How to Create a CLB Splash Page

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We appreciate that there are circumstances where members are unable to join GVO or the downline programs right away.  With that in mind, we created a Splash Page that you can promote to Safelists and on Traffic Exchanges.

You will need to be a member of AdKreator which you will find in your CLB members area downline Builder under the Affiliate Toolbox.

As a free member of AdKreator, you can have ONE Design setup.

If you do not have an autoresponder and cannot join ...

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What makes CLB different?

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What is it about CLB that makes us different … from YOUR perspective and the perspective of a newbie and one of an experienced marketer even … Please Post YOUR suggestions in this thread
Tina Schraier started the response:
There are so many things that I have experienced since coming aboard. I will just list in this thread as it continues to grow here.  I feel so blessed to have many persons available to ask questions ...
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How much money can I make?

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How Much Money Can I Make With CLB?

Best-Way-To-Make-Money-OnlineWhile building your list is definitely the most important activity for you here online, at the end of the day, you are here to make money right?   We talk about earning a possible 10 income streams with Contact List Builder and in this post, I want to show you how much money you really can make and how.

Scenario #1

In Scenario #1, ...

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Are You Building A Relationship With Your List

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Are You Building A Relationship With Your List

Lot’s of excitement going on in the CLB Skype room this morning when the yesterday’s contest results were posted.  As your lost increases, it can become time consuming to contact your list on a recurring basis. It’s critical to continually be building a relationship and to build upon those relationship.

How Do we Continue Building A Relationship

Most of us use an autoresponder to help communicate with are list. But sometimes the letters used are pure ...

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NEW Sponsoring Contest at CLB

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Sponsoring Contest at CLB

The reach for 6,000 members and 100 new Premium Members

Prizes will be awarded for Most Referrals AND Most New Upgrades

Contest Begins January 1, 2014 and ends when we reach our Goal of 6,000 Members and 100 Premium Subscribers.

Prizes will be awarded randomly throughout the duration of the contest as well as at the end of the contest!

Let the games begin!

Prizes will include CASH!, ...

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