Good Sunday, Michael The Traveling Trucker here. Today I got to read some wonderful information on how to promote your business on Facebook.
A BIG shout out to Mike Dodd. Thank you Sir.
Never promote your business 1st, PROMOTE YOURSELF. Give a little background of who you are. Remember a nice picture of yourself goes a long way. If you can do a video, this would be even better. People love watching videos.
I would like to share some of the highlights. With all the groups out there, you should focus on High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. People love to make money and High Tickets Items do sell.
People who are newbies to Affiliate Marketing Always need help. HELP them.
You have a very large number of MLM groups.
Do a search on Affiliate Marketing. You will be surprised at how many groups there are. Join a few of these groups. Interact with these people.
Facebook has an activity wall where people ask questions like: How do I?, What Do I?, and Where Do I? These are signs people need your help with fixing their problem.
When people post a question, Send them a private message. Simply reply to their question. Tell them to check their inbox. You have sent them the answer or a way to get the answer they are looking for per private message.
This is warm lead marketing Folks. This tells them, they have a way to get the answers they are looking for.
People will reach out to you, when they do, share the answer with them, and invite them to join your business.
Don’t be afraid to let people know you don’t have all the answers, but invite them to join your business to get all the answers from the leaders. This helps people to know, like, and trust you.
Finding leads should not be a hard task. Ask people to join your team. Remember if you don’t ask, people will never join you. Leads quite often turn into sales.
There are so many many on Facebook that could and should use your help. BE A PROBLEM SOLVER. People need what you have, SO SHARE WHAT YOU HAVE.