Greetings and Salutation from Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today I am looking at an exercise program that has helped many men and women. Let’s do this together and get fit and trim.
Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans Program. This is just plain fun. Two plans were created by Dr. Bill Orban in the late 1950’s for the Royal Canadian Air Force . The 5BX plan (Five Basic Exercises) was developed for men; a corresponding program was developed for women under the name XBX (Ten Basic Exercises) and the two plans were subsequently published together as one book, which was republished in 2016.
5BX Plan: Stretching-sit-up- back extension-push-up- running in place. A walk or run may be substituted for the final exercise; the distances to be covered and the time to be taken are also specified in the plan.
For a boost on your health along with the exercise, Click Here.
The first four exercises are primarily for flexibility; exercises 5-9 are primarily to improve muscle strength; and exercise 10 is to develop aerobic capacity:
Toe touching, Knee raising, Lateral bending, Arm circling, Chest and leg raising, Side leg raising, Push-ups, Leg lifting, Running and jumping in place.
The idea is that you perform these exercises for only 11 minutes a day to achieve a reasonably high level of fitness. There are targets/chart levels to aim for, (based upon age) and once you have reached your personal target, you only have to perform the exercises 3 times a week to maintain your level of fitness.
Here is the complete list of age based targets.
Age Group | Chart | Level |
6 | 1 | B |
7 | 1 | A |
8 | 2 | D- |
9 | 2 | C- |
10 | 2 | B- |
11 | 2 | A- |
12 | 3 | D+ |
13 | 3 | C+ |
14 | 3 | B+ |
15 | 4 | D- |
16-17 | 4 | C+ |
18-25 | 5 | C |
25-29 | 4 | A+ |
30-34 | 4 | C+ |
35-39 | 3 | B |
40-44 | 3 | C |
45-49 | 2 | A+ |
50-60 | 2 | C+ |
Champion Athletes | 6 | Any Level |
How To Begin:
Check your daily schedule and determine the time most convenient for you to do the exercises. It should be the same time each day.
Here are some suggested times:
before breakfast;
late morning or afternoon, at your place of employment;
after your regular recreational period;
in the evening just before you retire.
Regardless of the time you choose START TODAY
Maximum Rate of Progression through the Charts According to Age
20 years or under, at least 1 day at each level
20-29 years, at least 2 days at each level
30-39 years, at least 4 days at each level
40-49 years, at least 7 days at each level
50-59 years, at least 8 days at each level
60 years and over, at least 10 days at each level
If you feel stiff or sore, or if you are unduly breathless at any time, ease up and slow down your rate or progression. This is particularly applicable to the older age groups.
Click here for more charts, Then Click here, Then Click here, Click here, Click here, Click here.
Take your time, you aren’t in a race with anyone but yourself.