Oh Mcdonald Had A Farm

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. I have spent way to much time In Pennsylvania. I have seen cows close up. Seen the Amish horse and buggy. Gone to a pumpkin patch. Been following the river and seen a statue of liberty in the middle of the river in Harrisburg Pa. Had the fun of picking soybeans. So what is today’s adventure you ask? Everything a farmers does is till the ground, plant seeds, water, harvest. From grass to hay to feed their animals. Corn to feed pigs. Soybeans for human consumption. The list goes on. Apple trees, pecan trees, orange trees, Christmas trees. It all takes time and effort, to produce a payable harvest.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/farms/

Calf, Cow, Maverick, Farm Animal, Farm

I started to look at my business. When I join CLB Learning, that is tilling up the ground. Joined the coop with Rob Gehring at Traffic Leads 2 Income VM, planting seeds. Contacting prospects Through The Conversion Pros is watering. When I build the relationships with people and they upgrade is the harvest. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, when you deal with others, it can be frustrating, like heavy rain for days, other times bright sunshine. I enjoy the fruits of my mentors. What they pass along is priceless in my book. 21 plus years experience, that I don’t have to learn over that time period. I get it all now to apply. Till, plant, water, harvest.

Cereal, Countryside, Crop, Cropland

As a beginning mentor, leader, coach, I can and will help people to follow their dreams. Some times they don’t have all the answers. I point them in the right direction, through what I’m being taught. I invite you to take the journey of LIFE with us. Become the person you were created to be. It will be a blast. We can sing, dance, cry , laugh and encourage one another to press on toward the GOAL.

Reader, YOUR time is NOW. The clock is ticking away. Don’t waste any more time trying to figure it out on your own. We have the SYSTEM already in place, all you do is follow the steps.

God Wants To Pour Out A Blessing
Your Barns Can’t Handle.

One of my planting tools is CTP. I use a wide variety of tools.

Different tools for different jobs.


Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. From the song by the Beach Boys: Good Vibrations. Today’s adventure is: I’m glad I was in the harmonious vibration mode today. I woke up to my cell phone going back to factory mode without any help from me. All my downloadable apps were gone. This included my trucker’s app for my logbook. Good thing I had my tablet with this app so I could drive until I could reload the app to the phone. I had to cancel an order for vitamins that I didn’t order. I was at PEACE today, which is really not me. I still tend to freak. Progress, plain and simple. Being around good vibration people and my daily readings have given me a new perspective.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/happy%20people/


photography of human face

Why do some men succeed in life while others fail? Why do some couples and individuals live in harmony while others live in constant conflict? Why do some groups get along with other groups in a spirit of mutual help, while others hammer and frustrate each other?

Become a philosopher to study (harmonious vibrations) because it pays in a practical sense. Faced with a problem, or desirous of improving some situation or influencing some other person for the mutual benefit- pause and remember you are a practical philosopher. Thus you focus your mind upon the basic reasons which always have worked and always will, and immediately you are well guided. Darla Keys in her blog: stated that a daily mind check is needed. We need to check the attitude at the door, whether positive, enter in, or negative, stay out until you change.

Romantic Sax ~ Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves - YouTube

In Scott Reece’s book,31 Days of Victory, Today’s story was about Joseph. He was sold into slavery., but he didn’t think like a slave. Positive attitude. All that he did, God blessed not only Joseph but those around him. Joseph released his anointing into the lives of others. He turned his tests into his testimony. He never stopped operating in his gift. He refused to hold a grudge. What others mean for harm, God will use for good.

My mentor and friend Janet Legere, tells how she has practiced positive words of affirmations. She truly walks inharmonious vibrations most of the time. In her book ” Get Stuck on Happy” she says take a walk, have things you see daily that make you smile. Take a bubble bath with candles, soft music, a glass of wine if you drink. Put your head in a good place. REPEAT AFTER ME: IT TAKES DAILY PRACTICE TO REFLECT ON THE POSITIVE. STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.

Smile, Laugh, Luck, Happy, Joy, Smiling

I have a free gift for you. Come by CLB Learning. Free 3 step quick guide to building your business. Yesterday, Janet announced a new program from her friend Jared Meyers: Genesis Lifestyle Network. This is a program you want to get a hold of. Another multi income stream is Traffic Leads 2 Income viral mailer. I love the crypto you can earn at CTP.

Handshake, Hands, Laptop, Monitor

This is me reach out to you, READER. Come join us NOW. It will be the best decision ever.

Be IN Harmony Always


Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure: Giving you my DREAM.

Mention: Chicken Soup for The SOUL by Penny Caldwell

pigeon lady in Central Park, New York City | ROB LANG ...

She sat on a bench, feeding the birds.

Just throwing crumbs, not saying a word.

I sat down with my beads and braids,

Proclaiming what a mess her generation had made.

I spoke of poverty and the war in ‘Nam.

What is the use of going on?

If you can dream do it. Success planning determination persistence dream dreams typography dreaming goals courage confidence education learning optimism positive

She replied softly:

” All my life, I have worked for change.

Today, I give you my dream.

You can make a difference, with the small things you do.

The future is entirely left to you.

If things go wrong and you feel down,

Open your eyes and look around.

Don’t look for someone to blame.

Search for an inspiration, to rise again.

Fantasy, Moon, Girl, Night, Bank, Light

The changes you make may not always be seen.

But perhaps you can give a child the chance to dream.

So get to work and maybe find

A small solution to help humankind.

All my life, I have worked for a change.

Today I give you my dream.

Boy, Radio, Retro, Vintage, Hat, Kids

Today I decided to take a walk.

I passed a teen loudly playing his boom box.

He turned his music down low.

And we chatted for a minute or so.

He spoke of the homeless, and the streets filled with crime.

Couldn’t my generation have found the time

To ease some of this discord

By feeding the hungry, and housing the poor?

Free Better Place Stock Photo - FreeImages.com

I replied softly:

All my life, I have worked for change.

Today, I give you my dream.

I hope you make our world a better place.

But you must work diligently; just keep the pace.

With the changes and the dreams of the generation to come.

But with a little luck, a small battle may be won.

Someday, we will merge. and in time you will be

The older generation looking back to see.

How have you answered all the questions you ask.

Fixing tomorrow is now your task.

All my life, I have worked for change.

Today, I give you my dream.

Silhouette Photo of Man Standing Near the Edge of Concrete Pavement

What dream do you have to give away? Will you make a difference in the next generations life? Tell me YOUR DREAM, READER

Are we ready to teach? Guide? Mentor? Are we really ready to help the next generation see and take hold of this LIFE? Jon Olson from CTP, shared with us his young son wanting to become an ENTREPRENEUR. He has designed his own logo for a clothing line. What they see is what they copy.

Making changes has been a priority for me over the last 6 months. I had never before operated a business with any degree of success. I didn’t know what blogging was all about. Scared of the phone, yep that’s me, I’m not talking to people about a life-changing business I have. Never in a million years.

Today I not only talk to people but, help them solve some of their financial problems. I still have a long way to go. I have a great mentor who cares about our success.

Learning to make lead capture pages, thank you pages. I’m learning to make videos for my blog, lead capture, and thank you pages. My mentor put together a quick step guide that you can download, I only have to advertise. CLB LEARNING has everything a person needs to operate a great business. We have a YouTube channel that has all our replays for all our teachings. Our telegraph room is aspecial mentoring and support group for our CLB members ONLY. , where you can ask as many questions as you want and get personal training. Weekly live training on Thursday noon EST. We have upgraded membership bonuses. Don’t forget to join our Facebook page.

We all need tools to help us generate income. One of my tools is TL2Ivm, by ROB GEHRING. He has several programs you should check out. Very PROFITABLE.

Dream So Big It Consumes You


Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is True Inner Peace. This is for all men and women everywhere. Today I become a mentor, leader, brother, and friend. How comfortable are you in your SKIN? What do you think about most? We all have good days and bad, and it’s our thoughts that keep us in a peaceful state or fly off in a rage. If we go negative, we must bring ourselves back to the positive side as fast as possible. Head knowledge can be taught. Only heart knowledge, however, worked into our spirit as we EXPERIENCE a truth, can we impart.

Silhouette, Head, Bookshelf, Knowledge

Repeat after me READER: Today I choose to be happy. Today is going to be a great day. I choose to live in the here and now. I’m an overcomer. I will win. I will be whatever I choose to set my mind to, for the UNIVERSE is at my command. My vibrations line up with my thinking in life, business, and, relationships. Today I will be so POSITIVE, That negative people will not want to be around ME. I AM SOMEBODY. I AM SOMEBODY I AM SOMEBODY.

READER I believe in you. I encourage you to live life to the fullest. Don’t settle for barely getting by. REPEAT OUT LOUD: I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH, THAT I CAN SHARE WITH OTHERS.


Identity, Self, Authentic

Peace means freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Janet Legere’s Thursday teaching was about how to speak to oneself. Lifting up words to encourage ourselves. Getting help through motivational videos, motivational books, and motivational people. Janet’s book “ Get Stuck On Happy” is a great place to start. I have several books I read daily-one chapter each book per day. 31 days of peace, 31 days of victory by Pastor Scott Reece. I’m halfway through Stu Weber’s book-Four Pillars of a man’s heart.

Applications Open for African Youth Ambassadors for Peace

The Greek word “ZOE” means absolute fullness of life, the blessing of life, and a vigorous and active life that is only found in relationships. Janet has a chapter in her book” Get Stuck On Happy”, Express A Little Love. As you move through your day, stop, and make contact. A simple touch means so much. A wife’s touch to her husband, husband putting his arms around his wife. Parent to a child. In my case, it’s a brotherly hug for my sissy-boo, Barbra. She is eighteen months my senior. We have been close for most of our lives.

Bokeh, People, Couple, Kiss, Man, Woman

Tell someone they MATTER to you. Feeling valued is important for personal growth and leads to happiness. Just think, you might be the only person to give them positive energy for the day. A kind ‘THANK YOU”, Have a great day. Great job, I appreciate it so much. READER, You matter to me and I’m glad I get the opportunity to share with you.

Baby, Kid, Cute, Happy, Girl, Little

Do you have things in your house that makes you smile? You should have something in every room of your house to keep you in a peaceful, smiling state. Pictures, drawings, stuffed animals, gifts from family and friends. My wife loves frogs. For her, it stands for: Fully Rely On GOD. For me, it’s collecting knives. I have over 150 knives.

Frogs, Many, Frog Assembly, Cute

You have a choice every day. Be happy or sad. There are enough sad people in the world already, so don’t be one. CHOOSE LIFE. My life’s choice is CLB Learning.

I have several resources that I use daily, to help me on my journey called life. TL2Ivm and CTP.


I have a special friend Tammy House. This amazing woman has a love for people that is a wonder to watch. Visit her website here

Urgent Message When FLASHING

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure: What do you do when you see, URGENT MESSAGE WHEN FLASHING? To be honest, being on the road as long as I have, I ignore them. I get: tune to whatever station for updated news, NOPE, not me.


Now, Concept, Reminder, Motivation, Time

What do you do when you get this in business? I am learning to pay attention . My leaders have been around the block, a time or two. If something breaks, like a car, appliance, house, we get it fixed right away. We are on the phone to see who can fix it. Why then do people take a nonchalant attitude toward their business? They say,” I’m not making money, can’t get leads, nobody answers my social media”. I’m learning from some of the best-Janet and Don Legere, Rob Gehring, Jon Olson, Blain Jones, Marty Petrizza, Jerry Iannucci, and the list goes on. All of these people get results. They help thousands of people make money online.

Runner, Obstacle, Run, Sport, Jump

That’s why I listen and follow what they say. Today you have a chance to invest in yourself. LEADERS ARE READERS. They have learned from trial and era. Today we have their knowledge of what not to do, with all the things that do work. YOUR URGENT MESSAGE IS FLASHING. What are you going to do about it? I saw my flashing message 6 months ago, This is what I did to solve my problem. This could also be your life changer.

You must take action. Make those phone calls. Buy coop share advertising. Create an ebook and give it away. Follow up with your contacts and teammates daily. Ask your leaders what works for them and follow the LEADER. Blain Jones said,” The more people succeed, the better it is for the community as a whole.

Team, Grass, Cheer, Field, Game, Sport

Rob Gehring has a calendar, you can sign up and get his expertise. You can contact Janet through the telegraph. Always willing with knowledge and a helping hand. Most leaders are eager to help. It’s what drives them. To see people succeed. This is as simple as it gets. I BELIEVE IN YOU READER. YOU GOT THIS. Turn off the TV, put down the phone, find a quiet place ( mine is my truck), turn on that computer, and go to work. If you get stuck, ASK, we are here to help.

When Life Gives You LEMONS, Make Lemonade and Sell It

Freedom From “Oughts” and “Shoulds”

Hello and welcome to Happy Sunday. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Our adventure today is , ” what keeps you from life in the moment”? With me it’s pressure- things I have to do, deadlines, duties, tasks. That’s why down time is so precious to me. Living in the moment is a lot easier when I not thinking about how I’m going to finish X,Y, Z. The tyranny of the oughts and shoulds can rob you of real joy.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/planning/

I truly think it’s possible to strip ourselves of the oughts and shoulds, It just takes deliberate effort. Sometimes I’ll say, Okay Michael, sit down and think about everything that’s hanging over your head and then prioritize it in the order in which it REALLY needs to get done.There’s something about having order in my head that makes the oughts and shoulds scream a little less loudly.

The second thing I do is to take the past and project it into the present. I remind myself,” It has worked in the past. Think about those times when you were just up against the wall and somehow you made it work. Don’t think about those times when it didn’t work. Think about those times it did work and ask, Is there any reason why that shouldn’t happen again? This is what I do over and over again, DAILY.

Business, Plan, Tree, Growth, Grow

Yes, I really do a lot of self-talk. I call it going to my truck office. I have a two way conversation with me and myself. Luckily, being in my truck sitting up high, no one notices. Question DEAR READER, Are you held captive by your own oughts and shoulds? Food for thought, READER, maybe you should have your own two way conversation with you and yourself. Just saying!!! For me, I put the results before the LORD and ask for His wisdom and guidance in clarifying what’s truly important.

Tea Cup, Vintage Tea Cup, Tea, Cup

CHERISH THE MOMENT, I think the simple joys should be the little things, a cup of tea, not a bag and hot water, but, brewed loose- leaf tea, steeped for just the right amount of time. My daughter is the QUEEN of loose leaf tea. She has sat me down many a night, and said, ” let me fix you a special blend I think you will like. I love it. She has about 30-49 loose leaf teas on hand at any given time.

A good conversation with a person you hold dear. The time goes by so smoothly, you don’t even realize it has been 5 hours of talking. You just blend into one another. Sharing Ideas and thoughts. I love Talking To Rob. His wisdom in business is always right for me, See why. He shares with me what works and what doesn’t.

Mediterranean Cuisine, Eat, Food

One of my simple joys is food. I love to cook. Looking up new recipes and trying them out. My favorite is my marinara sauce. It takes 2 full days to prepare. Everything fresh and cooked slowly. Here at the Lipsey house, we like the sauce thick. From the pot, I can place a wooden spoon and it will stand up no matter how you lean it. Then the fun comes in on deciding, will it be eggplant parmesan, spaghetti, and meatballs, vegetable lasagna, or a host of other delicacies. When it is all said and done” DON’T TRADE TODAY FOR TOMORROW”.


Come See Why Click Track Profit Rocks

Come Visit Tammy House, HERE

Break Free Little Birdie!!!

Spread your wings and fly little birdie. Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Trying new things this week has been challenging, exciting, scary-not so bad really, heart racing, a little frustrating, brain-teasing, and downright joyful once it was done. I have made several videos for my thank you page. Tried my hand at canva, with a new lead capture page. Made my way over the CTP-lbry and posted an article, with video posting next. Worked on ebook at The Conversion pros, which I will launch this coming week..

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/boss/

Boss, Executive, Businesswoman

Trying different things to expand my business, is what keeps me going. I know I’m helping others, by long-distance coaching and encouraging through my blog posts, growing from being mentored and loved all around. I’m calling out to those who are looking for a business, you can work from home. There so so many benefits. Being your own boss-If you don’t make money, no one to blame but yourself. Making money and only you to thank. Setting your hours to work. No more commuting. Taxes, having the satisfaction of helping thousands succeed. Our system will walk you through the setup, step by step. So what are you waiting for- Here is your personal invitation to join Us.

Business Idea, Planning, Business Plan

Janet Legere is one of my MENTORS. Janet and her husband Don work closely with each member, who reaches out to them. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. We all need others daily in what we do, life, business, job.

Discover What True Freedom Means With24 Hour Access To Janet Legere’s CLB
System & Team. Your Results Are Guaranteed When You Follow Our Proven System. We also have a private Telegraph room, where all your questions will be answered. This may be your business, Please remember you are not alone. We want you to succeed. We are willing to help anyway and every step of the way.

I really look forward to working with you. Building a team takes work, but the rewards are astronomical. Use OUR system and see for yourself.

Bulletin Board, Stickies, Post-It, List

I also use traffic leads 2 income viral mailer to get leads and commissions. Rob Gehring is one of my MENTORS. I listen, because of his 21 years experience of online marketing.

You Are Created To Do Great Things.

Do you love FOOD? Enjoy making it, then eating it. Come Visit The Pampered Chef


Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today’s adventure is: Investing in your start up business. READER: you have to have money to start any business. I keeping contacting people, who want to make money online, but have ZERO start up money, no budget, no computer, and NO IDEA that it takes these thing to run a business. I just want the money,” they say”.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/sell/

Souk, Discount, Bazaar, Alley

You can start small as I did. I went out and cut grass, pruned bushes, pressure washed houses to make enough money to get started. I didn’t have enough for money for advertising one month so back out I went, cutting down trees and pressure washing houses. I have sold candy, comic books, walked dogs for the elderly. There is NO EXCUSE for not having money to invest in YOUR BUSINESS READER. My initial investment was a couple of hundred of dollars. My budget is small for now, around a hundred a month. If I need more, Yep, you guessed it, I will go back out to make money and invest into my LONG TERM business.

Here is a list for making money: cut grass, walk a dog for the elderly, house sit, baby sit, dog sit, sell stuff you don’t use any more, wash windows, haul away junk for people. I think you get it READER. If you want it bad enough, YOU WILL FIND A WAY.

All these men have a skill. What are you good at?

Craftsmen, Site, Workers, Force, Figures

You can go to pinterest, search for any thing to make money, from taking surveys to writing blogs. You really can make money doing anything of value for someone else. So put on your thinking cap, If you need money, YOU MUST MAKE IT HAPPEN. GO GO GO.

Here is a side note: Write out your plan. How long will it take you to earn money to invest in your business? How much money do you need to invest? How much money( budget per month) for your business do you need? What extra advertising money might you need? How much time per day, are you willing to put into your business? You have to follow up with people. Keep planning out your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Make your goals attainable. With each small success, you WILL reach for bigger successes. Get a coach or mentor. They will guide you, teach you, (yes you must listen and then take action).

Software Development, Guest Post

Keep pressing forward. Every business takes time and effort. Only a hand full of people have made it happen in a short period of time, so be consistent, patient.

Here is my additional business income.


Try Out Click Track Profit

Hello Foodies check out these specials, click here


Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. My adventure today, was my eye-opener yesterday. I have been blogging for close to 6 months. I have been building my list and building my business online. I have had a variety of topics. I was in the mindset of putting out what I called valuable content to the readers.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/stop%20sign/

Stop, Containing, Street Sign, Security

I was stopped in my tracks by Blain Jones/ co-owner of click track profit. It was one of the best series of questions anyone has asked me. I was writing a post about mastering the basics. Here was the conversation: Blain: Michael you make good posts, but I’d be interested to read how you apply and do what you blog about. How are you mastering the basics, how are you creating cash flow first? What speed bumps or hiccups have you run into?

When you talk about yourself in a post, it makes you more personable and people can picture actually talking to you and relating to you, Verse these things you need to do. Don’t always focus on your successes, people would be interesed to learn about your struggles as well. I think the overall goal is to be relateable to your readers.

It was at this point that the true reality set in. Where is my business now, Sep.21,2020, after 6 months? Was I doing the basics? I had to be honest and say, “I’m still trying to master the basics and I have zero cash flow”. He encouraged me to talk about my struggles. Being a Full-Time Trucker, I drive 2300 miles per week. I have to fit time in to make calls, advertise, create capture pages, and run a full-time business in 2 hours per day. Weekends are better, I’m at home. My family understands what I’m trying to create, so I can quit driving while earning a living online to cover all my expenses and have a lasting dynasty. My challenge is getting people to respond to phone calls, texts, and emails. At this point, It’s a numbers game, so keep adding people daily. I’m still learning about tracking my ads, seeing the email open rates. My list is still small but growing daily. I know it takes time, I’ll keep at it.

Bulldozer, Crawler, Earth-Moving

At this point READER, Building an online business is hard work at first. You have so much to learn, it can be overwhelming. You must be consistent daily. Making those lists to follow, I do and do-follow them and so should you. Start at YOUR starting point, where you are now. Then build on it each day.

Girl, Time, Time Pressure, Worried
Your Time Is Valuable, Use It WISELY.

He further encouraged me: You’re blogging more consistently than most people, which is a great thing. Keep up the writing, it gets easier every time. The more people who take action and actually do things, the better for the community as a whole. Success attracts success. Plain and simple. Honestly, I’m trying to help more people see success!

We all have days where, the effort we put into everything in life, seems to go without a hitch. Other days, Carrying the ball and chain. Struggling all the way. It’s times like this, I’m glad I have a small group of people, who are getting to know me, tell me the truth, give me more directions, a pat on the head, and say” Suck It Up Buttercup”. YOU GOT THIS.


Another Business I follow and build, click here.

Come visit Tammy House- Pamper Chef Consultant

Master Of Your Universe

Hello Everyone. This is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Speeding through the Universe on today’s adventure. How to master the basics of any business, project, or planning event. I want to encourage you to enjoy the preparation and practice needed to succeed at mastering the basics.

Mention: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/223288

Know where you want to go and why you want to get there. So ask yourself early and often where you want to go with your business–and more importantly, why? Establish specific business goals and break them down into plans, actions, and tasks. Surprise yourself with what you can accomplish by “Slicing” down big and seemingly unattainable projects into tasks you can work on every day. My daily tasks start here with my business, click here

Man and Woman Smiling Inside Building

Mention: https://www.pexels.com/search/small%20business/

Every business, of course, needs customers, and until you get them, you don’t really have a business. That means you need to learn as much as possible about selling and getting repeat business after your first sale. Your first goal should be to generate as much cash flow as quickly as possible. People buy what they want, so sell what people want. This takes research. Take it seriously, it’s your lively hood. Profitable new niches are typically found by drilling down into such already successful categories. My second niche, click here.

Mastering the basics in network marketing of prospecting, inviting, presenting, closing, training, and promoting for events should be a major focus for you. If you don’t master these basics you won’t make it very far in your business. When you learn to invite properly you will be far more confident to approach anyone about your business. If you find the needs of the people and find some pain in their lives that your business or products can solve it is very simple to transition to showing your business if you know how to invite properly. When you master the basics you are able to have confidence in any situation and your sign up ratio will increase significantly. 

Photograph of Men Having Conversation Seating on Chair

Create cash flow first, then profits. You first need to establish consistent cash flow. Now, just decide to do it. All your visions, dreams, goals, plans, and projections are only as good as the action and effort you put into them. Realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful 10k a month income. Yes, some will make the jump faster, but it’s your business. Take the time to build it right.

Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 5s

Video marketing is growing fast and it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a presence on YouTube. Learn what it takes to create and edit videos for YouTube, and how to grow your YouTube channel from scratch. Some great teaching , click here. Facebook is one of the largest advertising marketplaces in the world. There’s a ton of opportunity to reach new customers on the social media giant, be consistent daily if possible. Branding- More than a Logo. Getting Your Business Online-A Website. Whatever you decide to do, Do it with gusto. You have one life to live so live it free, happy and MAKING MONEY.

Learn To Master Your UNIVERSE

Best overall cooking utensils, from cooking stones to Air fryers, click here