Run To The Next Mile Marker

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is something I am very aware of, Mile Markers. As a trucker, I keep close attention to mile makers, as they help me progress to my next destination as well as gauge how far I have to go to get there. Miles and time. We all have mile markers- Kindergarten, Middle school, High school, College, 1st job. See, I know I hit one for you, but you have lots more.


6 Vital Navigational Road Signs You Must Be Familiar With
Answer Man: Why does MoDOT use so many mile-marker signs?

In business, as well as Life, I have set my sights on different mile markers. Keeping focused is another story. I have to practice every day to keep going forward toward my mile marker. I set small goals every day. I don’t take big leaps, but small skips. 10 small skips = 1 big leap, plus, skipping is more fun. Mile markers are coming and going whether we want them to or not. You either embrace the moment or fight it.


Henry David Thoreau said it well, “Live deeply and suck the marrow out of life.” Too often, we spend our lives trying to hang on past the shelf life of the good experiences—and either ignoring or giving away too much emotional energy to the bad ones. Life undulates. Learning to flex with it by realizing there are another 200 yards can actually give us hope, to reach our next mile marker.


Chain, Strong, Protection

Visualize the “Chain”. The idea is that every day you stay on track and work toward your goal, you mark the calendar (or your journal or whiteboard), and then you keep going until your goal is met. Your only job is not to break the chain. Remember: One day’s success might not seem all that important. But people meet goals little by little, one small success at a time. By keeping your progress visible, you’ll gain motivation and build momentum toward the finish line.

Celebrate Your Wins: Most of us don’t count “small wins.” We save the celebration when the end goal gets checked off the list, that’s a problem: “Most of us make advances small and large every single day, but we fail to notice them because we lack a method for acknowledging our progress. This is a huge loss.

Create a Reward System: For some people, the rush of crossing something off the list (or in this case, marking the calendar with a nice, big “X”) is enough motivation to keep going. However, if building in your own reward to your goal process will boost your inclination to keep going, then find a way to put a little “bait” in your line of sight.

Cups, Prizes, Trophy, Awards, Prize, Cup

Find an Accountability Buddy: By sharing your goals with someone else, you’re essentially making a commitment. You’ll be less likely to make excuses that derail you when you know someone is going to check in with your progress. That’s because having no progress to share feels like letting that person down, and it never feels good to disappoint someone. Plus, when you’re expecting someone to check in with you on a regular basis, you’ll have all the more reason to keep track of your goals.

Set your mile marker, visualize it, start forward, keep going, NOW YOU ARE THERE. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU DID IT. DOESN’T IT FEEL GOOD

Maybe Your Mile Marker Is A Done For You System, Join Us Here

Is Your Mile Marker Cooking, Join Us Here

Maybe Your Mile Marker is Crypto, Join Us Here

Money Mile Markers in Dollars, Join Us here

Smile-Someone Is Always Watching


Happy, Cheerful, Emotion, Joy Of Life

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s SMILING adventure begins with stretching your LIPS wide from side to side. Yes, It’s called SMILING. True fact: Some claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but open Aunt Milda’s chain letter and you might be surprised to learn it takes 26 to smile and 62 to frown. And some naysayers claim it’s quite the opposite, that in fact it takes more muscles to smile than to frown.

Cup, Coffee, Clown, Clown Face, Face

I LOVE SMILING. I always get a smile back, when I smile at YOU. I get a wave when I wave at YOU. I do the thumbs up, peace sign, Spock- Live Long And Prosper sign, any reaction to put that smile on YOUR face. Try it out for yourself. Do any of these activities and see the results for yourself. It’s so much fun. With all the negative going on these days WE ALL NEED THIS–S M I L E.

Want a great read-Get Stuck On Happy, is by far a genuine, straight from the heart book about changing your mindset, from the negative to the positive. Recognizing your thinking negatively and begin turning back to the positive. Because we humans are wired to instinctively respond like for like, facial expressions are contagious. When taken, the homily’s implied advice to put on a happy face does work to benefit society in that smiling people cause those around them to smile. See I told YOU.

Children, Painting, Face, Facial, Ink

Look Janet, I see how fun this can be .LOL

Events like face painting bring smiles, complimenting someone on how they look, giving up your seat to someone, helping someone with their yard work because you can. What brings a SMILE to your face? Being a trucker, blowing my airhorn, brings smiles to people young and old alike when they hold their arm out the window, and make the up and down motion for blowing my horn.

My biggest smile maker is my cooking. I cooked professionally for 10 years. My recipe folder is thousands. My best recipe is homemade, I mean 2 days to get ready, MARINARA SAUCE. Everything is fresh, from tomatoes, fresh herbs. I like mine thick, so it stays on my spaghetti. My good friend Tammy House from Pampered Chef can help out with online parties, products, and services. Check out her site.

Smiley, Happy, Funny, Laugh, Emoticon

Smiling makes us feel happier. It is not a cure-all for every situation (that is, don’t look to it to remedy overwhelming grief), but in terms of getting us past a small dose of the blues, it can help to lift the sense of sadness being experienced.

Repeat aloud: Today is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.

Today I will walk like I’m listening to my favorite song.

Today I give MYSELF the best gift ever, THE PRESENT MOMENT.


I want to give you a free SMILE. When you click on the links, you will smile when you see how easy it is to build a business.


I’m Here-You’re here

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s gripping saga begins with you and me, Having THE TALK. Thank you for stopping by, I said. How can I help you? You said, I need help setting up my business funnel and blogging platform. Well, you have come to the right place. I wish it was this easy, but it’s not.


Growth Mindset – Infinity Community Solutions Ltd

 A mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by one or more people or groups of people. Building your business takes time and effort. You will find success and failure. Not to worry.


Just because you are struggling, that doesn’t mean you’re not learning. Every failure has something to teach you, and everything you learn helps you grow. If you are unwilling to learn, no one can help you; if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Every great success requires some kind of struggle, and good things really do come to those who work hard and struggle to pursue their goals and dreams they believe in. To radically change your life, you have to change yourself. Start building your new mindset today–think the thoughts that will help you move toward your goals right now.

Event, Situation, Mindset, Stimulus

Knowing what you want and willing yourself to reach it are two different things. When you know your goals, they motivate you. Remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. Set high goals and don’t stop until you reach them. There’s a fine line between moving forward and standing still. The most successful people do all they can to move forward, but they also have the patience to wait and watch. Those who are impatient tend to lose out on great opportunities. Sometimes you have to wait for the right thing. Doing anything great requires courage, but fear always has a way of showing up. Courage does not mean being unafraid; having courage and showing courage means facing your fears, saying “I am scared and I am moving forward anyway.” Courage is like a muscle you can strengthen with use.

Choosing to be positive and having a good attitude will determine a lot about your life. If you set your mind to positivity it can go a long way. Be positive, not passive. Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t, give yourself reasons why you can and permission to go for it. Happiness doesn’t come from circumstances but always from within.

Come join a group of people, who learned how to change, move ahead, focus and take action DAILY. We are ENTREPRENEURS. We fight for what we want, get what we want and don’t take excuses from ourselves or others. If this is YOU , you are in the right place. We welcome you with open arms.

I have several business option for you to choose.


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Back Home and Grateful. Today’s Adventure is : Share your business with the world. In our circle of partners and friends, we can and do strut our stuff. I love this business. Nowhere else can you find the freedom to express yourself and earn a fine living. Not everyone I come across has what it takes to build a long term business. People are a cadre of excuses, no time, no money, no experience.


Business Plan, Business Planning

I’m looking for the HUNGRY. The TEACHABLE. Leaders in the ruff. The BIG RARE DIAMOND. OK, Let’s strut: When we advertise our business, we will go through the numbers to find 1 or 2 out of hundreds. The more we tell a story, and people love stories, we see through the storyteller’s eyes and relate. When people relate to the story, our rate goes up to who joins us.

Story, Telling, Storytelling, Literature

Clicking the banners below will help you understand what My businesses are all about. Banners can be used for a variety of activities.

When you tell your story, make it entertaining. Make people want to KNOW MORE. Look at the picture below—WHAT IS YOUR STORY? Mine Is: Welcome to the room ” Relaxing With Purpose”. Let your friends and imagination run wild while I relax with purpose. What is the purpose, Sire? A collection of secret books have been left by the felines, the true Guardians of the past. You will see them in every book throughout time. I am in the right place of calm, peace, and energy. The felines sense the trueness of heart. Today they have blessed me with the lost book,” Ancient Business Practices Of The World Leaders”.

Animals, Fantasy, Composing, Books

See how easy that was. I love the gift God has given me for imagination, words, and acts of wild fancy to bring a story to life. Business stories are the same. People love being entertained, SO, entertain them with purpose.

Watch any YouTube video of people who have mastered their niche. They are master storytellers. Learn from them. There is a vast pile of knowledge waiting to be gleaned for your PURPOSE. Talk to the LEADERS. Why do they have so much energy and passion for their lives? They ALL have seen what was not there as though it WAS. Be A DREAMER, VISIONARY, MASTER PLANNER, AND ACTION TAKER. Make Your Life One Of Extraordinary Zeal. It’s all you have. Don’t waste it, please, just take the leap of faith. The saying” NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAINED.

Reach For The Sky, Pilgrim

Click Track Profit is amazing. You can visit every business people promote. Most are ENTERTAINING. Yeppers, The Storytellers.


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael the Traveling Trucker. Today’s wild ride adventure is overcoming ” THE NO” WORD. No is not a bad word.

We all have had someone tell us no. No No No, you can’t go there, you can’t have that, You can’t see that show, listen to that music, visit that xxx shop, and the list goes on.


In our businesses, do we educate people? We should lead them, by listening to where they want to be. Most people give the fast answer No, because you caught them off guard. They don’t know how to respond. They think they are getting rid of you quickly by saying NO. Say yes to business by clicking here.

You should begin gently by asking a few questions. I see you filled out the form to work with us online. Has something changed since this morning? What are you looking to do online? If you had time, how much would you be willing to commit each day or week to receive a commission? Are you willing to get some training? How much of an investment can you commit to your business? Would you have a monthly budget to help advertise your business? Would you be willing to work with a team?

Paper, Business, Finance, Document

For some reason people don’t like to say NO, however, people sure are good at saying things like “let me think about it,” “I’ll get back to you,” ” sounds good but I want to talk to my spouse” or ” I need to talk to the committee.” There are infinite excuses. Does this mean that NO is right or wrong? It means people don’t have all the facts. People fill out forms all the time and 5 minutes later, they forgot where they were online. You contact them, thinking you are going to get a good response, WHAM, no, no, no is what you hear. First off, we have to figure out why people are so uncomfortable, which can take some coaching and self-study.

What if you could achieve every quota… hit every income goal… and reach every personal dream… simply by changing the way you think, feel, and respond to hearing the word NO? Well, you can.

The relationship you have with the word NO… what you think and feel when you hear it, and what you do afterward as a result… is THE single most important factor in determining the level of success you will achieve in your life. That’s why despite having a great product, service or opportunity to offer, so many people fail to succeed in business… and in life.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. A simple change in attitude and perspective could transform you from someone who is slowed down by failure and rejection into someone who is actually energized by it.


Turn Your Greatest Obstacle into Your Greatest Asset… Learn to Go for No!

Black and White Laptop
  1. The more times you successfully survive a rejection, the more you will “numb” yourself to the emotional sting.
  2. The more you face “no” rather than run from it, the more your courage and confidence will grow, making you so much better.
  3. By dealing with nos, your skills handling it will improve, eventually making you effective at keeping it from happening as often.

You Are The Master of No’s

CTP TL2Ivm Business means taking action. That is a YES word. Click both links. We are here to see you succeed.

Need a good dinner recipe, outdoor event set up, need good cooking utensils click here


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael the Traveling Trucker. This adventure is my walk from boyhood to manhood. Please remember that a lot of what you read was over 25-30 years ago. As you look into my life, look back into yours.


Stairs, Architecture, Steps, Climb, High

It started as a son. Born into a family of 5, Dad, Mom, and 3 sisters. Yep, the youngest. I didn’t have a relationship with dad or mom growing up. Both parents worked. Our family life was brutal at times. My dad was violent, that’s what he knew growing up. It’s all he had. Yes, there was some tender moment, but not many. I remember getting into the habit of stealing at a young age. This got me into trouble until I was in my 30’s. There was alcohol at our house, lot’s of it. I remember my 1st drunk outside of the family at 13. This drinking lasted until I was 30. I became an alcoholic and drug addict. I had sexual relations with anyone who wanted sex. Lot’s of partners. There is hope for all who read this. You can change IF YOU WANT TO. I lost more jobs, so-called friends, family members. I was close to my sister. After I was married for a few years, my sister told my wife, she didn’t think I was going to make it past my 25th birthday. I carried a gun, smoked, cussed, and generally hated people. My sweet bride put up with my drinking for the 1st 4 years of our marriage. She didn’t remember me sober, I don’t remember her but in a drunken state.


Proclaim Freedom

Life is what you make it, GOOD or BAD. I chose badly for way to many years. I have had to fight for any peace in my life. My wife was getting ready to leave me and take our oldest daughter, who was 1, away. She loved me but couldn’t stand, me being drunk every day. I had multiple affairs, lied at every question asked of me. My life was a wreck. God gently lead me to AA. I began getting sober. I went for 2 years. Every day I went to a meeting. My wife wanted to go to church. That is where I met Tim Miles. This man loved me enough to show me God’s word. He poured his life into mine. Tim was a recovered drug addict. that’s why we related. I pray for those who have any hurts, habits, or hangups to find HELP. It is just waiting for you. Take that step no matter how hard it may seem. YOU can Do It.

Fence, Freedom, Prison, Hands, Fingers

I have been arrested, several times. I thank God, I didn’t do any jail time. People were paid off to drop the charges. That’s the kind of people I hung out with. Money, drugs, and lots of alcohol. We watched out for each other for a while.

Now for the transformation, after a small glimpse of the dark side. My life today is one of JOY, PEACE, LONG SUFFERING, GENTLENESS, HONOR, SACRIFICE.

I believe In GOD the FATHER, JESUS his SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Through daily change, I have gotten on the path of righteousness. God is directing my every step. I love my wife and daughters. I would die for them. My finances are the best they’ve ever been. I started an internet business with faithful, loving people.

I have a book- GET STUCK ON HAPPY. This is a great read. Things to do every day to bring happiness into your life. I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions. Quick to say I’m wrong and apologize. God has given me a new outlook on life. I see when I once was blind, hear when I was deaf, speak with wisdom when I was a fool. WHO ARE YOU BECOMING? Don’t waste another day walking in darkness, come into the light. I used to think I had to give up something I thought I loved. I gained everything through LOVE. Today I truly have good gifts and am able to pass along good gifts.

Bouquet, Flowers, Purple, Rose, Man

Choose today: LIGHT OR DARKNESS. Choose LIFE, NOT DEATH. There is so much out here that brings LIFE. Let’s find it together. I’ll walk with you, hold your hand, and encourage you every step of the way.

This is LIFE.

Bring Your life to Our Business -You won’t be disappointed. Click Here

Being in Business is very satisfying . Check out CTP and TL2Ivm

If You Love Food, check Out Pampered Chef


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is: Changing Your Thoughts.

From the movie Short Circuit, Number 5 wanted more input. Couldn’t get enough information. He really wanted to change. We could really take lessons from this.


A Super-Smart Russian Robot Will Be Scrapped After Twice ...

How much do YOU really want to CHANGE your mindset? Going from an unhappy, unfulfilled, and negative mindset, to a Positive, happy, totally fulfilled lifestyle. It’s about training YOUR mind to do simple tasks each day until they become a HABIT. 10 minutes a day. Yep, just 10 minutes.

Time for Change Sign With Led Light

I began reading a book from my Dear Friend, Mentor, and Business Coach JANET LEGERE. Get Stuck On Happy-30 Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Live a Happier Life. Janet’s passion for life, her easy style of teaching, writing, and Mentoring, has helped me on my journey to improve my thoughts and habits to always reflect the positive.

I love the GRATITUDE JOURNAL. This is a 30 day journal for writing down 3 things each morning, you are grateful for. Then 3 things at night you are grateful for. Then reflect back daily at your journal’s past days entries.

This might sound funny to some: There is a breathing technique. I personally have been doing this for years, so I understand the calming affect it has on your mind and body. It helps your whole being to quite the negative thoughts and refocus on the positive.

When you look around your house, DO YOU SEE HAPPY? I mean, do you smile often at the things ( pictures, flowers, stuffed animals, books, etc) around your house? Do the memories from these things bring a positive, happy smile to your day? If not, then begin today to fill your house with a positive, happy mindset. Look at these WORDS BELOW. Take 1 minute right now: Reflect on how they calm you, help you focus on the positive side of your SPIRIT.


Word Cloud, Words, Tag, Cloud, Tagcloud

Now Picture YOUR perfect moment. What do you see? Where are you? What are you doing? What are you wearing? What’s the weather outside? Who is with you? What can you smell? What can you you hear? How do you feel?

Moments fill us with joy and happiness. Waiting for the perfect moment may take to long- Create YOUR HAPPY MOMENTS yourself and enjoy!

Today I Think Positive Thoughts

VISIT My Personal Business Choices




Hello Everyone, This Is Very Rested and Energized, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is: Setting Yourself Up To Win. I am not a fan of the use it or lose attitude until now. I love doing research, and here’s what I found. There’s a ‘use it or lose it’ attitude going on in our brain. If there are pathways that are not being used, they decay.

Mention :

Mindset, Mindfulness, Meditation


You can’t take it back, cannot find it again, cannot buy it, steal it, borrow it, or use someone else’s. You either have total control or it is gone. Each one of us on this earth has the same amount to start with, to use, or to throw away. Do you know what it is? TIME: Are you really using your time effectively or are you just letting it escape through your fingers like sand through your toes as you walk along the beach?

“Hold fast to time! Use it! Be conscious of each day, each hour!” Thomas Mann

“A man will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body – the wishbone.” Robert Frost

“We can find passion in what we do but it cannot be found in what you detest doing.” Byron Pulsifer

Love, Relationship, Partnership

As a trucker, I am very time conscious. I DO NOT like being late for any reason. I know that somethings are out of my control-(truck breaking down, flat tire, traffic.) I have designed my brain to function on leaving when I need to and getting to my destination on time. This has been instilled in me since I began working. I think it shows respect for yourself and those you work for and with. People notice TIME management. In this industry of internet marketing, most value their time and the time of others. That’s why I choose to be here. I began to look for people who value TIME. They love teaching people, from organizing your day through a set of rules to follow, to setting goals, to taking action.

Company, Personal, Silhouettes

FOR YOUR BRAIN TO PONDER: DREAM, SET GOALS, TAKE ACTION. Seems simple doesn’t it. K.I.S.S.-KEEP IT SIMPLE SILLY. My good friend and mentor Janet Legere, Is The QUEEN of keeping it simple. She shows people how to get things done, in the easiest simple to follow instructions. That’s WHY I AM HERE, writing this blog and building my business.

I value your TIME, reading this blog. I want you to know how easy it is to write on what you know and are willing to learn, to write a blog and build a business.

TIME MANAGEMENT IS KEY. I invite you today to join a group of dedicated people from every walk of LIFE. WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED. Click Here to join us. If you have been following my blog, Here’s a new driving Picture.

Dream Big Then Take Ation

For my cooking friends Click Here For my Learning Friends Click Here

Money People Click Here


Hello Everyone, This Is Very Tired, Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is STORY TIME. A series of mishaps befell me, starting on Tuesday last week. I got to my stop in Rocky Hill Ct. Went to get out of my truck and dropped my phone and it landed on the screen. turned purple and DIED.


black samsung android smartphone on gray concrete floor

Improvise: Good thing I had my tablet and laptop. Was able to stay in short communication with the office through email, my wife through tablet messenger, so we could talk. Wednesday, my trailer decided not to go to sub-zero temps. Picked up my load from Elizabeth NJ, on way to Aberdeen MD. Got to Aberdeen for my 9 pm appointment, only to find load shifted (leaning to the right) and they refused it.


Analysis, Automation, Business, Man

Adapt: So I sat all day Thursday, waiting to have load, re-stacked. In the meantime, I took the trailer to two different dealers to get it fixed. The dealers told me the problem was inside the trailer unit. They couldn’t fix it because it was loaded, waiting for my reschedule on Friday. Waiting for my appt. on Friday, it stormed in MD for almost an hour. I had a 7 pm appt. I got there at 6 pm check-in. They came out to check temp. on the trailer (remember I said They couldn’t fix it. ) The Temp. was reading 14 degrees. The place I was delivering to said, if it was not minus degrees, they would refuse it. I told the man what had been done to the trailer. He assigned me a door and said He would check the load. I backed up and waited.

Cable, Connection, Cable Salad, Network

Overcome: I began to pray to my Heavenly Father , would you breathe, your cold breath on my trailer so They would except it. After I prayed, I looked the the left, to find the most beautiful rainbow. That is one one God’s promises to us. I felt peace. 1.5 hours later, they brought me the paperwork, saying all was good. They kept the whole load.

Silhouette, Soldier, Military, Training

Yes, I lost to a rising temper. Fussed to my wife, how bad it was. Had a negative attitude for a while. Then God began to remind me how blessed I am. How these little setbacks were helping me to grow. God wrapped His loving arms around me and told me I was on His mind, day and night, how He wanted to bless me further. The devil was whispering in my ear, I couldn’t stand in the storm. I whispered back, At least I didn’t lose my golden fiddle to a hillbilly from Georgia. Please learn from this story, life is to short. Be a champion. Give thanks always, even in the tough times. You are more than you could possibly imagine.

For those wanting a business click here, you don’t have to improvise ( our system is complete.) You do have to adapt to the system and we will help you overcome, to become the success story, you can write about, a day in the future. Remember you are NEVER alone. Get that deep into your spirit.

Rise Up Rise Up

CTP Massivesuccess


Hello Everyone, Hope you are having a great SUNDAY. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Look into the MIRROR, on the driver’s side and you will see the word GOAL-Get Out And Look. When performing my duties, I must keep a sharp lookout for dangerous objects, other trucks, buildings, You get the point.


Truck, Lorry, Transportation, Logistics

Get Out and Look has work very well for me. It has stopped many an accident from happening.

Highway, Road, Traffic, Roadway, Truck

Being on the highway has its own set of challenges. Lane changes, people on cell phones, speeders, road construction.. We as drivers must keep our focus on what we are doing. We can’t be on our phones, speeding, tailgating. Life can and is fun for me, as I drive the roads of America. I really see the beautiful scenery.

This house is in graham, NC

I try to use this in my business dealings. Get Out And Look has saved me from buying into a scam. I did my due diligence. I searched out the company, people contacting me, and the product being sold. Some have been downright liers.

Startup, Meeting, Brainstorming

People who are thinking about a business to invest in should do so with care. To begin with, know your limits. You can expand later with time and experience. What kind of money can you invest? What is your monthly budget? How many hours are you willing to invest into your business? Will there be someone to guide you? Help support desk? How long has the company been in business?

My recommendation is Contact List Builder: Don and Janet Legere. I am working with this couple. They have been a full time, stay at home marketers couple for 21 years. Janet started CLB as an e-book way back when. It is still going strong with great results for those willing to put the effort in. This is a complete business package- Done For you System. Easy to follow. Easy to set up.

So G.O.A.L. – Get Out And Look now. See why CLB is a true success Story. Come Join The CLB Family TODAY.

Start small, Then Upscale like crazy.

Don’t Forget to check Out These Businesses

Click Track Profit TrafficLeads2Incomevm
