: Avoid a Negative Tone

effective follow up
Most of us older generation, grew up hearing our parents say “children should be seen and not heard”. This phrase keep me from wanting to approach people. I did not want to ...

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Allowing Your Personality to Show Through Your Emails

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Email Marketing — “People use language in different ways, and those differences are a function of their personality. ” …

Allowing Your Personality to Show Through Your Emails

Stay True to Yourself

email marketing
Everyone has their own writing style. Depending on the continued use of certain keywords or phrases, you will start to show your true personality trait in your emails.

Take a look at the types of words people using ...

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17 Alternative Ways to Create Content

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Adding Content –“Instead of words, fill your blog posts with pictures.” …

17 Alternative Ways to Create Content

No Words Needed

content is king
Having a steady steam of content on your blog is a must if you want to have your readers re-visit and share your content. Only issue is, not everyone is a natural born writer.

Now this is where your creativity comes into play. How about ...

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