August Referring at CLB

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Congratulations to our August Members

Congratualtions to the following members for sponsoring new members to CLB in August

Barbara Arbster
Wayne Randall
Kent Bayne
Anderson Goncalves
Ricardo Weatherly
Ferdinand Ohgenerie
Dusty Staggs
Kevin Michaud
Matthew Radin
Maurice Flynn
Fern Ouellette
Chuck Williams
Ron Arrow
Carlos Loureiro
Dean Hamblin
Jasmine Kim
Glen Palo
Darla Key

The following members earned Commissions this month (Paid on or before the 15th)

Matthew Radin
Adrienne Franklin
Darren Olander
Darla Key
Chuck Williams
David ...

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Congratulations CLB Members

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Congratulations to the following members for sponsoring new members to CLB in July

Larry Ellner
Matthew Radin
Chuck Williams
Richard Burger
Terrence Hopkins
Wayne Randall
Anderson Goncalves
Alan Lewis
Greg Wilson
Glen Palo
Tim Whitaker
Rick Garcia
Willie Davis
Carlos Loureiro
Dusty Staggs
Leo DeWaal
Ann Lear
Caroline Dowdeswell
Barbara Arbster
Kent Bayne

Way to go TEAM, let’s keep the momentum going through August!

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How to Create a Facebook Page for Your New Business

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Like it or not, Facebook is having an incredible impact on global e-commerce. Business of all sizes and types are migrating to Facebook and other social media sites in order to enhance communications and improve on the consumers product purchase experience.

Facebook and your business

facebook_bsinessBusiness has changed. It is fast becoming a mobile domain. Most consumers don’t bother running to the knowledge source at their nearest retail shop, they Google it! In other ...

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CLB Skype Seeker

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We are excited to announce that the CLB Skype Seeker is now a COMMISSIONABLE product INSIDE CLB. When you sponsor someone to CLB, they will be invited to learn about our new CLB Skype Seeker program.

Login to and locate the CLB Skype Seeker on the left side as indicated below.


Upon successful completion of your order, the CLB ...

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CLB – Why Sherlock Nation

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Why Sherlock Nation is Part of CLB

People ask, why did we add Sherlock Nation to CLB? I found this great explanation on Sherlock Black Diamond, Chuck Williams training site and thought it answered the questions perfectly.

Dear Friend,

I recently found a company and concept that is growing at warp speed worldwide. They are located in California but have already opened 16 countries and growing. Here is the simple concept; Imagine earning $1 to $4 every month on thousands of customers simply ...

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