Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker bringing you insight into the world Of COACHING. If you want to take your business to the next level( me included) there is no secret hocus pocus formula.

Have you thought about getting a COACH? Meet your goals faster with a Coach. Find someone who will challenge you, have the experience you truly need, and someone who already is where you want to be. Trust is a big issue here.

The most powerful phrase you can use in coaching is “I don’t know, let’s explore it together. Sharing information is teaching. Sharing benchmarks is consulting. Sharing models and methodologies is training. Sharing guidance is mentoring. Sharing personal stories is friendship. 

All leaders in the coaching world do have traits they have mastered over the years. Here are some questions you should be asking yourself.

What is your winning aspiration? Choosing the word WINNING, you rule out mediocrity as an option. Winning means to know what game your playing and with whom. Think about what inpact do you want to have in and on the business world.

Where will you choose to play? Choose a sector, geography, product, channel or customer. This allows you to focus your resources.

How will you win? What’s the defendable difference that will open up the gap between you and others.

What Capabilities must you put in place? It’s not just knowing what you need to do, but how will it become and stay a strength.

Slow your rush to unleashing your inner “Advice Monster.” Asking questions first helps them think through the problem themselves and makes sure your advice is applicable or even wanted!

Good coaches don’t pile on 100 questions at a time. Ask one question and then stop yourself. Listen. Coaches listen genuinely which means staying curious and giving space (i.e. silence sometimes) for people to process and answer. Your role is to help people think more deeply not give them the answers.

Your 1st question should always be ” What’s on your mind”? It is a straightforward, more open inquiry that lets the respondent express what is most important to them. Launches the conversation and then you can orient towards one of the 3Ps, People, Project, or Patterns.

Without a good question, a good answer has no place to go. People want to be lead. Instead of giving them the answer to a question on how to do something, guide them to find the answer from the material provided. Ask them questions to see if they are reading the material or just the easy way out by asking for the answer. Ask people questions more often rather than telling them what to do.

Coaching should not be a once-in-a-while but a daily, informal activity. This coaching aims to help the individual trying to solve the problem rather than merely focusing on the problem itself. Let people speak. Resist the need to help out by speaking.

The AWE Question: And what else? Get below the surface. Uncover & create possibilities for something deeper. Once more, you pass the ball to the other while resisting the need to speak. So it’s not that you won’t ever be able to give advice or respond to questions, but you should do it at the right moment and in the proper way to avoid giving replies that are ineffectual or, in some cases, less insightful than the question itself.

Have a FOCUS question. What’s the real challenge here for you? Look for foundational needs: Affection, Creation, Recreation, Freedom, Identity, Understanding, Participation, Protection, Subsistence. It’s essential to keep your attention on the person you’re speaking to and to steer clear of abstractions and generalisations.

Next you should have The Foundation Question: What do you want? This enables people to express themselves more clearly, which enhances interaction and decision-making. Avoid playing the Rescuer (which leads to the vicious cycles above). Direct them to try to solve it on their own first: “What are your first thoughts?” Another way to say this “What would support from me look like?”

We all need help and coaches are the ticket. Don’t think for a minute you can’t be a coach. It takes time and training. You can do it. I believe in you.

For best program for you to consider Click Here.

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

P.S. Please sign up for my Youtube channel

P.S.S. Great book to read

Strategies You Can Use Right Now

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker siging on 10-4.

Here are some of the best strategies you can use right now for your home business that can build your businesses momentum.

Do you think I don’t have the time to get my home business up and running?

Have you told yourself any of these-Full time jobs. Family obligations. Long commute and rush hour blues. Add your own excuses here for not staying focused on your business.

Good news, you can find and maximize time to focus on your home business. Click here for the best online business of 2025

Document Your Daily Routine.

To begin you will need to find a quiet place and write down your schedule. Write down getting ready for work, Driving your chldren to school, your actual commute time. Be sure to include weekends and family time (this is most important).

Realize that you have total control of your time and you can even change your habits. Affiliate marketing is simple: you promote products or services from companies, and when someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link, you earn a commission.

You need to choose a niche. A niche is a specific topic or industry that you’ll focus on. Popular niches include health and fitness, personal finance, tech gadgets, and online business. Next search for affiliate marketing companies that allow you to join as an affiliate and get your unique affiliate link to promote products. I personally promote this. Click here.

There are two ways to find programs :Individual Company Programs. Affiliate Networks. Choose programs that offer quality products relevant to your niche and provide competitive commission rates. You’ll need a platform to promote your affiliate products. The most common options are:Blog:YouTube:Social Media.

Content is the key to affiliate marketing success. Your goal is to provide value to your audience while naturally recommending products. Focus on creating content that solves problems, answers questions, or helps your audience make informed decisions. To earn commissions, you need people to visit your platform and click your affiliate links. Drie traffic to your site through Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Email Marketing.

You want to set up your business for Passive income: Affiliate marketing empowers you to earn while you sleep. You need to sign up for an affiliate site and set up a campaign. Once that’s done, you’ll continuously earn money when customers use your affiliate link to buy what you recommend.

Drive traffic to your recommended site each day. The more people who see your site the better. Remember, people have to see your message at least 5-7 times before they respond, so don’t stop advertising.

The Time Is Right Now. Go For it Now.

Why Use Coop Marketing

Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker with some great tips on Cooperative marketing, often referred to as co-op marketing, It offers a synergistic approach for brands looking to amplify their reach and resources. By pooling together marketing efforts, brands can enhance their visibility, drive lead generation, and ultimately increase conversion rates.

Key Insights: Cooperative marketing enhances brand visibility and drives lead generation. Effective collaboration is essential for aligning brand messages and objectives. Measuring success helps refine tactics for better return on investment.

Co-op marketing offers a cost-effective way to expand reach, enhance brand credibility, and improve ROI. By leveraging automated tools for streamlined collaboration, businesses can maximize the impact of their co-op marketing efforts.

We all need visitor eyes on our marketing campaigns. To me this the best way to have a certain amount of people see your offer.Best money can buy. There are different ways to acomplish this. By utilizing each partner’s strengths, they can target wider audiences and increase reach.

Udimi click here . Many co-op programs are geared towards merchandise, beautiful print marketing, and broadcast. 

When promoting the value of your co-op program: Include digital offerings in your co-op program and talk to affiliates about the benefits of digital. Track the performance of your best co-op marketers and use their successes to spread the word – ask them to talk to their peers about how they’re hacking those co-op dollars.

This is for TL2Icashmailer Click here . Join me for free. Go through the 7 steps and put your skills to work .

Join WOWApp from your TL2ICM downline builder and add me as a friend, I am Michael-Lipsey there. Promote the Co Op (Packages in Point B) and earn up to 60% commissions which can be used to purchase a Co Op share. A swipe email can be found in the Affiliate Toolbox Area of the TL2ICashMailer, Step 5. If you are sending it to your TL2ICM downline, don’t use your TL2ICM referral url since they are already members of T2ICM.

Make The Most Of Your Adversiting Dollars


Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with Today’s challenge for all non-active members and tire kickers, and the I’m not sure about this. Are You up to putting thousands in your pocket? My favorite line: BUT WAIT THERES MORE.

Sign up for FREE to start. Upgrade and take your business to a higher level. 90 days from now, when you follow the system and do the work every day, You will see the 1k per month.

Our business model has been around since the late 90’s and early 2000. Almost 25 years of track proven statistics. How do I know? I know the owner, Janet and I’m a part of the system for over 7 years and over 5 building my business throught my blogs and YouTube channel.

Think about this for a moment, I spent 97.00 to start. I spend this going out to eat twice.

By refocusing my money, I started a business that is paying me. More than the start up cost by far. I get to talk to all kinds of people, from all back grounds and share this wonderful opportunity. Are you still with me? I thought so, let continue.

Here of some of the benefits from going all in. CLB funnels set up, CLB live training and events, CLB Training replays and upgraded membership bonuses.

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Wow, That’s a lot. If you added all of these up separately, thousand of dollars in resources alone. One time fee $97.00. When you want something bad enough, YOU WILL FIND THE MONEY TO PAY FOR IT.

PLUS: Upgraded Membership Bonuses

The CLB Blogging Platform: I’m glad Janet taught me this one. I put my message out in all the social media sites.What a way to get people to see your business.

Extra added sweetness is our downline builder. 12 additional money making resources. Why would you skip on this? It’s the easiest way to make money and the best part is we will train you. Yes that’s right, hold you by the hand until you make it. Out leader, mentor and teacher Janet Legere is always willing to help, plus our team leaders are here to answer all your questions. I should know, I’m a Team Leader.

Don’t talk yourself out of this wonderful opportunity. You have every thing to gain. I believe in you and will help you. Click the ad above now and let’s get started.

Thinking Is The Magic Key To Take You Where You Want To Be