Acting In The Certain Way

Hello and Welcome: Michael The Traveling Trucker wants to shift your thinking. Have you ever talked to yourself ? Yes I know, we don’t want to admit it but, we do. As a man thinks so he becomes. Don’t feel like doing it? Start small. Even the smallest start will have major impact on you and your day.


If you don’t remind yourself often about what you need to focus on and why you are doing it then it is easy to let days slip away or to spend too much time on less important things.

“Both Poverty and Riches are the offspring of thought.” Click Here to change your mindset.

THOUGHT IS THE CREATIVE POWER or the impelling force which causes the creative power to act. Thinking in a certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action.

“One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another.” How many times has this happened to you? I have to look back on a regular basis to see where my thinking has gotten me into the wrong mindset. Then change it. Going from negative to positive.

“Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.”

Look at all the great business men and women. They all had setbacks. They kept going, pushing past the obstacles to reach the goal they set for themselves. Each of these gaints took action. S.Truett Cathy-Chic-fil-a, Dave Thomas-Wendy’s, Colonel Harland Sanders-Kentucky Fried Chicken, Elon Musk-Tesla, Sundar Pichai- CEO Alphabet, Mary Barra-CEO General Motors.

What sets these leaders apart from the crowd- Visionary thinking-Adaptability-Commitment to Sustainability-Inclusive Leadership. They prioritze diversity and collaboration. They enjoy working with others and hearing different ideas. Remember, you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Be the best at being yourself. Do your best always in all you do.

“Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.” Plan out your actions then act out your plan. Write your goals and dreams down, then mark them off when you accomplish them.

It’s a step at a time that makes the miles grow from zero to a hundred. Get your day off to a great start by doing the most important thing 1st. When you do this, the rest of the day will be easy.

What makes dreams into reality?.

I believe that perhaps the most important – and an often ignored – thing is simply taking action. As Nike says” JUST DO IT”.

Talking to people on the phone, getting to know them. Making that video for your blog, following up with people to see where they are and where they need to be. What are your daily money actions? Get a mentor who will push you daily, weekly, monthly, yearly pointing you to the finish line. Whether you do it alone or in a group, MAP OUT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE, HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE YOU, THEN PUT IN THE WORK AND DON’T STOP EVER.

Seize the opportunities God sends to invest in yourself.

Why Follow The System

Hello Everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker with this years best adventure.

Why do people get into Affiliate Marketing? Are you looking to work from home, be your own boss controlling your time? Want to add additional income without the stress of trading time for dollars at a job?


Now, I understand your dilemma being a longhaul driver. I didn’t have much time for anything but driving. Today is completely different.

When looking for your niche, you will find each business has their own system for you to follow. The key is FOLLOWING the system.

Are you willing to at least look, I mean really look into the OUR SYSTEM? Follow our simple 4-step system, designed to help you reach your financial and personal goals faster.

Sign up for a free account today and instantly access our blueprint that shows you how to earn up to $9,000 a month in residual income, plus earn instant commissions between $100 and $2,000!

With the 2K Profit System, we have a Facebook group to help with every question that arises. WOW group for up close and personal help. People from every walk of life helping everyone to SUCCEED.

Have you heard of Chat GPT? If not it stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It is a revolutionary AI technology that helps the user to search for long-form question-answers. This is part of the 2K system. Pretty cool, right?

Do you not want to be in front of a camera, that’s ok. With 2K Profit System we have Faceless Video Creation Made Easy. How neat is that. Do everything to put your message out there and just be the voice. All the training is here for you to learn and apply making your life easy peasy.

I’m not going to give you HYPE on anything. This is tried and tested and members of 2K are making MONEY and you can too. It’s all about being teachable, follow instructions and put in the time and effort. This does require action and attention to detail as any business DOES.

We will help you put all the puzzle pieces together.

Is this something you can do? If you said YES, then this is for you. Sign up for your free account NOW. Don’t wait another minute, lets do this together.

When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears

One Decision You Must Make

Look who’s back in action, Michael The Traveling Trucker. I am no longer a long haul driver. Decided to drive local for the next few years. Best move ever. More home time with my sweety.


The most unhappy people on the planet are those who can’t make a decision. For those out there who are in this catagory, don’t worry because given enough time, someone will make it for you. You read that right.

Please read this next sentence a few times—–Meet all problems and opportunities of your life with a DECISION. Every accomplishment, big or small starts with a decision.

If you remain indecisive, you will NEVER GROW. To move from where you are, you must decide where you want to be. Decision determines destiny.

Everything we do is taught, learned, and put into practice. Yes I understand not all are created equal. You can and must be willing to learn if you want something more out of life. You really do have what it takes. Look into the mirror at your best friend and say” YOU GOT THIS”.

I love this statement ” No one can put a limit on you without your permission”. Eli Whitney was laughed at when he showed his cotton gin. Thomas Edison had to place his electric lights in an office building for free before anyone would look at it. The first sewing machine was smashed to pieces by a Boston mob. People scoffed at the railroad.

So you set your sights on running a business, but family and friends say don’t do it. You’ll lose everything. Listen to the people who have what you want and are willing to help you get it not tear you down.

Doubt sees the obstacle–Faith sees the way–Doubt sees the darkest nights–Faith sees the day–Doubt dreads to take a step–Faith soars on high–Doubt questions” Who believes?”—Faith answers “I”.

Look around…. then look a little bit farther…then look a little bit farther still. Remember, good intentions aren’t good enough. You can’t test your destiny cautiously. ” Don’t play for safety, Go all out.

Want to know how BIG GOD is? Look Up. Look around and you will see every possibility at your finger tips. Pick and choose wisely, but make the DECISION to do so.

The end of 2024 is almost here. Will you decide to start 2025 with a new outllook on life? IT’S STILL A DECISION- whether you go out swinging for the homerun or stand still and get strucked out.

Who do you want to BE? The red pill or the blue pill?

The Army has a saying” Be All You Can Be”.

Click the link below to start your own Business Now

Staying Focused

Greetings and saluatations from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Been out running the roads and getting some really good info to share with you.

How to stay focused and be productive ?


Eliminating distractions like your phone, TV, Friends and family while on tasks. Sometimes those around us can be our biggest distractions, so be kind and tell them to” go away “until you are done. Remember to say ” I love You”.

Setting timers for each task. Here are some really simple things for you to consider: moving to a quiet area, closing out of programs or apps that aren’t essential on your computer, declutter the space where you will be working, soft music in the background can have a calming effects.

I had not heard of the Pomodoro Technique. Sounds simple so I will try it out. How to make it work for you: Set your timer for 25 minutes and get to work. When the buzzer sounds, take a 5-minute break. Set the timer again and get back to work. Once you’ve done four rounds of this, you can take a longer break, approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Best quote ever for the BRAIN: Focus is a lot like a mental muscle. The more you work on building it up, the stronger it gets. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. It will take some real effort on your part and you may have to make some changes to some of your daily habits.

While multitasking may seem like a great way to get a lot done quickly, it turns out that people are actually rather bad at it. Juggling multiple tasks at once can dramatically cut down on productivity and makes it much harder to hone in on the details that are truly important.

To me, this says it all : Part of knowing how to focus is making the most of the resources you have available. Stop multitasking and instead give your full attention to one thing at a time. I have been told to do one thing until I master it.Then you have the otion to add other things into your daily habits.

Be present in the moment. Stop worrying about the past, the future, or tuned out of the present moment for some other reason. This notion of being present is also essential for recapturing your mental focus. Staying engaged in the here and now keeps your attention sharp and your mental resources honed in on the details that really matter at a specific point in time.

Ok time to set your rules. Get your paper and pen, write things down and keep them where you can see them. REMEMBER: One thing at a time, when fininshed, go to the next one.

Our leaders have spent years honing their skills, just ask them: Rob Gehring, Janet Legere, Jared Myers.

By building your mental focus, you will find that you are able to accomplish more and concentrate on the things in life that truly bring you success, joy, and satisfaction.

Practice is the Key to Building the Life You Want

What Do ebooks Really Do ?

Greetings everyone, Michael The Traveling Trucker is gearing up for a great teaching session. Are you ready?


The purpose of any eBook is to educate. eBooks offer information and are designed for educational purposes only. So DON’T skip getting profession advice on the subject you are wanting to explore.

Life is full of unforeseen changes, challenges, and chaotic times. Studies have shown that mindfulness is a key technique for improving your body, mind, and spirit no matter the situation, even times of chaos.

Mindfulness is the ability to be completely in the present, as opposed to thinking about the past, future, or any other event that takes us away from the present time. Being mindful includes being aware of where we are, what we are doing, and how we feel.

What Is an eBook?

eBook is short for electronic book. In its purest form, an ebook merely refers to any book that’s available in a digital format. eBooks are non-editable, and most importantly, are reflowable.

An ebook can contain the same elements as a regular book, including contents, chapters, images, graphs, references, bibliographies, and more. Because an ebook is digital, it can offer some features not available in paper books, such as hyperlinks, adjustable fonts and text sizes, and even video.

An ebook, essentially an electronic book, works on various devices such as computer screens, tablets, smartphones, or e-readers. 

To fully grasp what ebooks are and what do ebooks look like, you should know there are differences among popular formats like EPUB, Word documents, and PDF files.

The short and sweet of it is that an eBook is a physical book put into digital form in one of the two formats, either flowable or fixed. Each type is words put to a page—whether digital or physical—from an author meant for readers to devour. The key niche for eBooks is the ability of the author to skip past the agent and publisher stage and release their eBook whenever they want.

I have read many great eBooks and gleamed information to make my business grow. My mentor, Janet Legere, has the quick step guide for growing your CLB Business. Click Here.

Have you thought about writing an eBook yourself? There are many eBooks out there that you can get that will explain how to write your eBook and what format to put it on.

Remember, eBooks are our friends. Use them wisely and enjoy your reading.

Reading Is The Magic Key To Take You Where You Want To Be

It Begins With You

Greetings and Salutations from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Let me remind you that in your world EVERYTHING begins and ends with you. I know this puts a lot of pressure on some, It’s OK. You were built to succeed.


I hear you ask where do I start. My response is have you written your dreams down on paper? Have you decided what type of online business you want to pursue? Do you have money set aside to fund your business-monthly? Have you done your due diligence in researching companys you might want to work with?

How much time can you afford toward your business? Will you make a commitment for at least 1 year? A good business idea may seem hard to come by, but with some planning and preparation, you can easily launch a small business to supplement your income — or become your own full-time boss.

Your business should be cheap to start. Maybe you only need to purchase a website domain. The best small business ideas are based online and can be carried out from your personal computer.

Nothing draws clients to you faster than the power of social proof — the phenomenon by which others look for external clues to your credibility. If you build a reputation as an expert in your field. This can be by writing articles, creating videos. doing workshops. You’re far more likely to make people excited to collaborate if you’re perceived as interesting.

Winning business is hard, but it gets a lot easier if clients are seeking you out. By building a public reputation, power mapping your way to coveted clients, mitigating perceived risk and making yourself interesting to be around, you’re taking a major step toward attracting the business you want.

Don’t Forget About Branding Your Business. The definition of a brand is a name or a term, a design or a symbol, or some other feature that distinguishes an organization or a product from its competitors. The keys to branding your business begin and end with who you serve!

The right story for your business is never just about the product — the widget. It’s about the deeper story beneath the product, the company, and the team. Within each of us is an obstacle to overcome, and that is the raw material of your story. Once you connect to that story, you’ve set the stage for your team, your business, your revenues to go through the roof. 

Great Leadership comes down to one thing… great casting! Don’t cast yourself in the wrong role! Don’t cast them in the wrong role! 

Will you play the part the world needs you to play?

What would the play of your life look like? 

Your Stage, Your Life. Make it the best ever. You only have so many years in this life, make them count on your terms.

For my recommendation, click Here.

Let me help guide you. Working with those that know makes your life so much simpler.

The Secret Ingredient – Human Magic.

Are You Disabled?

Wow what a way to start. Salutations from Michael The Traveling Trucker.

Let me say it’s ok to be disabled. There are tons of people who have remarkable lives. I think in some way we al have some sort of disability. Moving forward to correct your thinking is key to being a success.


You are in great company. Here are a few of people with disabilities: whistler, renoir, vivaldi, byron, van gogh, monet, chopin, Emily Dickinson, D.H. Lawerence, Ray Charles, Jose Feliciano, Stevie Wonder. The list is vast, the point is these people went on to do great things and so can you.

Are you willing to put in the work to succeed? I know you are, so lets get started. Lets say you have a dream to own and run a multi million dollar business. What does it take? What niche are you looking into? Lets say baby clothes. You designed a series of jumpers. You have picked out the colors. You went to the manufactoring company and had them made.

Now its time to market. You take some samples to serveral stores that specialize in infant clothing. They like what they see and want your clothes in thier stores. You also have a great following on social media. Off you go. I know there is more involment than this. You get the gist.

Let’s say you want a home based business. There are many to choose from. I believe digital marketing of education products is the best. I recommend this company. Click here. Here you must do your research to see if this is a good fit for you.

Remember that no matter your situation, you can and will achieve success. Get a business coach or mentor who will guide you.

You Can Be What Ever You Want

Sharing The Responsibilty

Greetings from Michael The Traveling Trucker. How do you share the resposibility for successful communication?


The process of communication isn’t complete without both speaker and a audience. Speakers can send messages, but if the listeners don’t do their part by listening and providing feedback, the process is incomplete.

The last webinar you listened to was who and what was the topic? Effective listening benefits both speakers and audience members. By listening before the speech, the speaker can pick up the audiences needs. Great speakers have this trait before each webinar by opening up the room early.

There are four types of listening. content, critical, empathic, and appreciative listening. Content listening helps you understand the speakers message. Critical listening helps you both undertsand and evaluate the meaning of the message. Empathic listening helps you understand the speakers feelings and viewpoint. Appreciative listening helps you enjoy the speakers message and delivery.

The five factors of listening are: attending, interpreting, remembering, evaluating, and responding. We all must have these skills if we are to move forward in our businesses. This should help you in all areas of your life.

In our business world we have two people who do an outstanding job on presenting webinars. Rob Gehring and Janet Legere. These leaders fill our hearts and minds with practical teaching which should be put into your businesses immediately.

We all have a part in the big picture so learn these skills and perfect them over time. Do you believe you could do a webinar? If your answer is yes, have you done one. If no is your answer, why not? Pick a topic, research it, then show your findings. Easy peasy.

I have not done one yet. I have a vast video collection on Youtube, which goes with my blogs.

Have you heard of the Wow app? It’s a place to learn, grow and teach others in business. I invite you to join me. Click here.

If you are looking for a home based business I also invite you to join me.Click Here.

Everything we do is people helping people with respect and understanding See why we are growing and making money weekly and monthly.

Listening is a big part of every conversation


Hello everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker. What is your biggest asset?

YOU ARE. It’s what you know, what you can learn, what you can teach.


We all have a sphere of influence. When we realize what we really have, it will explode your life.

Did you know you are like a tea bag? Not worth much till you’ve been through some hot water. Have you ever failed or made a mistake? I bet you have. We all have. DON’T beat yourself up, learn from it and move on the greater things.

The fact that you’ve failed is proof you are still a work in progress. What’s more important is that you got up. Failure may look like a fact, but it’s just an opinion.

Successful people think mistakes are just feedback. You can really learn something from everything you do. Failure is really an opportunity to start over more intelligently.

You intelligence is showing. You want a business that will run and be profitable. The work you do today will pay you years to come. Are you ready to get started? Click here.

CLB has been around and proven for many years. The owner Janet Legere is a busineess woman, entrepreneur, teacher, and mentor. Come join us today. We are here and waiting for you.

Success Happens Around You Each Day.

People Are Your Priority

Hello and welcome. Michael The Traveling Trucker say’s enjoy making friends. Yes it can be difficult to make friends but well worth the conversation.


Building your list is your number one GOAL. It’s not just getting people on your list though. It’s building a relationship that will benefit your people. Letting them know you can be trusted and helping them all along the way until they feel they can do it on their own.

Having a good product and service is also important. Will it benefit your people? What value is it to them? Having several products for them to choose is smart. Be aware people are skeptical. Don’t try to sell them. Lead and guide them through the system. Let the system you have in place convince them.

Instead of giving advice, we can guide people to find their own answers through a combination of listening and asking questions. Asking “What is the real challenge here for you?” followed by “And what else?” helps people focus on the most important problem they are trying to solve.

So what is a good way to guide people to where they’ll stick? Guide people based on a starting point. Guide people based on life stage. Find out as much about themselves as they will offer in your conversation.

Listening is key to understanding your people. You have two ears and one mouth. So listen twice as much as you talk. Help someone to think about a problem more clearly leaving room for that person to arrive at their own insights and make their own decisions—so that they have more “ownership” of potential solutions.

Your role is to get people to think for themselves by guiding them with information they don’t have. The great temptation of leadership is giving answers instead of guidance. Guidance shows respect, builds confidence, and enables action. People come to you looking for specific answers. Give them guidance instead.

Guidance enables thinking. “Now that you have some broad principles to consider, what’s your next step?”

Guidance clarifies responsibility. “What’s keeping you from making this decision?”

Leaders touch lives and hold destinies in their hands; it is a sacred calling with sacred responsibility. Remember who you are, your role, and who those that come to you are.

If you are looking for a done for you system, CLICK HERE. Working with you is my privledge. I look forward to it.

Guide them and get them to think for themselves.