Hello Everyone Michael The Traveling Trucker. I was thinking about my business all day today. What is my conviction?

I believe through my leading and teaching others, they can create a strong second income. I was taught to Follow the system, Follow up in the system, Lead in the system, teach the system, invest in the system.


Security, Secure, Locked, Technology

TIME TO UNLOCK THE SYSTEM: GLN-Genesis Lifestyle Network.

Being part of the system is what matters. if there were no system, we would not be here. I know that sounds dumb, but is it? At the end of the day, we want to make money, RIGHT?

I believe with all my HEART that this #1 Done for you system is working and will continue to work for those willing to put forth the effort. COME JOIN ME NOW. It will be YOUR life changer for 2021.

I have seen too many people compromise their business and life by what looks like a shortcut.

The road to compromise may seem shorter, and not as difficult to navigate, but it actually takes you places that you never intended to journey.

While compromise seems promising, it will normally end up costing you more and demanding more of you than you ever intended to give.


Pants, Jeans, List, Paper, Font, Blogg

I love being a BLOGGER. I get to express myself, being creative and thought-provoking makes my day. I share my life, brand, and business all day long.

I trust the integrity of OWNER Jared Meyers and the system he created. People can come and create an income for generations.

It’s all about your LIST. People who join you, work with you, laugh with you, love with you, cry with you. This is truly a family.

System, Web, News, Personal, Figures

QUESTION? ARE YOU READY TO GET STARTED? Contact me back, phone, text, messenger, whatever it takes. Let’s roll up our sleeves together and Gitter Dun.

Leave the past behind, Work In The Present, Dream About The Future


Hello Everyone, Michael The Snow Bound Traveling Trucker. Being in the upper northeast states has given me some beautiful pictures. I just don’t like the brine they put on the roads. It gets on everything and it’s nasty to get off. Got off track, sorry. Where was I?



I have gotten this question from a number of people wanting to start their own Marketing business.

First- Is this really something you are going to be committed to for the long haul?

Second- Do you have MONEY to invest in yourself? Business takes MONEY. Then do you have a budget for investing monthly into yourself?

Target Group, Advertising, Buyer

You will spend time building your list, without people, NO BUSINESS.

Every Guru will tell you, you can make millions instantly. Just send us your money and we’ll do it for you. Laughs out LOUD, sorry.

Picking a business to follow should not be hard. Look for the people who have been around for awhile. Look at their program earnestly and determine if you can duplicate it.

Education, Hand, Write, Skills, Can

Here I recommend you look at my resource Page at the TOP OF MY BLOG.

You start with a great funnel. This is your complete set up.

Lead Capture Page, Thank You Page which tells your lead what the business is about and how they can join with you. Let your people know to check their emails (all of them) for the WELCOME email which will be sent.

Tip Of The Day: Many will fill out the form-lead capture page and not remember they did it. Many people surf the internet for hours clicking every page they can, filling out form after form.

You will have to follow up with phone calls if they leave number, text them, and email them. You will know who is interested and who is NOT. People want free.

That’s ok because we can start them off this way, and they can still make money. Let them know the real value of being an UPGRADED MEMBER.

Advertising you business daily is KEY. The more people who see YOU ( YOUR BRAND) the better. There are so many ways to advertise. Viral mailers, solo ads-Udimi, co-op shares, social media…..

Trust me when I say, Building a steady stream of income will take TIME. Please don’t QUIT just because you don’t see instant success. Build strong and steady.


The best of the best have put 2-5 years building a steady multi stream income into place. There are always exception to the rules who blow it out of the water right away.



Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker.


God brought to mind, Am I faithful and Trustworthy? In many areas of my life, it is a resounding YES. Other areas are a work in progress and still, other areas are sad but true, NO.

God is central in my life. Marriage is a STRONG YES, raising children, work in progress. They are your children no matter how old they get.

Been steady paying bills off, saving a little and being able to buy things we need.

For the last year, I can say yes to building my business. It is also a strong work in progress. I try to add value each day somewhere.

I’m having to prioritize my mailings, as being a trucker, I only have small amounts of time, which I am engaged in income-producing activities- Phone calls, texts, and emails, sending broadcasts, promoting our weekly training. Follow up. Advertising.

Pointing people to where we are and how to get to where we are.

When people meet you face to face or online, what do they say about YOU? How do you present your brand, your heart, your wisdom, your mentorship, your coaching?

As a finite people we all have a football field opening for improvement.

I ask people, how can I help you today? I wait to see what adventure awaits for the taking.

We have the greatest system to share, the best leaders to work with, and the most love any group can share.

I know for a fact our LEADERS are Faithful and Trustworthy. They are here, day after day helping others, building their lists, branding themselves, weekly training videos. Sharing the life-giving opportunity.

Today I choose to be one of the Faithful and Trustworthy. I choose to be here day after day, teach what I have learned, mentor those who come behind me.

So now, take your look into the mirror. What does it reflect?

Be The Man Or Women You Are Destined To Be


Up in the snow of Ohio, Hello Everyone. Michael The Traveling Trucker.


We have all been teased at one time or another. Some teasing is hurtful, while other times it is funny, and others times you are trying to get peoples attention.

What do you do to tease your leads or prospects? What phrases do you use? What incentives are you using to get them to respond?

There is a list of teasers from Headlines, offers, ebooks….

One of my favorites: Have You Been Paid Yet? For a limited time only, Hurry before we take it down, Are struggling to get leads, Would You Make This Deal?

Enter your name and email to receive this FREE report.

Be as creative as possible to achieve your desired results. I found out being as obscure as possible giving a weird Headline is awesome.

Have you seen my purple stripped Elephant sunbathing? People really do respond to this.

I’ll make this as simple as possible… 

Would you give me one weekend of work…
For a lifetime of high-quality traffic?

Look at all the emails you receive and you can create some great winners yourself.

Discover how you can start making extra
money online in no time at all. If your
tired of the scams and other junk online
then you need to see this.

Take the FREE Tour and lock in your position.

Is all about  Real online profits and Success.

If you haven’t seen this system…Then

YOU are in for a treat. Act NOW. Click Here.

Teasing is very much allowed. Everyone uses it from make up, driving a certain car, living in a specific area, what you eat, what you drink. People everywhere are trying to get your attention and we are trying to get theirs.

We are the problem solvers. We have the solutions and the word needs to get out.

Real Life In the Drivers Seat

DOES Your Compensation Measure Up?

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today I got to see the new compensation plan at one of the businesses I promote. I’M SO EXCITED.

Click Here To See More.


This is going to be a GAME CHANGER. You will make money on every level. How KOOL IS THAT? From Free To VIP.

You will still earn on upgrades of members under you.

free – 10% commissions: Beginner $5 commissions: Pro $10 commissions: Advanced$30 commission: Elite$60 commissions: VIP $120 commissions

beginner – 30% commission: $15 commission: $30 commission: $90 commission: $180 commission: $360 commission

pro – 40% commission : $20 commission: $40 commission: $120 commission: $180 commission: $480 commission

advanced – 50% commission: $25 commission: $50 commission: $150 commission: $300 commission: $600 commission

elite – 60% commission: $30 commission: $60 commission: $180 commission: $360 commission: $720 commission

VIP – 100%b: $50 commission: $100 commission: $300 commission: $600 commission: $1200 commission

Indemnity plan word cloud. Concept on grey background stock images

They will also be adding in bonus money at the end of each month for the top 3 referrers! This is challenge time. Are You Up For It? Will You Be One Of The Top 3?

Giving our members the ability to earn on their first sale to infinity and pay out a whopping 100% commissions on all of our core products.

We want to reward our members and we truly believe our compensation plan can benefit any person with any experience level.

With our free package, you still have the ability to earn a residual commission by referring others to our recommended tool suite that will help you build your business.

You will be able to earn in a variety of ways using Multi Stream Income System ranging from our online internet marketing university all the way to building multiple opportunities that can create a lifestyle that you have only dreamed about!

CREAT Your Free Account NOW and upgrade on the inside and position yourself for life changing $1,200 paydays!


What Does Your Village Look Like?

Park you vehicle behind my rig, The one that Say’s Michael The Traveling Trucker. We will walk into the village together and see what we see.


Village, Lake, Mountain, Reflection

Think about this” It takes a whole village to raise a child”. That’s the way it used to be. We see this slipping away more and more.

Food for thought- There is the village idiot, village gossip, village drunk, and the village prostitute. Are these the type of influences we really want when it comes to raising our children?

There are the village shop keepers-butcher, baker and candle stick maker. Village elders, village mayor and hopefully the village spiritual leader, who is a man of Jehovah God.

When we look closely at these people, we can learn a lot when we ask questions.

If you want to run a business, whom do you ask? If you want to know more about God, whom do you ask?

If you want to run the daily activities of a village, whom do you ask?

Panorama, Village, Landscape

NOW FOR THE FUN PART.” It’s Your Village, How Do You See It? What leaders do you converse with? Who are your advisors and mentors? How do you handle the negative side of things going on in your village? ( idiot, gossip, prostitute, drunk).

I am building my village on firm foundational principles. Listening to leaders who have already built their villages. Don’t try to change things, just because they sound good. Mentors teach you because they know you have what it takes to run your village properly and successfully.

Show up daily. Put in the work. Show your villagers, they can trust you. Work with those that want to build up your village. You must put finance into your village.

Castle, Lake, Sailboat, Roofing

Advertise your village. Show the world, why your village is worth their time and effort to join you.

What offers are you sharing with your villagers? What value do you bring to your villagers? People really love being a part of a thriving village. There is safety, financial gains, laughing, loving, sharing life.

Do you need help building your village? Being a trucker, I can load my truck with the materials you need, to build a strong, vibrant, and prosperous village.


Together, hand in hand, we will build a village that the world will stand in awe of. View my resource page for a glimpse of building materials.