Turning Defeat Into Victory

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s Adventure is: Victory Mindset, When we learned there is no failure or mistake that cannot be remedied, the better off you will be. Defeat is part of life. No one made it to the top of any industry by not failing. It’s hard to remember but sometimes when you’re down and defeated, it’s only temporary. Everything comes and goes, nothing is permanent, especially defeat.

Mention: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2019/02/06/overcome-defeat-conquer-goals/

3 Ways to Finally Overcome Defeat and Conquer Your Goals you speak to yourself more than anyone else, are you a good influence on your own success? self talk will smith failure quote win defeat give up never warrior winner champion

So how do you overcome defeat? Silence Your Inner Critic. These voices are worrying doubts that will not help you succeed. If you don’t learn how to monitor and control the voices and negative thoughts, you’ll never succeed. Counteract the negativity by surrounding yourself with positivity. Listen to motivational speeches, read affirmations to yourself, be proud of your wins, and listen when they get loud. One of the best books I have read this year is Janet Legere’s ” Get Stuck On Happy“. Everyone should get this book.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/victory/

Thumb, High, Success, Successful, Fan

Remember Why You Started. Each time you feel defeated, it’s on you to go deep within yourself and find the passion to keep going. You have to focus on why you started whatever it is in the first place.

Every obstacle is a reminder to go back and reignite that spark when you first began your journey. Keep your why the top of mind so you can stay focused and keep pushing forward!

Remember as Thomas Edison said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.” Keep going, keep believing, and make 2020 the year you get everything you ever wanted. Failure can only Break you if you Let it. Take a look at Why I have My Business.

Play Chess, Elephant, Mouse, Snail

Be the Elephant, who never forgets. The mice can get into small places. The Tiger, who is strong. The Cheetah, who is fast. The Eagle, who can soar to great heights. You decide who you are, where you are going, and where you want to end up. Understand that Failure Isn’t the End… It’s a New Beginning. Come see why BIG commissions are attracted to ME. See why I love Education. Cooking is one of my passions, I am the gadget guy and my friend, Tammy House is the provider of gadgets.


Dreamland, Fairyland, or Disneyland

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Up Up and Away for today’s adventure: What Do You spend Your Time Thinking About? We all have dreams, inspired fantasy dreams, and dreams of going places. Do you work 40 or more hours a week at a job? Do you work for yourself-traditional business, brick, and mortar? Do you work from home online building your lifestyle, As I call it?

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/vacation/

Holiday, Travel, Vacation, Summer

Whatever you have chosen,YOU can change our plans. It’s as simple as, writing a blog for the 1st time, selling items on ebay or Amazon, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Creating your own products or services.

Close your eyes-See your dream vacation. Hold it there for 5 minutes. Now open your eyes and write down what you just visioned in your mind. Put it somewhere where you will see it every day. 1st thing in the morning and last thing at night. What will it take to make this dream come true?

Mountain Landscape, Mountains, Landscape
Indiana Dunes State Park, Beach
Boat House, Cottage, Waters, Lake

Whether you like the mountains, beaches, or lake get away’s, your time is NOW. J.Paul Getty said: I would rather have 1% of 100 peoples effort, than 100% of my own effort. People helping people is what this blog is all about. Yes, I write about stuff, going places and seeing incredible sites, but this is so people will see their potential.” THE BIG WHAT IF”. I know you want more out of life. You desire more of life. In the big scope of things, what is 6 months to 24 months out of your life building a business that will pay you residual income for life?

Science Says This Is the Ideal Vacation Length | Inc.com

I would like you to look at what I’m doing, click here. This can lead you in the right direction. You can always out grow me, I won’t mind. I love what I do.

People love money, or what it can do. Here is your opportunity for large commissions, click here.

Are You An Education Learning Person? Look no further, click here.

Just For Food Lovers-Sshhhhh, don’t tell, click here.

Dreamer, You Nothing But A dreamer

I pray you find yourself in a Happy Place. Memory making, belly laughing, smile making, wow factor LIFE


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Tuesday’s adventure is DON’T do it by yourself. Question: If you look at the animal population, why do they travel in herds, packs, pods, gaggle, and so on. It’s in their DNA. Now look at people, we have clubs we join, clubs we go out to, social media, sporting events, fairs, amusement parks….. WE WANT TO BE AROUND PEOPLE OR HAVE THEM NOTICE US.

Now, look at BUSINESS….Following simple steps, we build an audience, which becomes a group, which becomes a big FAMILY. If you are truly reading this, and you are looking to build an online business, I WANT TO HELP YOU. We all need help, in the beginning, someone to guide us, show us how to build the strongest business, that will last for generations.

Here on my blogs, Michael The Traveling Trucker, I promote 2 business models. Contact List Builder and Traffic Leads 2 Income Viral Mailer. I am being guided by 2 people who are leaders in their fields. They are teaching, 1st- build your list. For this to happen, you have to be a part of business yourself so you can promote what you are doing. Putting offers-(Lead capture pages), blogging, out there where others looking can see them and respond.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/group/

We are all here to work together, never alone. We encourage each other, correct each other when needed. A correction is a positive act when done right and with love. There are ways to do business right and wrong. When done incorrectly, you can damage yourself and others, losing out on time, money, and friendship.

Working with others is the key to building any business. Set your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals. Next, send them to your mentor or coach. Have them walk you through each aspect to get a clear picture of where you want to go, and the tools you need to get there. As members come into your business, walk them through the process, so we all stay close and build it right. People have ideas so listen carefully to what they said, then look to see if it has merit.

Being a master of one or a jack-of-all-trades in today’s world does not bring about success if you are unable to work as part of a team. The importance of teamwork cannot be stressed enough!

I LOVE this :

Leaders that develop great teams around them have two things that they do well: They have a lot of emotional intelligence and are able to provide a clear vision for the team. I believe this with my whole heart. Janet Legere and Rob Gehring are two of the leaders I look to. They help provide and point me in the right direction to get things done on a daily basis, to build my business.

Let Me Help You, READER. Together we can and will build a DYNASTY. Yes I know we each have a separate business, but always the bigger picture-TEAM.

People, Friends, Together, Happy, Child

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty. These close-knit relationships motivate partners in parallel and align them to work harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another.


Great Leadership Development, click here

Food For Thought Or Eat, click here

Becoming A Leader

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is: Leadership, Why do you want to become a leader and how to become a leader in your niche.

SUCCESS Is The Progressive Realization Of A Worthwhile DREAM. I Will Not Lose. I Am Becoming Part Of A Fellowship Of Doers, And I Am Going To Do Something Great With My Life.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/winning/

Achieve, Woman, Girl, Jumping, Running
Take Your Leap Of FAITH


  1. Thou shall not be easily Satisfied
  2. Thou shalt hold thyself responsible for the Change.
  3. Thou shalt NOT listen to Naysayers.
  4. Thou Shalt keep a Tight Focus.
  5. Thou shalt not SWEAT the small STUFF.
  6. Thou shalt fast before feasting.
  7. Thou shalt tell thyself lots of HAPPY TALK- Get Stuck on HAPPY
  8. Thou shalt not get shook up when the UNEXPECTED OCCURS.
  9. Thou shalt find ways to recharge thy batteries.
  10. While observing Commandments 1-9, THOU SHALT HAVE FUN.

People who fill good about themselves, PRODUCE GOOD RESULTS. Help people reach their full potential. CATCH THEM DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. The best minute I spend is the one I invest in PEOPLE. Everyone is a potential winner, some are disguised as losers, Don’t Let Their APPEARANCES FOOL YOU.

Russia, Russian, World Cup, 2018, World

Take a minute: Look at your performance. See if your behavior matches your goals. We are not just our behavior, We Are The PERSON Managing Our Behavior. Goals Begin Behavior, CONSEQUENCES MAINTAIN BEHAVIOR.

I see myself as a Leader, Follower, Teacher, Student. I must follow to lead, and learn to teach. By reading books, I need to get the best results in the least amount of time, through: Setting Goals, Praise, And Reprimand Bad Behaviors, Encourage People, ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH-NEVER EVER LIE, Laugh, Work, Enjoy Life, and Encourage The People I Work With To Do The Same.

Lou Holtz-Famous Coach- WROTE: DO RIGHT.

GOD gave everyone the right to choose ( succeed or fail). Learn to conquer adversity. This is one of the key elements to success. SUCCESS–ALL LIFE IS HELPING OTHERS GET WHAT THEY WANT IN LIFE.

Repeat After Me: I will do something great with my life. I am a great person. I always look forward, That’s why GOD put my eyes in the front of my head. I will help others believe in themselves until they believe in themselves.

Winner, Success, Success Concept

When you help others believe in themselves, and the bigger they think they are, they will set bigger GOALS and accomplish them.

Universal Questions?— Can I Trust You?–Are You Committed?— Do You Care About Me? Always lift people up, never tear them down. Hold Your tongue, you will thank yourself LATER.


Today Is Your Day, SEIZE IT NOW……

Leadership Business , click here

Education and working with the team, click here

Legendary Marketing Hub, click here

Make Your Taste Buds EXPLODE, click here


Mention: http://www.jillrveverka.com/learn-do-and-earn-as-you-go/

Self-Development vs Shelf-Development….

Do you know the difference?

Shelf-development occurs when you buy all the latest books, videos, trainings that have lots of good learning in them….and you leave them unopened.  They sound great. The look great. And…they probably are great, but….you don’t get into them.

Self-development means that you have gone through those great resources and have found “nuggets” you can use to begin to build an online business.

If you are just starting to look for ways to earn income from home online, I applaud you EVEN MORE!

New Year'S Eve, Fireworks, Beacon

You need to gather information about different ways to earn and select the one that fits best for you. When you are learning to earn online, don’t wait to be “perfect” before you start.  That won’t work in your favor. Learn as you go. Take the graduated steps to find the procedures that work the best for you and your audience and use those. Then add on. You don’t need tech-savvy, computer wizardry, or business training.  You are in a “family” of affiliates doing just as you are and we help each other. 

Where do you want to be a month from now…?????? Still, struggling with your JOB and boss? Wondering if you have a full job to go back to? Wondering if your financial situation will ever improve? What about your vacation/travel plans?

Look no farther, We at Contact List Builder, have what you are looking for. Please don’t pass this by. We have a gift for you. Our FREE Quick 3 step guide to building your business with us. This is the perfect time to be expanding your horizons this way. Don’t pass it up! Take a look!

Working online can be like a volcano that explodes, believe it or not.

Volcano, Smoke, Ash, Mountain, Landscape

You can be participating and standing at the edge of a great opportunity when…something like the Covid crisis hits and there is an explosion of activity coming your way….people wanting to start home-based businesses….

They are flooding in. Business is “erupting!” Click here for your Explosion of $ 500.00 commissions.

It’s Time To Explode Your Business

Library Video Training, click here

Exploding Your Culinary Genius, click here


Mention: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls006801439/

Why Bad Horror Movies Are Good For You | Screen Rant

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s ghastly adventure is, Does your business look like a B rated Horror Movie? Bad music, people running for their lives, monsters lurking behind every lead capture. I understand how hard it can be to get started. Being on the road, I have to make time. Only the work, you and I put into our businesses, will we see results. It helps to have a system in place, that’s duplicatable. Click here for my duplicatable business

Most of the full time marketers have tons of horror stories. Some share these stories so you won’t make the same mistakes. When you go out, don’t you want the best experience possible? Good dinner, great show you talk about for weeks. None of us wants the bad deal. Food not up to par, the show is stupid and you wonder why you came.

Take the time to present your business in a positive way. Informative, a bit of humor, lots of love. Have a brand that say’s ( for me) This is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Putting thought into everything you do will bring passive and residual income. That’s why you are here, RIGHT? Please don’t scare you people off, screaming all the way down the road.

This picture say’s it ALL. We must use our brains. From setting up our lead capture and thank you pages, selecting our autoresponder, choosing our advertising, communicating and following up with our prospects. Show your prospects, YOU are 1st class all the way. Best of the Best.

Do YOU like money? Simple enough question. Are you willing to put in the effort? Make time to build a dynasty? If so click here.

Make Your business movie the rave of the town. The opening weekend you gross-(you put in the amount). Then see have much you earn after that. Remember there can always be a sequel. Look at Nightmare on Elm St 5, 6, 7-Rambo 8, Chuckie 4. Be a true Ron Howard production.

Best Business Of The Year Goes To——You

Best Training Production, click here

After all the filming you need FOOD, click here


Hello Everyone, Thanks for dropping by. Come on in, have a seat, and let’s chat. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure: How to WELCOME your people and make them feel a part of the team. As you can see from the picture below, each state has a welcome sign, plus something they are known for. When people meet you, do they know what you are known for?

You must welcome your website visitors and new leads, make them feel valued, and build trust in you. It’s also your job to prompt them to keep engaging with you more and more.

Mention: https://www.tidio.com/blog/welcome-message/

What is a Welcome Message?

A welcome message is a short communication you send to a new user, email list subscriber, or website visitor that aims to greet, onboard, and connect them with you. Welcome emails achieve the highest open rate and engagement.

Hyacinth, Flower, Violet, Purple Flower


A welcome email is one of the first impressions your brand makes. A friendly hello to connect with new customers and encourage them to interact with your product or service, and if done well, will lead to increased customer retention. Your welcome email should be informative, clear, and actionable. When you send a welcome email to a new blog or newsletter subscriber, or to a new customer, you’re making a first impression on behalf of your brand.

Dock, Feet, Footwear, Jetty, Mat, Shoes

Sometimes the tiniest of elements in a welcome email can speak volumes about a brand. A welcome email is the perfect medium for introducing folks to the characteristics (and eccentricities) that make your brand unique.

Let’s face it: We, the internet-using public, are constantly bombarded with prompts to sign up for and subscribe to all sorts of email communications. So as a brand, when someone takes the time to sift through all the chaos in order to intentionally sign up for your email communications, it’s a big deal. The closer you can get to making your email sound like a one-on-one conversation between you and your subscriber, the better. 

After your brief introduction, you will want to find out more about your guest. In general, people enjoy speaking about themselves, so allow your guest to do so. Ask them their name, what they do, how they heard about your organization, and any other questions you might find pertinent.

Welcome, Words, Greeting, Language

Remember that you will be talking to people from all over the world. Try to find out as much as possible about who they are, what they like and don’t like. What they are looking for in a business. People love to talk, let’s learn the art of engagement.

Welcome My name is Michael

Come See The Best Business For Welcoming People, click here

Best Commissions Business, click here

Best video Training, click here

For Food And Fun, click here

Choosing Your TOOLS

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is Tools. Everyone needs tools from the Mechanics, Teachers, Artists, Truckers, NASCAR drivers, Pilots, to the Internet marketers.

Mention: https://contactlistbuilder.com/2016/09/

How to Build a Social Media Army for Internet Marketers

Hubspot: “While your social media strategy may not call for the same techniques required to defeat a super villain, marketers can learn a thing or two from the Avengers. Here are a few ways that social media marketers can embrace their inner superhero and build their own social media army.”

Why you could use a Social Media Strategy? It takes planning and some work in order to achieve meaningful and measurable results. Although the article was written for business, it still applies a great deal to the home business internet entrepreneur. Here are some basic strategies to incorporate into your planning.

Mention: https://contactlistbuilder.com/how-to-build-a-social-media-army-for-internet-marketers/

Training your team: Social media is all about training your team, if they don’t understand what social media and inbound marketing can do for the business, chances are that they won’t do it very effectively.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/working%20together/

Woman, Face, Photomontage, Faces

Working together: Harnessing the power of collaboration is all about encouraging your team to complete tasks themselves, rather than outsourcing work to others. We believe that Social Media Marketing an content creation plays an essential role in building your list and keeping your business profitable.

Mention: https://contactlistbuilder.com/simple-success-steps/

THREE STEPS to BUSINESS GROWTH: STEP ONE: Set up a Funnel for your Business. A Funnel is simply a Capture page that collects and email address (subscriber) and leads to a landing page that introduces your visitor to your business! You will set up an autoresponder campaign and include a few follow up messages to “drip” on your new subscribers.  I use and recommend the services of TheConversionpros as an upgraded member, they’ll even create your funnel FOR you!.

STEP  TWO: Get traffic to your new Capture Page. Once your funnel is ready, you want to get quality traffic to your page and start generating those leads. I use and recommend the services of Udimi solo ads where you can purchase affordable Solo ads. All you need is the link to your Capture page.

Consulting, Training, Learn, Knowledge

STEP THREE: Followup is likely one of the most important parts of the whole process. You are going to want to followup personally with the leads that subscribe to your capture page. Your leads will be receiving followup emails that you setup with your capture page, however, nothing beats personal follow up. If you collected their phone number, give them a call and send them a text message. Send a personal email to say thanks. Reach out to them as often as you can.Offer value, share what works for you, create a relationship. Find out what your new prospects are looking for and if what you have fits, share it with them.

Tools Make Things Happen

Best TOOLS to use, click here.

Best Commission TOOLS, click here.

Training TOOLS, click here

Best Cooking TOOLS, click here


Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is Speaking words affirmation to yourself and others around you.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/affirmation/

Think, Positive, Optimism, Plus, Yes

Stand on the word: Today I am becoming the best person I can be. Today I rise up to any challenge that arises. I’m an overcomer. I love myself and others. Read it again and again. Meditate on it, memorize it, quote it, declare it, and decree it.

I Am Anointed to win, Empowered to prosper, Impossible to curse. I don’t allow negative thoughts to control my life. Today I CHOOSE to focus on the POSITIVE.

Certain words of affirmation can be used to make us feel good and take action.  When writing affirmations, the important thing to remember is to keep these words in mind because…

Man, Shadow, Meditation, Wisdom, Growth

Practicing daily affirmations is all about the feeling, rather than just the words of affirmation…

And about prompting us to make change, rather than just academically reciting daily positive affirmations.

Certain words also carry with them certain vibrations that will make your affirmations positive on an energetic level, rather than just an intellectual level.

Your thoughts also carry a vibration, whether these thoughts are on a conscious level or the UN-conscious level.

Words of affirmation: Amazing, beautiful, content, powerful, heart, special, wonderful, encouraging, pretty. Now begin to make YOUR OWN LIST.

My thoughts of YOU today are: You are LOVED. You are AMAZING. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are a WINNER. You have the heart of a CHAMPION. You are going to do GREAT THINGS, IN LIFE AND BUSINESS. You have what it TAKES.

Go Big Or Go Bigger

Let’s START YOUR BUSINESS, click here.

Let’s put $500.00 commissions in your pocket, click here.

Free Video Training, click here.

Cooking Recipes and Ideas, click here

Scientifically Proven

Hello Everyone, This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Our adventure is the MIND. Yes, Boys and Girls, there is a difference in how men and women THINK. You say, “REALLY”. Oh, yea baby, A BIG DIFFERENCE. Men and women, while different, are complementary like a knife and a fork.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/men%20and%20women/

Love, Romance, Together, Men, Women

Mention: https://www.factinate.com/things/45-scientific-facts-differences-men-women/

PERCEPTION: Women have smaller brains that are more tightly packed with connections. This allows them to perform better at tasks involving the bigger picture and situational thinking. A man’s brain tends to perform better at spatial thinking involving recognizing patterns and problem solving with objects in a spatial environment.

ONE TRACK MIND: Men tend to excel better at singular tasks while women are better at juggling a number of tasks at once.

Restroom, Public Restroom, Rest Room


Women tend to have higher activity in their hippocampus, the region responsible for forming and storing memories than men do. Studies have shown that women tend to remember faces, names, objects, and events better than men.

Women and men process information differently. Men use mostly the left hemisphere of the brain, while women tend to employ both hemispheres.

More specifically, women tend to develop verbal capabilities on both sides of their brains. It’s this “design” which leads to a scientific observation in which girls will commonly use more words than their male counterparts if they are asked to describe a story, person, object, feeling, or place.


Men tend to be more likely to take risks. Women tend to be more risk averse. Men and women literally see things in different ways. Men have thicker retinas and larger M cells than women. The M cells are responsible for tracking the movement of objects. Women have more P cells, which are responsible for identifying objects, as well as analyzing textures and colors.

Couple - Relationship, Divorce, Arguing

Honey, Have You Seen My Keys?

Women are better at remembering where things are than men are. Women are also more likely to navigate using landmarks, while men navigate using direction and distances. So a woman is more likely to say, “Go straight until you hit the MacDonalds, then turn right and continue until you reach the top of the hill.” A man is more likely to say, “Drive north for three miles, then turn east on Liberty Street. Continue on Liberty for two miles.”

In business, we see the differences in how men and women operate. We should learn from our counterparts. We may not be just like them, but we can make adjustments to suit our needs.

Business 101 Concept, click here

Commission Fast Track, click here

Business Mastery, click here

Culinary Genius , click here

It’s Ok To Be Different