Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is YOUR brain. The brain’s wiring patterns can shed light on a person’s positive and negative traits.
Mention: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-your-brain-is-wired-reveals-the-real-you/
For many years, it was believed that the human brain is essentially hardwired—that we are born with a set of cognitive abilities, which are more or less unalterable for the rest of our lives. But the discovery of neuroplasticity—our brain’s ability to selectively transform itself in response to certain experiences—has proven to be one of the biggest paradigm shifts. Simply put, neuroplasticity refers to our brain’s malleability—its ability to respond to certain intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing and building its structure, function and connections .
The fact that our brain doesn’t just absorb—but can also re-wire itself in response to certain repeated activities and experiences—has opened new opportunities for cognitive therapy.
Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/brain/
Reading this has given me insight, That the more I progress in my business, my brain is re-wiring itself with precise and accurate information to build a dynasty that will last for years to come.
Doing tasks at Contact List Builders, Traffic Leads 2 Income viral mailer, Click Track Profit, stimulates my brain on a daily basis. I use my email, phone, texts, laptop, and read books to help in the process to move me toward financial freedom. I have daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and yearly goals. As you can see some tasks you have been doing, have re-wired who you are.
You are not the same as you were yesterday, last week, even as far back as the 3rd grade. The choices you choose to perform daily makes you more than you can possibly imagine. So write that blog, design that web page, master the art of phone calls. Keep you brain stimulated by doing those simple tasks.